Environmental Safeguards Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program (KISWRMIP) Srinath Anekal Environmental Specialist, PSC #28, 1st Cross Street Gandhi Nagar, Shimoga – 577 201 INDIA Telephone: +91-8182 402342 E-mail: ashok.Raut@smec.com Construction Management & Quality Control Training Workshop Shivamogga February 27, 2016
Policy Objectives To examine the potential environmental risks and benefits associated with Bank financed investments To support integration of environmental and social aspects of investments into the decision making process Consult affected people, involve NGOs, and provide opportunities for their participation in the environmental assessment aspects
Possible Impacts
Possible Impacts
Environmental Safeguard Principles EA is required by Bank-financed investments; The Borrower is responsible for carrying out the EA; The Bank advises the Borrower on Bank’s EA requirements; The Bank does not finance activities that will contravene national legislation or relevant international environmental agreements identified during EA
Operation of Environmental Safeguards Principles EA instruments used to meet environmental safeguards: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regional or sectoral EA/SEA Environmental Audit Hazard or Risk Assessment Environmental Management Plan /Checklist Environmental Framework
Environmental Screening Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Environmental Screening Category A or B Criteria for classification include type, location, sensitivity, and scale of project as well as the nature and magnitude of potential impacts Projects with multiple components or sub-projects are categorized according to the component with the most serious potential impact
Environmental Screening Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Environmental Screening Category A or B Criteria for classification include type, location, sensitivity, and scale of project as well as the nature and magnitude of potential impacts Projects with multiple components or sub-projects are categorized according to the component with the most serious potential impact
Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Category “A” Project likely to have significant irreversible adverse and sensitive environmental impacts Impacts may affect an area larger than that subject to physical works EA compares project feasible alternatives and their related impacts (including “No action”) EA recommends preventive/mitigation measures and their monitoring
Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Category “B” Project has potential less adverse environmental impacts, mostly site-specific EA scope is narrower than the one for Category “A” EA examines the project negative and positive impacts Small scale irrigation and drainage projects Small-scale, relatively clean (gas or light diesel oil fired) thermal power plants, micro hydro power plants, and small sanitary landfills Rehabilitating or maintaining an existing infrastructure (e.g., roads, power, transmission and irrigation networks)
Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Category “B” Example Rehabilitation of irrigation canals similar to Gondhi Sub-Project
Key Principles of Environmental Assessments Category “B” Example Rehabilitation of irrigation canals similar to Gondhi Sub-Project
GONDHI SUB-PROJECT – CLASSIFICATION AS PER SEP GONDHI SUB-PROJECT – CLASSIFICATION AS PER SEP. 2006 NOTIFICATION OF MOEF River Valley Projects are under Schedule 1 (c); Requirements based on CCA Since Gondhi Sub-Project has less than 10,000ha CCA, it is a Category B project; Again, it is divided into Category B1 or Category B2 Projects; Category B1 are those projects that either are located within 10km boundary of a notified wild-life sanctuary or within 10 km of a critically polluted area; If the project is Category B1 – all requirements of Category A project shall apply; Based on the Assessment, Gondhi Sub-Project is a Category B2 project that requires clearance from the State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority.
GONDHI SUB-PROJECT – EMP The PPTA provides the Environmental Management Plan that needs to be incorporated at various stages of the project including the following: Project Design and Location; Project Construction; Project Operation; SALIENT FEATURES OF THE GONDHI SUB-PROJECT EMP
Project Implementation Responsibilities of Agency Project Preparation Familiar with Bank policy Understand the objective of the EA process Hire and manage EIA Consultants for EIA report preparation and disclosure Responsible for disclosure and consultation of draft EA Allocates costs for EA mitigation measures and EMP implementation Project Implementation Compliance with measures agreed in EA Implements the EMP Reports the status of mitigation measures Reports the findings of monitoring program
How to implement EMP Nominate a person in PIU for environmental matters and will closely work with the consultant EMP should be developed such that it fits your institutional structure Include all permits and EIA decisions into the EMP Mitigation measures and monitoring can be part of the Construction Contract and the Supervision of the same can be part of the Supervision Contract Include the monitoring cost in the budget and if responsibility of the contractor or supervising engineer in their contracts – require regular reporting
Thank You