EEP Knowledge Exchange Forum KEN5030: Increasing access to energy efficient technologies in Kenya through Sustainable cooperative societies EEP Knowledge Exchange Forum 20th September, 2016 By Joan Sang World Vision Kenya
Background information Most rural communities in Kenya rely on biomass as their main source of energy esp for cooking purposes; Effects: Deforestation, global warming; Indoor air pollution - respiratory diseases & eye damage accounting for approx 26% of patients in Kenyan hospitals; Use of biomass for cooking in inefficient cookstoves (using less than 20% of the energy potential)
Project Objective and location Objective - to develop a distribution model that seeks to break down market barriers to broad scale adoption of ICS; Location – Mogotio and Wema in Baringo and Nakuru Counties respectively; Target beneficiaries – HH having insufficient purchasing power to participate in market based cookstove activities
Innovative approach of the project Use of community groups for increased uptake rates, distribution success & ensure low abandonment rates; Use of revolving fund concept that ensure funds are available thro. a MFI to HHs for repair, maintenance & replacement/upgrading of ICS; Generating revenue through creation of carbon credits via linkage with an existing cook stove POA.
ICS value chain distribution model
Project achievements Approx. 4000 ICS distributed in phase I and 2000 to be distributed in Phase II Current emission reduction of 13, 617 tCo2e Inclusion of the project VPAs into Co2Balance Gold Standard micro-scale Program of Activities (POA); Amount of wood saved – 8,224 tonnes Amount of energy saved – 35.6GWh Carbon credit purchase agreement for 9,600tco2e worth of credits (approx. US$ 43,200 - US$4.5/credit). Next issuance of 20,000tco2e in October 2017 (worth US$72,000);
Project achievements cont’d > US$ 4,000 income generated by groups from sale of ICS Policy brief for engagement with policy makers at the County level; 28 direct artisan jobs created – repairs and maintenance Online system for project monitoring developed Upscaling of the project (2000ICS) by use of revolving fund Improved household health and indoor air pollution
Lessons learnt/challenges Lengthy ICS value chain/distribution channel; Climate change - drought affected repayment of the loan; Slow understanding and uptake of the revolving fund concept by the community groups. Changed when HH realized benefits from use of ICS; Community expectations of free cookstoves.