Peace and Conflict - Topics The United Nations Why wars occur Just War Theory Christian and Jewish attitudes to war Religious organisations and world peace Christian and Jewish attitudes to bullying Religious conflict within families Christian and Jewish attitudes on forgiveness and reconciliation
How the UN Works Formed - 1945 (end of WW2) Aims– 1. Promote world peace 2. Encourage economic, social, educational and cultural progress. All countries can apply to be members General Assembly – all members meet once a year to debate issues and supervise the UN’s work. Security Council – 5 permanent members (USA, Russia, China, France and UK) and 10 non-permanent members elected by General Assembly every 2 years Security Council can: Impose sanctions on countries who threaten world peace Authorise member states to use force Sending in a UN Peacekeeping force International Criminal Court – ensures international laws are upheld and prosecutes those committing war crimes
Causes of War - Nationalism, Political Differences, Ethnicity and money Religion One country feels that another is treating followers of their religion badly and so fights to protect them. The majority of 1 area is 1 religion but the country is another religion. One religious group attacks another for having different beliefs. T Nationalism and Ethnicity The belief that each separate ethnic group should have its own country Minority ethnic groups fight civil wars to establish independent states Economics Economic problems in one country can lead to conflict in another country – migration of refugees looking for food and work. Oil Political Differences Korea – 1949 – Communist North Korea invaded South Korea aiming to unite the country under communism Libya – 2011 – Rebels trying to overthrow the Dictator and secure democracy
The Just War Theory Means a fair war, sticking to rules even during war time - used by many religions – stating criteria that make it acceptable to go to war Justified cause (eg. Self defence, removing injustice) Authority of the UN Intention of restoring peace Last resort – all non-violent methods tried and failed Reasonable chance of success Discriminate - avoid killing civilians Actions proportionate to the cause There are 2 main attitudes to war amongst Christians – Pacifism or Just War
Christian Attitudes to War Pacifism – Refusing to fight Agree with Just Wars “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God”. Sermon on the Mount “…do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also” “Love your enemies” Jesus - stopped Peter using violence when the soldiers came to arrest him Fifth commandment – “Thou shall not kill” First 300 years of Christianity – Christians refused to fight in wars Weapons of mass destruction – no modern war can be just. “If your enemies are hungry give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink” Teachings of all main Churches – Christians have the right to fight in just wars St Paul – Christians have to obey orders of the government- wars usually declared by governments Jesus – never condemned soldiers he met Army – needed to protect innocent countries from criminal ones. Old Testament – has many accounts of war in which God has been involved
Jewish Attitudes to War Pacifism Agree with Just Wars – majority view Perfect society – Messianic Age – thought of as a time of peace with no war “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.” “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it” Fifth Commandment – “thou shall not kill” Weapons of mass destruction – no modern war can be just. Talmud – wars must be fought if commanded by God, if Jews attacked by enemies, if pre- emptive strikes will stop an enemy from attacking, if helping a country that has been attacked Tenakh – many accounts of wars in which God has been involved Tenakh – shows how Israel was able to keep independence by defending when attacked Holocaust - may not have happened if there was a Jewish army
Religious Organisations and World Peace Some groups in all religions are anti-war and work for world peace E.g. Christian Peacemaker teams, Muslim Peace Fellowship, Jewish Peace Fellowship Work for world peace by: Organising public debates on horrors of war Support political parties opposed to war Make public statements about war Organise protests Organising and attending inter-faith conferences – working together to promote world peace Working for global recognition of human rights
Religious Attitudes to Bullying – both Christians and Jews believe that Bullying is Always Wrong Christian Attitudes to Bullying – Bullying is Always Wrong Jewish Attitudes to Bullying - Bullying is Always Wrong “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” – bullying is mistreating God’s creation. Parable of the Good Samaritan – it is the duty of Christians to protect the weak and innocent – bullying is the opposite of this Parable of the Sheep and Goats – Christians should treat those in trouble as if they were Jesus – no Christian would bully Jesus Human Rights – all Christian Churches support these and bullying denies people their human rights Harm to society – Christians should try to make society better. “Love thy neighbour”... Violence without just cause is sinful – bullying always involves violence (physical or verbal) Golden Rule – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” “Do not defraud your neighbour or rob him...Do not do anything that endangers your neighbour’s life” Rule of law and mutual respect – Judaism is based on this – bullies have no respect for those they bully Violence without just cause is sinful “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” – bullying is mistreating God’s creation. “Love thy neighbour”... Golden Rule – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Duty of Jewish people to protect the weak and innocent… Human Rights – Jewish people support these and bullying denies people their human rights
Religious Conflict Within Families Children no longer wanting to take part in their parents’ religion Religion usually tells parents its their duty to bring children up in the faith Parents will worry children will become immoral Parents will worry children won’t be in afterlife Children will feel freedom of religion is being taken away Children wanting to marry a partner from a different faith No religious wedding ceremony, Children – which religion?, After death – couple buried in different places? Children becoming more religious than their parents Child wants to be a religious minister – parents may have spent money on education, Child criticises parents’ lifestyle, Child tries to force parents to be more religious Disagreements over moral issues Catholic decides to divorce and re-marry, Couple lives together without marrying, Abortion , Contraception
Religious Attitudes to Forgiveness and Reconciliation – both Christians and Jews believe that forgiveness and Reconciliation are Important Christian Teachings on Forgiveness and Reconciliation – All Agree Jewish Teachings on Forgiveness and Reconciliation – All Agree Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation Jesus – if people don’t forgive those who have sinned against them, God will not forgive their sins St Paul – Christians should try and live in peace with everyone Christianity – based on the concept of forgiveness and reconciliation Sermon on the Mount - “Love your enemies” During the crucifixion – “Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” BUT: If quarrel about religious/moral issue and the person is going against Christian beliefs, there can be no reconciliation 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – Jews are expected to seek out anyone they have wronged and ask their forgiveness Judaism – teaches that God forgives those who turn to him in true repentance (sign of true repentance is to seek forgiveness for own sins and forgive others their sins) Tenakh – encourages people to forgive those who wrong them and try to bring reconciliation Rabbis – same as above Prayer Book – Jews should try to forgive those who have wronged them on their deathbed, before they ask God to forgive their sins BUT: Jews not expected to forgive those who don’t ask for forgiveness or the enemies of Judaism