CERN openlab communications CERN openlab phase V induction session Andrew Purcell communications officer 28/09/2015
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Why communicate? Demonstrate impact Show return on investment (ROI) Reach broader communities Foster new collaborations and research Support mission of education 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Role of communications in CERN openlab Creation of dissemination material (including online) Permanent liaison with collaborating companies on all communications-related matters Report collaborator-specific results Source quotes from technical staff Provide statistics, images, and other supporting materials Facilitate CERN review process for press releases and other documents Measure impact of communication activities 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Communications team within CERN IT Department Mélissa Gaillard CERN IT Department communications officer Andrew Purcell CERN openlab communications officer Petya Georgieva CERN IT Department and CERN openlab junior communications officer 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Wider communications at CERN (n.b. Symmetry supported by Fermilab/SLAC) Mandate of CERN communications group Generate public engagement in science, to produce and distribute information, to foster community building and to build support for CERN and its missions. The key audiences are: The general public – to foster engagement with scientific issues The scientific community – to provide information about CERN's activities Science and technology decision makers – to promote CERN's activities The CERN community – to provide information and build motivation Local communities – to provide information and promote events, including activities for local schools 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Events Open Day Technical Workshops Collaboration board Innovation and entrepreneurship event Lightning talks CERN IT Technical Forums 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Reports 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer CERN openlab website Around 50k unique visitors last year. 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Press releases and press clippings 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Phase V announcement 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Social media - Twitter over 500 members in first 3 months 350 on Facebook, but wide reach. E.g. post has reached almost 30k! LinkedIn group private, so no screenshot (as presentation made publicly available). But please do all feel free to join! 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Our requests of you Please send a short bio to Petya Georgieva for our profiles page: Let both Petya and I know if you publish a report, give a presentation, etc. Be sure to use the templates available here: Please do respect copyright! More info: 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Review process Check with your supervisor Get in touch! I will facilitate the review process: CERN openlab management team Head of IT Department CERN communications / press office Legal service Finance and procurement 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer
Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer Questions? Office: 513-2-005 Tel: +41 22 76 62287 Mob: +41754116728 Email: 28/09/2015 Andrew Purcell, CERN openlab communications officer