THA Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) Monthly Check-In 8-16-17
HIIN Participants 4022 HIIN hospitals nationally 1645 HRET HIIN hospitals as of 8-15-17 78 THA HIIN hospitals
National HIIN Goal Goal through 9-27-19 20% reduction in HACs 12% reduction in 30-Day Readmissions
THA HIIN Communications Weekly TCPS e-newsletter Email messages to hospital and system contacts Site visits / coaching calls
HRET HIIN Resources ADE Airway safety CAUTI C diff CLABSI Culture of safety Diagnostic error Healthcare disparities Iatrogenic delirium Falls Malnutrition MDROs Patient and family engagement Pressure ulcers Radiation exposure Readmissions Rural and CAHs Sepsis SSI VAE VTE
HRET HIIN Resources Topics Change Packages Checklist Past Webinars Additional Resources Available at: Tennessee Center for Patient Safety (TCPS) website: HRET HIIN website:
HRET HIIN Listservs Adverse drug events Data analytics Healthcare disparities Hospital-wide topics (falls, pressure injuries, VTE) ICU topics Infections Level 1 trauma Patient and family engagement Readmissions Rural/critical access hospitals Sepsis
Report Distributor NHSN Claims Survey Measure Report Distributor NHSN Claims Survey Adverse Drug Events (Anticoagulants, Hypoglycemic, Opioids) X CAUTI CLABSI C Difficile Falls MRSA Pressure Ulcers Readmissions Sepsis Surgical Site Infections Patient & Family Engagement Post-op Venous Thromboembolism Ventilator-Associated Events Worker Safety
Important Data Milestone Participation Improvement October 2016 through July 2017 Due by August 31
Report Distributor Reminders Data should be current for HIIN project (October 2016 and forward) Data is due the end of each month for the previous month – including “zeroes” Report Distributor is refreshed monthly (20th) Edits to data previously submitted should be emailed to Data entry assistance available--contact Jennifer McIntosh
HIIN Readmissions Challenge Goal: Capture patient/family perspectives on readmission contributing factors Process: Interview up to five readmitted patients and complete a short survey by August 31 Optional interview tools and the survey link will be emailed to HIIN main contacts and Readmission contacts this week
Fall Regional Meetings Tuesday, September 12 in Memphis Thursday, September 14 in Knoxville Tuesday, September 19 in Nashville Agenda (opioid crisis, patient handling, UP campaign implementation, patient stories, breakout sessions—MDROs, falls, sepsis) Meals Mileage reimbursement
THA Leadership Summit Weds., October 11 (8:30-4:00) Keynote by Bryan Sexton Thriving vs Surviving: Enhancing Caregiver Resilience Oral presentations by Weds., October 11 at THA annual conference Poster session and THA welcome reception (4:00-5:30)
Additional questions and comments?
THA HIIN Contacts Name Email Sr. VP for Clinical Services Chris Clarke 615-401-7437 VP for Operations HIIN Management Patient & Family Engagement Disparities Patrice Mayo 615-401-7434 Data Manager Jennifer McIntosh 615-401-7421 Clinical Quality Improvement Specialist Adverse Drug Events C. Difficile VTE MRSA SSI Jackie Moreland 615-401-7439 Readmissions Sepsis Worker Safety Rhonda Dickman 615-401-7404 CAUTI CLABSI Falls Pressure Injuries VAE Janet Meadows 615-401-7461