Cleaning and infection control systems TotallySafe™ Cleaning and infection control systems At TotallySafe, we’ve brought together several EXCLUSIVE companies and their best technologies to provide high-end hygiene solutions for indoor spaces. Among our products are outstanding disinfectants, long term surface protectants and Bio-Air Containment Filters. Our Services include Environmentally Safe and Non Toxic Interior Space Cleaning and Infection Control, Odor Control and Air Duct Cleaning.
Addressing three critical issues effectively Surface Protection Infection Control Air Quality
Methods of Transmission Hand Hygiene Surface Hygiene Hard / Porous Surfaces Sub-micron Air filtration Airborne Direct contact (Hands) Fomites (Contaminated Surfaces)
Problem Areas Hi-Touch points: touched by many people, multiple times per day Door handles, doors, desks, cleaning equipment, toilets, medical equipment, walls, beds, bed linen, uniforms, towels, gym equipment, AC ducting, ceilings..........the list is endless 80% of infection spreads through touch-points Touch points, floors, ceilings, AC ducting which are not cleaned regularly are reservoirs for health-damaging bacteria
Addressing infection control and disinfection in transportation vehicles Interior Air and Surface Protection Cleaning and Disinfection Endless Applications This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
TotallySafe™ Disinfection like no other This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East Hospital Grade Disinfectant All-purpose NON-TOXIC multi-surface cleaner, broad spectrum disinfectant / biocide EPA Bacteria and Fungus Claims Salmonella enterica Escherichia coli MRSA Acinetobacter baumanni Staphylococcus aureus Legionella pneumophila Aspergillus niger Enterobacter aerogenes Listeria monocytogenes EPA Virus Label Claims HIV-I Norovirus (feline calicvirus surrogate) Respiratory syncytial virus Rotavirus H1N1 flu virus Hepatitis B Hepatitis C EPA toxicity level 4 Non-corrosive
TotallySafe™ Infection Control that lasts Surface protectant inhibits microbial growth on hard and porous surfaces Up to 90 days coverage and protection Safe, water-based formula is non-toxic Mechanical kill prevents superbugs EPA Registered Green and Safe Technology Made in the USA This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
Air Duct Cleaning Air Sanitization Air Filtration Systems Upholstery, Rug Cleaning and Surface Disinfection Addressing critical air and surface quality issues
Our Brushless Air Duct Cleaning System This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
Brushless and Effective Air Duct Cleaning with results you can see The ClearView Air Duct cleaning system is the first and only duct cleaning system that allows the customer and technician to see the dust and debris as it is being removed. Our system is the most efficient, easy-to-use duct-cleaning system on the market. Our company’s patented ClearView Duct Cleaning System provides individuals and organizations the ability to save time with a single integrated solution.
Eliminate Odors easily, quickly and safely This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East Eliminate Odors easily, quickly and safely
"A Quantum Leap For The Ozone Industry" OzoGen 10kV - The perfect ozone generator for any business or home that needs to quickly, effectively and permanently remove odors such as smoke, mildew, pet smells, etc. OzoGen 10kV produces more ozone than any other system in its class (16 g/hour) making it one of the most effective odor removal systems available.
Air Duct Sanitizing This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
Sani-Jet Air Duct Sanitizing System Patented design is by far the most effective method of sanitizing your air duct System. 90% more effective than old-style duct foggers. Full 360° coverage. Anodized aircraft aluminum canister. 20’ hose is fiber reinforced nylon with polyurethane coating, the perfect combination of rigidity/flexibility to glide through ducting, around corners without curling or binding. Beautiful custom molded, high-density polyethylene case included. Duct sanitization is the most sought after add-on service in the industry.
TotallySafe™ Upholstery, Rug Cleaning and Disinfection This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
• Green Seal Certified• WoolSafe approved• Carpet Mill recommended• Champion Status E.P.A. SDSI• Boeing Aircraft approved Dries quickly – often in less than one hour. A simple and fast method for deep cleaning your upholstered furniture anytime without the inconvenience of getting it wet. Great for cleaning all types of fabrics including velvet, jacquard weaves, tapestry brocades and leather. Encapsulation cleaning provides no over wetting, shrinkage, or sticky residue on the fabric to be cleaned. Our organic process is safe to use on all types of fabrics, and you can see the results immediately. The machine has a powerful wet/dry vacuum to pre-vacuum the upholstery before cleaning and converts detergent solution into a dry dense foam with only 10% moisture. The unique brushing head, with counter rotating brushes and foam control switch, loosens, breaks down and traps the soil. And because the foam is low-moisture, it only penetrates the fabric and not the backing materials. Once an area is clean, the built in vacuum removes the dirty foam and most fabrics are dry within 30 minutes.
Air Filtration is needed everywhere
This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East For the first time, a filter allows for HEPA or near-HEPA filtration without the need for a retrofit of the HVAC system or holding frame. Our filter can be easily installed on the outside or inside the vent covers, and lasts for months, easy replacement and cost effective. Our filter is a soft, flexible pad with a very low static pressure, unlike rigid micro-fine glass HEPA filters.
The solution to the transmission of pathogens through the HVAC system is by PREVENTING them from entering the system in the first place.
Clean Air Flow in Elevators and Generators We are an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for UTC/Otis Elevators and have been for more than 10 years. For the past seven years, we have been ThyssenKrupp “TKE Preferred Vendor.” We offer a complete line of 157 custom filters for the elimination of carbon dust created by brush wear in AC/DC generators, illustrating our uncommon ability to solve specific filtration issues. Our Filtration Products have been specified or recommended by virtually every elevator manufacturer and electric brush company out there. This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
Application Equipment TotallySafe offers a line of small sprayers, compatible with most commonly used, water- based disinfectants, mold preventatives, sanitizers and pesticides. With the air- assisted electrostatic spray gun, applying liquids efficiently and effectively is easy. The electrostatic charge ensures that even the hard to reach places are coated evenly. The sanitization line is the ideal solution for bio-security, fighting MRSA, E. Coli, salmonella, swine flu, C. Diff, H1N1, and various other bacteria and viruses. This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
Patented and Superior Application Technology Step1: Separate liquid and air lines meet at the Maxcharge™ tip. The low pressure, high volume air flow quickly atomizes the liquid into uniform droplets. The small droplets then pass through an electromagnetic field. It is here that each droplet picks up a small negative charge. Step 2: The turbulent air stream carries the maximally charged droplets quickly toward the spray target. Because each droplet carries the strong negative charge, they spread out evenly to form a uniform spray cloud upon exiting the Maxcharge™ nozzle tip. Step 3: Just like the pull of a magnet to a piece of metal, the droplets become more strongly attached to the target the closer they approach. In fact, the force of attraction is up to 75x that of gravity, allowing for complete coverage of hidden surfaces.
TotallySafe Antimicrobial Peel and Stick Products Customize our product to stick unto almost any type of high touch surface you need to protect against bacteria and viruses. This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
TotallySafe Antimicrobial Peel and Stick Products Customize our product to stick unto almost any type of high touch surface you need to protect against bacteria and viruses.
Antimicrobial Peel and Stick Features With Patented Agion Antimicrobial Technology and patent pending delivery, Seal-N-Kill helps protect any surface from microorganisms, but most importantly, protects the growth and spreading of microorganisms. Seal-N-Kill anti- microbial barrier is great for all frequently touched surfaces. 1) Transparent 2) Durable, flexible polymeric film will not crack or peel after application. 3) 3) Easy to cut to size, fit, peel and apply to commonly touched surfaces including flat, angled, curved and circular shapes. 4) Adhesive also contains antimicrobial which leaves residual after removal 5) Safe to use around food and in food preparation areas
TotallySafe FastSeal Insect Repellants This is another Exclusive TotallySafe Technology in the Middle East
TotallySafe FastSeal Repellant Features Patented repellent technology; Repels Bed Bugs, American and German, Cockroaches, Pharaoh Ants, Carpenter, Ants, Crickets, Meal Beetles, Mice and Rats and more! 1) Made in USA 2) University Tested 3) Pleasant fragrance also neutralizes musty odors 4) Easy to install and change replaceable seals 5) Long Lasting in all climates 6) Safe & Non-Toxic 7) Stops rodents from gnawing
TotallySafe™ Testing and Support Our technologies are shown and proven to be safe and effective through extensive testing by independent, third-party laboratories all over the world. Whether we do the work, or if we have trained your team to perform the tasks, we will arrange for follow- up testing to be done to ensure you are getting the best results possible.
David Saggio 16 plus years of real world experience developing and marketing organic solutions Founder of TotallySafe USA and UAE Founder of Organic Pest Control,LLC, USA Founder of Global Organic Distribution,LLC, USA Email: Mobile: +971 56 888 9773 Skype ID: dsorganic