Pearl Harbor Raid 7 December 1941
The 7 December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the most defining moments in American history
Carefully-planned & well-executed attack removed the U. S Carefully-planned & well-executed attack removed the U.S. Navy’s battleship force as a battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire’s southward expansion
Attack at Pearl Harbor America was unprepared & considerably weakened Attack caused the U.S. to formally enter WWII Memory of “sneak attack” fueled a U.S. determination to fight
Attack at Pearl Harbor U.S. Naval fleet in the Pacific was anchored at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Attack at Pearl Harbor On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, while most American sailors were still asleep in their bunks, Japanese planes from aircraft carriers flew over Pearl Harbor
Attack at Pearl Harbor Planes and submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy began a surprise attack on the U.S. under the Command of Vice Admiral Chuichi
Attack at Pearl Harbor Japanese planes from aircraft carriers flew over Pearl Harbor bombing every ship in sight
Attack at Pearl Harbor Lasted less than 2 hours 2,403 Americans were killed (including over 1,100 when the battleship Arizona sank) 68 civilians were killed Almost 1,200 were wounded Approximately 150 airplanes were destroyed
Attack at Pearl Harbor 20 warships were sunk Approximately 150 airplanes were destroyed
Partial Surprise American people were stunned by the attack on Pearl Harbor High government officials, however, knew that an attack somewhere in the Pacific was imminent because they had broken the Japanese codes
Partial Surprise Government officials did not know the exact target & date for the attack Many believed the attack would be in the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies, or Malaya
Partial Surprise Attack might have been no surprise as vital intelligence information was not passed to the Navy commander Admiral Kimmel
Disputes With Japan By 1940 U.S. relations with Japan were becoming increasingly strained Reason: Japan’s invasion of China & territorial ambitions to extend its conquests to Southeast Asia
Disputes With Japan Beginning in 1940, Japan was allied with Germany & Italy as one of the Axis powers
Disputes With Japan Hitler’s success in Europe provided an opportunity for Japanese expansion into the Southeast Asia (British Burma, French Indochina) Territories held as colonies by European nations
Disputes With Japan European nations were too preoccupied with stopping Hitler’s expansion in Europe
U.S. Economic Action When Japan joined the Axis in September 1940, FDR responded by prohibiting the export of steel and scrap iron to all countries except Britain and nations of the Western Hemisphere
U.S. Economic Action His action was aimed at Japan which protested that it was an “unfriendly act”
U.S. Economic Action In July 1941, Japanese troops occupied French Indochina FDR cut off Japanese access to vital materials, including U.S. oil (trade embargo)
Negotiations Both sides (U.S. & Japan) realized that Japan needed oil to fuel its navy & air force If the U.S. embargo on oil did not end, Japan would be forced to extend its conquests by taking oil resources in the Dutch East Indies
Negotiations Secretary of State Hull insisted that Japan pull its troops out of China, which Japan refused to do Violation of Open Door policy
Negotiations Japanese ambassador to the U.S. tried to negotiate a change in U.S. policy regarding oil Agreement seemed unlikely
Negotiations In October, a new Japanese government headed by General Hideki Tojo made a final attempt at negotiating an agreement Neither side changed its position
Negotiations FDR’s military advisers hoped that an armed confrontation with Japan could be delayed until U.S. armed forces in the Pacific were sufficiently strong
Negotiations Japan believed that quick action was necessary due to its limited oil supplies
Why did Japan Attacked America? Japan was trying to become the dominant power in East Asia and the Pacific They had invaded China in 1933 & were preparing to conquer Indochina, Malaysia & the Pacific Islands
Why did Japan Attacked America? They wanted to control these territories so they could use the badly needed oil raw materials in them for their own industries
Why did Japan Attacked America U.S. had been growing steadily more opposed to the Japanese expansion Japan knew if they attacked those other countries the U.S. might go to war to stop them
Why did Japan Attacked America? Japan decided to attack us first They hoped they could cripple us so we could not oppose them while they grabbed as much territory as they could Once they had the territory, they hoped America would make peace with them & let them keep it