Chapter 2: Letters to the Churches (Part I) Revelation Chapter 2: Letters to the Churches (Part I) :
From Last Time… John Greets the Reader John reminds us of Jesus Revelation of Jesus Christ Introduces the book (signify, time is near) John reminds us of Jesus Honor, power, authority Faithful, suffered for us Is coming in judgment The vision begins Seven lampstands (churches) and seven stars (angels)
Chapter 2 Overview Letter to Ephesus (2:1-2:7) Testing and enduring… But had abandoned their first love Letter to Smyrna (2:8-2:11) Tribulation, poverty, will suffer Letter to Pergamum (2:12-2:17) Faithful and steadfast Tolerated idols and false teaching Letter to Thyatira (2: 18-2:29) Increasing in good works, but tolerated Jezebel
The Seven Churches of Asia
Common Theme for the Letters Commendation Jesus commends them for their faithfulness Good works are mentioned Condemnation Jesus brings up His complaints with them Exhortation Jesus admonishes them to repent Jesus encourages them to endure Consolation Jesus reminds them of their blessings in Christ
The Letter to Ephesus (2:1-2:7) Context Built on a natural harbor (major trade routes) Wealthy, influential, diverse Temple to Artemis (Greek god of fertility) Paul encountered much opposition (Acts 19) Church influenced by Paul, Aquila, & Priscilla (Acts 18:19-26) Commendation (2:1-3, 6) Labor—good works and tiring work! Patient endurance/enduring patiently Refuted false teachers and apostles
The Letter to Ephesus (2:1-2:7) Condemnation (2:4-5) “Left your first love”-- What could this refer to? Remember, repent, and do the first works Exhortation (2:5) Similar to messages of minor prophets Consolation (2:7) Learn from this example! Blessings to those who conquer Eat of the tree of life eternal life Paradise of God Heaven What can we learn from the Ephesians?
The Letter to Smyrna (2:8-2:11) Context Center of emperor worship for several years Shrine to Tiberius Ground zero of the persecution of Domitian Large population of (hostile) Jews Commendation (2:9) Richness in poverty—how? Slandered by the local Jews Consolation (2:10-11) Upcoming tribulation/persecution
The Letter to Pergamum (2:12-2:17) Context Location of a large library rivaling Alexandria Temple to Zeus Temple to Asklepius (healing, snake symbol) Surpassed Smyrna for emperor worship Temple to Augustus References to OT “villains” (Balaam, Jezebel) Commendation (2:13) Faithfulness in the face of martyrdom Endurance in spite of their location
The Letter to Pergamum (2:12-2:17) Condemnation (2:14-15) Some held teachings of Balaam and Nicolaitans Idolatry, sexual immorality Implied—the church probably tolerated it, or at least hadn’t acted Exhortation (2:16) “I will come” judgment Consolation (2:17) White = purity New name = new status, new relationship
The Letter to Thyatira (2:18-2:29) Context Garrison town—military presence Full of trade guilds (textiles, dye) (Lydia, Acts 16) Smallest of the cities Commendation (2:19, 24) Well-rounded in faith Latter works exceeding first—growing in works Condemnation (2:20-23) Tolerating Jezebel, a false prophetess Sexual immorality, food sacrificed to idols
The Letter to Thyatira (2:18-2:29) Exhoration (2:24-25) No other commands for those who did not tolerate Jezebel Hold fast—continue to endure and continue to progress Consolation (2:26-29) Rod of iron = staff of shepherd? Morning star = Jesus (Rev. 22:16) How can we apply the lessons learned from Thyatira?
Summary Ephesus—the Lost Love Smyrna—the Suffering Church Don’t forget where you came from! Smyrna—the Suffering Church Endure persecution to the end Pergamum—the Compromising Church Don’t compromise the teachings of Christ for anyone! Thyatira—the Tolerant Church Beware what you allow into the church, and deal with false teachings when they arise