Emergency rough sleeping services At St Mungo’s we believe everyone has the right to a place to call home. Sleeping rough is an emergency, with rough sleeping numbers in Bristol at a record high Since 2014, rough sleeping in Bristol has more than doubled and is now second to London In 2011 our official estimate of people sleeping rough in Bristol on any one night was less than 20. In November 2015 this number was 97, an increase of 86%. St Mungo’s has managed the street outreach service in the city for the past six years. Our outreach teams connect with rough sleepers at the earliest opportunity and offer support to build a life away from the streets Our vision is to end homelessness. and rebuild Face to face - staff, clients and volunteers Time to talk - find out what they do as this is invaluable when thinking of possible links to stories Build relationships and trust - they are more likely to take part in a media opportunity but its not just about that Back up for a bad day– never rely on one case study in case they are having a bad day Be aware of their vulnerabilities despite our desire to get media coverage Capture the character- As you meet people take their photograph in an interesting way – it’s easy to phone someone for a quote if you are short on time but not so easy to get a great photo at short notice Regular contact – emailing each week for content for the bulletin, or to ask what they are doing around Pride etc – often people need a reminder you are there for them – they don’t think publicity in the way we do Be approachable – sounds simple – astounds me when I meet a comms person who is unapproachable or rude 1
The Rough Sleeping Partnership A Rough Sleeping Partnership designed to reduce and prevent homelessness was set up by Bristol City Council. It’s led by St Mungo’s and includes A&S Police, Julian Trust, Crisis Centre Ministries and the Golden Key Programme to address the problem of street homelessness in the city.
The Rough Sleeping Partnership To reduce this increase, the partnership has opened 53 extra bed spaces for people since Christmas. This includes: One assessment night centre (25 bed spaces) One night shelter for people with lower support needs waiting for supported housing (15 bed spaces) Three property guardianship projects (13 bed spaces) using empty City Council properties to provide accommodation for individuals who are able to maintain a property and meet their rental commitments The partnership have secured two more property guardianship projects (also BCC properties) which will provide another 12 bed spaces when open - making a total of 65 bed spaces.
We launched Bristol Street Aware
Women’s services We work with some of the most vulnerable women in our Bristol communities, approximately a quarter of our 2,500 residents nationally are women Our three specialist and high support women’s accommodation projects provide safe shelter for women who are homeless because of relationship breakdown, domestic violence, prison release or hospital discharge Our services aim to help our female clients deal with the complex route of their homelessness; such as substance and alcohol use, domestic violence, exiting street sex work, and enduring mental health issues By providing a safe environment to explore supportive activities ranging from cooking workshops, alternative therapies, crafts and gardening we offer an holistic approach, supporting women out of homelessness and into recovery. Presentation to be delivered to teams across the region – showing what we do Media training – good training for staff but also helps us identify who is a good talking head Key messages – I have found it has helped me understand the project, helped the individual realise that you can just rock up to a radio interview and chat – helps them see the importance of getting some key messages about the organisation across. SW Twitter – this would really help us engage with our regional stakeholders
Mental Health services Our mental health work in Bristol is varied and innovative. The Sanctuary helps support people who are experiencing severe emotional distress to access help in a nurturing way, outside of normal office hours. The aim of the Sanctuary is to support service users to manage their own mental health and to avoid going into crisis. The primary aims of the service are: To reduce the risk of harm To reduce the incidence of mental health crisis requiring a crisis service response Engagement with the Sanctuary results in follow up with the rest of the system, including people accessing mental health services for the first time. The Sanctuary is a fully integrated part of the new Bristol Mental Health system and opened in April 2015.
Mental Health services Our ACE (Assertive Contact Engagement) service reaches out to people and groups who are currently under represented in mental health services; including LGBT, refugees and black and ethnic minority groups This service breaks down barriers and supports people to engage in their community. There is an open access drop in session every week in each of our three hubs across the city. Everyone is welcome Based in the city centre, St Mungo’s Men’s Crisis House provides emergency care for up to ten men experiencing mental health crisis Clients can stay for up to 28 days and during that time they are offered support to change patterns of behaviour that will help them cope more effectively with their situation or challenges Men’s Crisis house has supported 195 clients since 1st April 2015.
Recovery College Our innovative Recovery College service helps people to develop the skills and confidence they need to recover, whilst also helping them recognise their strengths and fulfil their potential People can be in recovery from homelessness, mental ill health, chaotic lifestyles, substance misuse, or just experiencing difficult times in their lives. Recovery College is open to all There is a wide variety of courses available – ranging from mental health awareness and mindfulness & relaxation, to cookery classes and gardening Many courses are designed and run by people who have been on their own road to recovery The recovery college supported over 272 students last term.
Putting Down Roots Our award winning gardener training programme, Putting Down Roots (PDR), enables people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to train in gardening and horticulture PDR’s central objectives are to help clients improve their mental wellbeing and confidence, gain new skills and ultimately move on from homelessness Since St Mungo’s started Putting Down Roots Bristol in July 2014, as a result of our ongoing partnership with Jo Malone London, we have had a number of fantastic successes: 31 clients take part in making over the Castle Park Physic Garden in the centre of Bristol Five clients completed the accredited horticulture qualification Three clients gone on to secure employment, including one getting a full time job as a landscape gardener.
Putting Down Roots for young people A new project for young people aged between 16 – 14 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness The young people will form gardening groups to transform and maintain public green spaces and gain horticultural and conservation training The project is part of Our Bright Future – a forward thinking social movement leading progressive change in communities Our Bright future is funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund.
What can you do to help? If you are concerned about someone who is rough sleeping ANYONE can make a street referral via Streetlink.org.uk giving the following information: the rough sleeper’s name (if known) physical description any distinguishing characteristics (e.g. colour of distinctive clothing/possessions/sleeping bag or distinctive accent) specific location where the person is sleeping If you are a local business you can sign up to Bristol Street Aware to help us reduce rough sleeping and tackle street issues. We will give you access to expert guidance on how to tackle the impact of negative street issues. Email: BristolStreetAware@mungos.org for more information. Volunteering can also provide you with the necessary skills to gain meaningful employment. If you would like to find out more information please contact our volunteer co-ordinator on: 07736 887052 Or email: volunteers@mungos.org and please ref your email Bristol Night Shelter