Transforming the english classroom: Teacher Training, Nov. 2016 Transforming the english classroom: ¨Educating for a new Citizenship¨ Why, What and How? Trainers: Msc. Ezequiel Rojas Lic. Adriana Piedra Hernández Lic. Cindy Morera Castañeda Mag. Jonnathan Elizondo Mejías Dirección Regional de Educación San José Central
Promedio en pruebas de bachillerato “Pair and share” Why do we need a new English Curriculum? Are our students really developing Communicative Competence? What’s the main focus of the current curriculum? “Después de pasar 11 años recibiendo cursos de ese idioma, apenas un 15% de la población entre 18 y 35 años –la que mayor dominio tiene–, es capaz de manejarlo adecuadamente” La Nación, 8 mayo 2015 Promedio en pruebas de bachillerato 2000………….. 83 2014………….. 69
Reasons: The current syllabus is more than ten years old. The students are NOT developing communicative competence in English as expected. The demands of Costa Rican Society of fully bilingual or multilingual citizens. The current curriculum has no correlation to the pedagogical guidelines of the Common European Framework: scenarios new pedagogical trends learning and assessment of global learners
Learners as new citizens Use knowledge, skills and abilities beyond school contexts Express their own points of view Take action Use ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as tools for communication, innovation, and proactive service Defend and protect Human Rights and be against all forms of discrimination Practice peaceful conflict resolution
New Citizenship Essential Components and Relationships Ways of Living in the World Ways of Relating with Others Tools for Integrating with the world Ways of Thinking Global Citizenship Sustainable Development Technology and Communication
Philosophical Foundation Legal Framework Ley Fundamental de Educación Política hacia el Siglo XXI Centro Educativo como Eje de la Calidad Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alberto Cañas 2015-2018 Declaración de la UNESCO: La educación en un Mundo Multilingüe Prior knowledge and exchanges with others leads to constructing and reconstructing understanding
Language Learning Considerations Understanding Implications for Language Learning Philosophical Considerations The learner as a social agent is active, independent, critical, reflective, creative, innovative, inquisitive, and respectful of human rights. Learning environments and experiences should promote dialogue and creative responses to solve real-life situations Psychological Considerations It seeks the whole development of the person and is associated with the person’s affective dispositions. Pedagogic mediation is flexible, inclusive, and culturally relevant, respecting the individual differences. Neurological Considerations It is related to the brain’s architecture and how maturational processes influence language development. Importance of starting the learning of foreign languages early in life. Socio-cultural Considerations It includes the notion of diversity, interdependence, and interconnection among others. Learning new behaviors, values, and social skills in line with a human rights approach and through democratic participation.
Share with a colleague what you know about the CEFR and why it might have been taken into account for this reform
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Implications Standard terminology Track student progress Descriptors- teaching, learning, and assessment Students monitor and take responsibility Transferability across settings Parent communication Describes proficiency levels based on accumulated evidence gathered over time from learner activities, tasks, projects
Domains Socio-interpersonal Chat with friends and family Socio-transactional Getting things done / service encounter Academic Working with others to figure out a problem and report on it Professional Doing a lecture
Communicative competence Knowing Linguistic Listening Reading Speaking Writing Doing Pragmatic Language Functions Being Socio-Linguistic Register