Evaluation Scenarios of the CJK NGN Test-bed 2008.3.31 Test-bed Ad-hoc Group Norihiro FUKUMOTO, Hideaki YAMADA KDDI (KDDI R&D Labs.)
Revised Study Phases on the CJK Test-bed Phase I: 2006 3rd/4th Quarter (Completed) Network Connectivity Scenario 2 and 4 only (2 CS and 2 domains) Status Report during 8th CJK NGN Meeting (January 2007) Phase II: 2007 1st/2nd Quarter (Completed) Scenario 1 and 3, (simpler version of 2 and 4, single domain) Status Report at the 12th CJK NGN Meeting (March 2008) Phase III: 2008 1st/2nd Quarter Performance Evaluation of RTP/RTCP-based MoIP (Multimedia(Voice/Audio/Video) over IP) service Network connective for Performance evaluation and Performance Monitoring Scenarios 6-1 and 6-2 Status report at the 13th CJK NGN Meeting in 2008. 9 or 10 Phase IV: 2008 3rd ~ 2009 2nd Quarter Performance Evaluation of RTP/RTCP-based MoIP and IPTV services Performance Monitoring Scenarios 6-3 and 6-4 Initial RACF Interoperability testing : Scenario 7 Testing of RACF and RTP/RTCP-based MPM Interactions IPTV Interoperability testing Status report at the 14th and 15th CJK NGN Meetings Goal of the CJK NGN Test-bed
Evaluation Scenario 6 in Phase III & IV “Scenario 6: Performance Evaluation with RTP/RTCP-based Measurement extensions” could be fractionated as follows: Scenario 6-1: Performance evaluation of Network Segments Measure Network Performance Metrics among CJK independent from services Measured results can be cross referenced by subsequent tests for accuracy Periodic and constant measurement Measurement intervals and other details to be defined IPTD, IPDV, IPLR of C-K, C-J, J-K, J-C, K-C, K-J Scenario 6-2: Performance evaluation of MoIP service among CPEs Measure RTP/RTCP performance of MoIP(Multimedia(Voice/Audio/Video) over IP) service based on CS and/or IMS CPE-to-CPE performance evaluation Scenario 6-3: Performance evaluation of MoIP service with two MPMs Measure RTP/RTCP performance of MoIP service based on CS and/or IMS CPE – MPM1 – MPM2 – CPE performance evaluation Scenario 6-4: Performance evaluation of MoIP service with three MPMs MPMs send/append evaluated performances CPE – MPM1 – MPM2 – MPM3 – CPE performance evaluation
Updated Evaluation Scenarios 6&7 Table. Updated Evaluation Scenarios 6&7 Scenario No. IP Network Service Platform Services CPE terminals and other equipment Evaluations Countries Report Metrics Connections 6-1 C-K: R&D Network C-J: Commercial Network K-J: Commercial Network SIP RTP Streams (MoIP: Multimedia over IP) Voice/ Audio/ Video) >>IPTV CPE (VoIP/Video): J (Soft/Hard), K, C Call Server: K, C, J(Emulator) MPM: J (Soft/Hard), K Y.1543 - Local test C,J,K Two MPMs C-J, K-J, C-K Three MPMs C-J-K 13th CJK meeting 2008.09 6-2 RTCP (CPE- CPE) CPE-CPE 6-3 RTCP (CPE- MPM1- MPM2- CPE) CPE-MPM 6-4 RTCP (CPE- MPM1- MPM2- MPM3- CPE) 7 SIP/ IMS-SIP RACF: K, J(1st: ACF, 2nd: RCF) MPM-RACF 14th or 15th CJK meeting
Configuration of the Tests-bed for scenario 6 Following points should be clarified/discussed for passive measurement tests Specifications of MPM and CPE of each country Supported Report Type of RTCP Interconnectivity with call servers Measurement interval Network configuration L3 network configuration Network domain configuration IP Routing configuration Background Traffics Mixture of the R&D network and commercial network Collaboration Other related Testing Programs (e.g., BcN test-bed) Commercial service providers and solution vendors involvement
Harmony of Active and Passive measurements (Proposal) Harmonization of Active and Passive measurements is the matter of importance Evaluation scenarios should be divided among Active and Passive measurements Scenario 6-1 should be carried out by Active measurement because the scenario is independent from specific services Scenario 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 should be practiced by Passive measurement because the scenarios assume concrete services Scenario 7 should be joint working of Active and Passive measurement because the cooperation with RACF is a common issue for each measurement scheme
Requirements for Passive Measurement Passive measurement scheme requires following functions MPM requirements A goal of scenario 6 is performance measurement of each segment at MPMs All functions except Mu reference point is required for scenario 6 PME-FE PMP-FE PMR-FE Mu reference point is required for scenario 7, interconnection between MPM and RACF CPE requirements CPE requires a function of Mi reference point to receive measured performance information form MPMs Another goal of scenario 6 is the collection of performance of each segment at CPEs
Variations of RTCP RTCP SR/RR (Sender/Receiver Report) Defined in the IETF RFC 3550 Sender/receiver report, for basic transmission and reception statistics RTCP XR (eXtended Report) Defined in the IETF RFC 3611 Extended reporting format to convey information that supplements the statistics that are contained in the report blocks used in RTCP SR/RR In particular, the VoIP metrics report block is specified for voice applications RTCP XR Video Metrics Defined in the IETF Draft Extensions to the RTCP XR to support the monitoring of video over IP for IPTV and videoconferencing endpoint reporting RTCP HR (High Resolution) Extensions to the RTCP XR to support Voice over IP (VoIP) monitoring for services that require higher resolution or more detailed metrics RTCP SR/RR Extend statistics and VoIP metrics RTCP XR Support higher resolution for Voice over IP Support Video over IP RTCP XR Video Metrics RTCP HR Figure. RTCP extensions
Protocol Stacks of CJK NGN Test-bed Network configuration, especially protocol stacks, should be clarified for network construction Routing functions are performed at IP layer Application layer protocols should be decoded when MPM function is enabled Future expansions should be required when scenario 7 is carried out RACF (ACF) should be added to application layer RACF (RCF) should be added to low layer Figure. Protocol Stacks of CJK NGN Test-bed
Equipment for CJK NGN Test-bed Table. Equipment required Equipment China (CCSA) Korea (TTA) Japan (TTC) IP Network TTC-CCSA R&D network (It may be upgraded) Commercial network (It may be replaced by R&D network) CPE for VoIP CPEs used in Phase I&II are enable Software based CPE Support RTCP SR/RR/XR/HR for IPTV Gauge companies’ interest in IPTV Hardware based CPE Support RTCP SR/RR/XRvideo Call Server Call servers used in Phase I&II are enable TBD MPM Software/Hardware based MPM Active measurement Passive measurement RACF In preparation
Future Issues in Test Scenario 7 / Phase IV “Scenario 7: Call Servers across multiple NGN Network Domains with PSTN, Value Added Services and RACF Involvement” may include following issues IP network of C-J and C-K consist of commercial networks may not be suitable for testing IPTV services. Bandwidths of them are limited to 10Mbps Multicast may not be good for use on them Networks should be upgraded Interoperability tests between MPM and RACF is a major issue. Specification of RACF need to be clarified. ACF (Admission Control Function) oriented or RCF (Resource Control Function) oriented Interface between RACF and MPM Study of functionalities of the mobility
Next Steps / Discussions Harmonization of Active and Passive measurement Divide the scenarios among Active and Passive measurement Clarification of the configuration of passive measurement tests Determine the configuration of the test-bed for scenario 6 Discuss about the detailed network configuration, especially L3 network configuration Exchange the specifications of MPM and CPE of each country Decide which report type of RTCP should be tested Promote the collaboration with other related programs, service provides and vendors Investigate scenario 7 Preparation for interoperability test between MPM and RACF
Thank you for your attention. This work is partly supported by the National institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).