Royal Canadian Navy Nuclear Vessel Visit Safety Program Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response LCdr Paul Busatta 19-23 Oct 2015
Nuclear Vessels Authorized Nuclear Vessels in Canadian are from France, USA, UK. Nuclear Vessels are vessels that is powered (propelled) by a nuclear reactor, and/or carrying nuclear weapons. The vessels visiting Canada are: SSN: nuclear powered attack submarines SSGN: nuclear powered guided missile submarines CVN: nuclear powered aircraft carriers SSBN: nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines
Canadian forces Maritime Experimental & Test Range (CFMETR) Nanoose Bay B.C Authorized Ports Esquimalt B.C Halifax N.S.
Type of accidents Nuclear Emergency Response Plan is base on two type of Accidents: Reactor accidents Weapons accidents
Nuclear Visit Requirements RCN needs to provide: Security (Water and Base Control Access Point); and a capability-in-being during Nuclear Vessel Visit to respond to the events of an accidents and able to perform the following tasks: Detection Confirmation Classification and Declaration Contamination Control Decontamination and exposure Control Survey capability Assessment Notification to civilian authorities Operate for the first 48 hours to 72 hours
Objective Assist the Nuclear Vessel to mitigate the radiological release Mitigate/minimize the radiation exposure to DND/CAF personnel and property Make recommendations to off-site (public) authorities to reduce the radiation exposure to the public and property Administer casualty first aid and coordinate transport to a health care facility
RCN Challenges Limited number of qualified personnel (experts) Personnel shortage Funds restriction
RCN NER TEAM Specialists The RCN has one designated team of specialist that assemble for each visit and training exercise. Composition: Nuclear Safety Officer (NSO) Located in CAF HQ Nuclear Emergency Response Officer (NERO), 1 on each coast 4 Nuclear Specialists (OSC, Decon IC, Dose Control Duty NER) 2 on each coast
NER Team RCN NER Organization on both coast On scene Commander NER HQ Communication Logistics Records NPV Liaison Dose Assessment Modelling NSO Operation Officer Public Affairs Radiation Safety Exposure Control Survey Tracking/Plotting NERO Logistic Information Manager Fire Medical Security Reporting Communication Survey Assets(6) OSC* Decon and Pers Dose Control Fire Rescue, Security Med Evac Located the Clean and Dirty line around Nuclear Vessel Total number required to respond within 1 hours: 57 Decon (6) Medical (6) Security (16) Fire (12)
National NER Organization NVVSP Prime Minister National NER Organization NVVSP Privy Council Office Canadian Armed Forces Minister of National Defence Chief of Defence Staff Minister of Public Safety Minister of Health Health Canada and OGD (FNEP) Public Safety Canada (FERP) Commander CJOC National Regional Provincial/ Regional Public Safety Emergency Management Provincial Joint Task Force Commander (RJOC) Local Emergency Management Office Mayor of Local Officials On scene Commander (Nuclear Emergency Response)
Plan Few Months One day One hour Duration of visit: Identify personnel Schedule training One day Equipment and Team preparation One hour NER specialist team stood up Survey boat escort Nuclear Vessel for transit Duration of visit: Team on watch 24/7 Duty NER specialist updates weather and makes daily communication with Nuclear Vessel and takes environmental sample
Minimum automatic actions Department of National Defence International Safety Research Minimum automatic actions General Emergency Nuclear reactor Evacuate AEZ Shelter ASZ downwind Base Alert Mobilize NER Team Evacuate AEZ Base Emergency Evacuate AEZ General Emergency Nuclear weapons Evacuate AEZ Shelter downwind in CPZ Please note that these are automatic actions. Module 15: Detection, classification and automatic actions
Department of National Defence International Safety Research Integrated Data To produce an all hazards emergency management tool that automatically collects and stores data while allowing the user to display and manipulate the data to make the best decisions for the protection of the public. Module 24: Emergency response software
Training / Evaluation Individual Training Team Training Evaluation Master Degree NER Management Training Radiation Monitor Training Team Training Nuclear Emergency Exercise Training that test response on the field and at Operation Center Twice a year at each location Evaluation Once every 3 year on each Coast