Ancient Greece Jeopardy Geography Philosophy Great Greeks Wars Art Sparta and Athens Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500
Geography 100 To get from Athens to Troy by boat you would need to cross this Sea
Geography 200 The Minoan Palace of Knossos was located on this island
Geography 300 Greeks came here, the perceived center of the world, to have all their questions answered.
Geography 400
.Geography 500 This tiny island is believed by some to be a possible site for the Lost City of Atlantis.
Philosophers 100 This philosopher believed that “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Philosophers 200 Plato wrote this document in part to justify his belief that rulers should be philosophers.
Philosophers 300 This philosopher classified over 500 animals.
Philosophers 400 This philosopher was sentenced to death for ‘corrupting the youth of Athens’.
Philosophers 500 These traveling teachers charged money for their services.
Great Greeks 100 This unlikely ruler of Athens rose to power through the democratic process and led Athens to defeat the Persians, only to be ostracized shortly after the war.
Great Greeks 200 This Great Greek taught Alexander the Great.
Great Greeks 300 This GG planned the Sicilian Expedition during the Peloponnesian War but ended up being a traitor to Athens, running to Sparta to explain the plan.
Great Greeks 400 This Great Greek is known as the father of history
Great Greeks 500 This Great Greek made advances in astronomy and believed that the planets orbited around the Earth
Wars 100 In this Persian War battle, named after the place it was fought, the Greeks were out-numbered 300 to 1.
Wars 200 During this war, Pericles brought all Athenians into the walled city of Athens.
Wars 300 In this Persian War battle, the ferocious Spartans held off the Persian Army long enough to give Athenians time to evacuate their beloved city to Salamis.
Wars 400 This was Athens’ weapon of choice in the Battle of Salamis.
Wars 500 This was the name of an Athenian soldier who could afford proper armor to protect himself.
Art 100 This technique is used by artist to demonstrate natural muscle alignment.
Art 200 Calm, stoic expressions and idealized bodies are characteristic of this time period
Art 300 In this time period, sculptures show individuals demonstrating deep emotions.
Art 400 What type of sculpture is this?
Art 500 What type of sculpture is this?
Sparta and Athens 100 In this city-state young boys received an education in reading, writing, art, dance, sports, music and poetry.
Sparta and Athens 200 In this city-state boys began military training at age 7.
Sparta and Athens 300 Sparta had this form of government, meaning ‘ruled by a few’.
Sparta and Athens 400 Elements of this temple to Athena can be seen replicated in structures throughout Western civilization
Sparta and Athens 500 The temple to Athena is built on this hill in Athens.
Miscellaneous 100 This is the birthplace of democracy
Miscellaneous 200 Alexander the Great was from here.
Miscellaneous 300 Before Greek city-states emerged, this civilization thrived on the island of Crete.
Miscellaneous 400 This new culture developed out of the fusion of Greek and Persian cultures.
Miscellaneous 500 This Great Greek playwrite added a second actor to plays.