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Presentation transcript:


1942 – TOTAL WAR - ALLIES ECONOMIC FORCES TO THE WAR EFFORT Airplanes and tanks instead of cars and refrigerators Food rations War bond drives Price and wage regulation Increased productions ends unemployment LIMITED RIGHTS Censored the press Used propaganda to make war popular Discrimination against Japanese Americans (some in camps)

1942 Continued “ROSIE THE RIVETER” Women replace men who have gone to war in millions of war industry jobs (ships, planes, munitions) Armed Forces Auxiliary Roles – ambulance drivers, decoding messages, and delivering airplanes Some fought in the war (pilots)

1943 – ALLIES FORGE AHEAD Japanese Navy defeated Battle of Coral Sea - First attacks from aircraft carriers and U.S. destroys numerous ships Battle of Midway – fought in the air and destroyed carriers and MANY planes “Big Three” – Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin Finish war in Europe first before war in Asia Roosevelt and Churchill were afraid Stalin wanted to control Europe Stalin afraid that Roosevelt and Churchill wanted to destroy communism Did not want to risk breakdown of alliance though

1943 Continued North Africa Desert Fox (Rommel) vs Eisenhower Rommel surrendered in May Combined British and American army vs. Italy Defeated Italy Italians overthrew Mussolini and signed armistice Hitler sent troops which weakened him because forced to fight on another front Germans defeated at Stalingrad After their oil fields Costliest battle of the war Circled and trapped Germans and they surrendered Red Army drives Germans out of USSR completely

1944 PUSH TOWARD GERMANY D-Day – June 6, 1944 – Invasion of France US Paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines Ferried troops across the English Channel – MANY die After almost 3 months, Allies enter Paris Germany experiencing round-the clock bombing Cripple industries and destroy civilian morale Dresden and Hamburg (industrial) destroyed Battle of the Bulge on west side, Russians breaking through on the east side Hitler support in Germany declining and assassination attempt

1944 Continued YALTA CONFERENCE – 1945, Soviet Union Big Three meet (distrust again) Stalin needs to keep control of Eastern Europe Roosevelt and Churchill favored self-determination Stalin’s help still needed to win the war against Japan Russia gets lands in Asia Germany temporarily divided into 4 zones (governed by British, French, US, and Soviet forces) Stalin promised to hold free elections in Eastern Europe Allies eventually split