Eastlake High School Class of 2021 Welcome Parents Eastlake High School Class of 2021
Agenda Introductions Personalization Eastlake Culture Logistics
Eastlake High School Mission Developing the character and intellectual strengths for individual and shared success Eastlake Values Intellectual strengths such as curiosity, creativity and effective communication Personal attributes such as integrity, responsibility and reflection Interpersonal attributes such as empathy, teamwork and service Compassion and appreciation for authenticity and diversity Growth through initiative, work ethic and perseverance Balancing competition and ambition with gratitude and wellness Wolf Strong, Pack Strong
Common Goals 1. Support students through a safe, personalized and inspiring culture 2. Engage and challenge students through well-designed instruction 3. Support students in their development of character and citizenship 4. Provide students the time and support to meet our high expectations 5. Provide students with the knowledge and skills to make thoughtful decisions in High School and Beyond (college and career ready)
Eastlake High School Eastlake promotional video https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLYyc9UNxL-ZIvx7T9Q3Se6tBezsW4s0V1&time_continue=5&v=94ycSilNc4g
PTSA Deb Knaus Beth Knapick http://ehsptsa.org/Home
Eastlake High School PTSA Legislative Advocacy Academic Excellence Math Lab
Eastlake Culture Link Crew Personalization High School and Beyond Leadership Clubs Athletics Service
Personalization Math Lab Writing Lab Science Lab World Language Lab
Personalization Homeroom Wolf Time Office Hours
High School and Beyond Plan College and Career Ready Specialist Through various school activities, students will be directed to complete activities that help match their skills and interests to possible careers Lesson plans during 9th grade include: #1 – Personality Traits (True Colors) & Learning Inventory #2 - Your Career Ideas and Career Matchmaker #3 – Discovering your work skills #4 – Using My Skills #5 – High School Education Plan Throughout 9-12th grade, students will learn how to research their careers, explore post-high school opportunities, college and career paths for their future, while making connections to their high school classes
High School, College and Post High School Power School Learning Pages and Website Graduation Requirements College and Career information College Fair Personality Traits and Learning Inventory in 9th grade Carol McGuigan Career Specialist
Clubs Anime and Manga French Club Pride Club Art Club French Honor Society Robotics ASL National Honor Society HOSA Science National Honor Society Improv Astronomy Interact Sound and Summit Chess International Club Spanish Honor Society Days for Girls Japanese Club Technology Student Association DECA JOG Drama Latinos Unidos UNICEF EHS Book Club Math Honor Society Wellness and Yoga Environmental Club Model UN Wolves of EHS Esports National Honor Society Writing Club
Winter: Begins November 13th Spring: Begins February 26th Athletics Fall: Begins August 21st Winter: Begins November 13th Spring: Begins February 26th Football Girls Soccer * Cross Country Volleyball* Boys Golf* Girls Swim and Dive Boys Tennis Girls Slow Pitch Girls Basketball Boys Basketball* Boys Swim and Dive Wrestling Gymnastics Track and Field Fastpitch Baseball* Boys Soccer* Girls Golf* Girls Tennis Badminton *This is a CUT sport where typically the first 2-3 practices are a try-out. Not all participants may make the team. If you have questions regarding athletics, contact the EHS Athletic Director Pat Bangasser at pbangasser@lwsd.org
Counselors Nina Harrison Sara Anderson (A-Ca) (Ce-E) Shawna Beresford (St-Z) Paula Olson (F-He) Corinne Immel (Ph-Sr) Yvette Cook (Hi-Ll) Kim Sheely (Lo-Pe)
Schedule Changes The first two days (wrong level, hole in schedule, double periods, missing periods) Form available Wednesday, 9/6, after 2:00 PM Monday, 9/11, at 8:00 is the deadline to turn in. More information on the EHS website.
Other Student Support School Nurse – June Link School Resource Officer (SRO) – Officer Ken Williams Campus Security – Day: Reuben Peck Evening: Jacob Santoyo Mental Health Counselor – Nikki York Alcohol/Drug Counselor – Cathleen Leader BECCA Specialist – John Holifield
Expectations Attendance Excusing Absences – 48 hours Student Handbook www.getschooled.com/dashboard/tool/343attendance%20counts Excusing Absences – 48 hours Student Handbook
Communication Phone Email Wolves Weekly Update PowerSchool Learning Skyward Gradebook Student Advocacy
First Week Report to Gym and receive class schedule School starts at 7:30 AM Schedule on EHS website under “Quicklinks” and then “Daily Schedule” Periods 1-6 Tuesday-Friday Start in Homeroom Full day Wednesday Early release begins Wednesday, September 13th
Questions? Eastlake Community