REPORTS AND CERTIFICATION ADVANCED Fall 2 Welcome to the Fall 2 Advanced training for experienced CALPADS users. In this training, we will provide a brief overview of the Fall 2 submission and go over major Fall-2 changes for this year.
Who’s Supposed to Be Here Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance This training is for individuals assigned to do CALPADS maintenance work related specifically to Fall 2 submission. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Previously completed Fall-2 reporting on time Experienced User Previously completed Fall-2 reporting on time Understands data required for the submission Can easily extract files from SIS Can upload and post batch files Knows the difference between ODS and Snapshot Understands the validation and certification errors and resolution process Can reconcile data on reports with local SIS Knows the difference between Level 1 Certification and Level 2 Certification We expect a experienced user to have… {read each item} If you have not completed one or more of these items then we ask that you attend the regular Fall-2 Reporting and Certification training. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Essential 4: Anomalies Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Fall 2 Advanced Fall 1 Advanced Today’s training assumes you have attended Essential 1-4, Fall 1, Fall 2 DP and RC trainings. If you have not attended these trainings, be aware that you may not understand some content and references used during this training. The submission process and requirements will not be discussed in detail. If you have not been through Fall 2 before or need a comprehensive review of the material, we encourage you to attend our regular, non-advanced, Fall 2 training. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Questions and Courtesy HOLD Mute yourself There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lync Chat Box Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Here are our courtesy guidelines to create a session with minimal disruptions/interruptions: 1) Please Do not put your phone on HOLD!!! If you absolutely need to take another call during this session, please end your call with us and then call back into the training once you are done. Even if you do not press a hold button, many phones put a call on hold if you pick up a second one. The music played by the hold can be very disruptive to the training. 2) When we are presenting please make sure to mute your phone. If necessary we will mute everyone, and then you will need to wait for me to unmute everyone before you can ask a question. 3) We will stop periodically for questions. We encourage you to ask questions, That said, please hold your questions until we call for them, which we will try to do at reasonable intervals. 4) When you ask a question, please include your name and your LEA. 5) If you happen to ask a particularly lengthy question or one that is unrelated to the material currently being covered we may postpone addressing the question until the end of the presentation, in the Q & A segment of the training. 6) We want to make sure all of your questions are answered, so if you think we missed your question, please remind us of your outstanding question at the end of the presentation during the Q & A segment or send in a service ticket or attend the live Q&A held each Wednesday at 3pm Last - Lync provides a chat box where you can type questions that CSIS staff will answer, however please try to focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. If you think that you need a more immediate answer so you can understand the current slide, please ask it verbally when we pause for questions. Also note the chat box can be turned off if it creates a distraction. (explain how to do this) Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017 SSID Enrollment & Maintenance Key Concepts & Processes v1.0, September 1, 2015
Agenda Fall 2 Overview New Changes Certification 60 minutes Common Problems Wrap-Up In today’s training we will start with: A brief Fall 2 Overview Then look at the new changes for this year We will review the Certification process Look at some Common problems related to Fall 2 Then we will wrap up the training with some recommendations and reminders This training will last approximately 60 minutes Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall - 2 Overview Let’s take a few minutes and review the Fall 2 submission now. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Information Reported in Fall 2 Staff Demographic/ Assignments Certificated teachers, administrators and pupil service staff Course Enrollment Course sections of students enrolled on Census Day (required for ALL LEAs—no exemptions) Fall 2 basically counts course and staff data for Fall 1 students. Fall 2 is a separate data collection and a separate certification. Note: There are no LEAs exempted from reporting student course enrollment SCSE (charter schools are required as well). Classroom services provided to English Learners English Learner (EL) Services Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Submission Strategies Fall 2 Certification Strategies Complete Fall 1 Submit and post Staff Demographics Submit and post Staff Assignments Submit and post Course Section Submit and post Student Course Section 2 1 The main categories of information that will be generated from the Fall 2 data are: Staff Count and FTE Average Class Size by content area Data on English Learner Services including count of students and count of teachers providing EL Services Fall 2 basically counts course and staff data for Fall 1 students. Fall 2 is a separate Data Collection and a separate Certification. Recommendation: Concentrate on Student data first. Then add Staff and Course. 3 4 5 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Important Dates for Fall 2 *Census Day 1st Wed in Oct (Snapshots available 12/28/2016) Certification Deadline (3/3/2017) Amendment Window (3/31/2017) DATES AND DEADLINES FOR 2016-2017 Census Day for Fall 2 is always the first Wednesday in October. For the current reporting year, that falls on… October 5, 2016. The certification deadline is…March 3, 2017 The amendment window is… March 4, 2017 to March 31, 2017 All of these dates can be found on the CDE’s calendar. The link has been provided in the bottom of this slide. You should check this page periodically to ensure you are aware of any changes in the dates mentioned earlier. * Schools not in session on Census Day should report as of the next day they are in session (up to 30 days past Census Day) CALPADS Calendar: Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall 2 Checklist – Preparation Identify roles and responsibilities Discuss local data privacy and security best practices Establish target dates for submissions and reviews Review Fall 2 changes Review 2016-17 Fall 2 Activities Check with vendor for 2016-17 updates Verify sites and district on same SIS version Audit SIS records to ensure required data are populated Local student information system (SIS) Activities As part of preparing for your Fall 2 reporting you should: {step through slide} Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall - 2 Suggested Milestones Now – 12/28 Complete Fall 2 data population in local SIS 1/4/17 – 1/31/17 Upload SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files. Review validation errors and reconcile as needed 2/1/17 – 2/3/17 Post SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files 2/6/17 – 2/17/17 Resolve certification errors, review certification reports and update records if necessary To assist LEAs with planning, we have a list of suggested milestones. {step through slide} 2/20/17 - 2/24/17 Send reports to site leaders for approval 2/27/17 – 3/3/17 Certify Fall-2 (level 1 & level 2) Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
FALL - 2 CHANGES In the next few slides we will review the Fall changes from last year to this year. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
2016-17 Summary of Fall 2 Changes Functionality Change Code Set New - Two Course Codes (6021, 6022) added that represent courses with "No Educational Content" per AB 1012 New – Course code 2472 (AP Computer Principals) added New – Course codes (2518, 2519, 2505) added based on review of SCED codes for military science, religion, and physical education New State Course Codes added or modified for Math and Science New – codes 2473, 2484, 2485 added for MYP Algebra II, Mathematical Modeling, and Financial Algebra Modified – code 2467 name from "MYP Algebra I or II" to "MYP Algebra I" Modified – code 2609 name from "Oceanography" to "Marine Science" Modified - Science course codes (2600 - 2676) Here we will discuss the changes for this year. Go over all the items on the slide… AB 1012 - No educational content mentioned in Flash #121 and Flash #116 (May 2016) Background for trainers - AB 1012 was sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union and Public Counsel, who represented plaintiffs in litigation regarding pupil placement in courses without educational content and previously completed courses against the State. Passage of this bill was part of the settlement of that lawsuit. The suit names as plaintiffs a class of current or future students attending Castlemont High School in the Oakland Unified School District, John C. Fremont High School in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Nystrom Elementary School in the West Contra Costa Unified School District, Franklin S. Whaley Middle School in the Compton Unified School District, Fremont High School in the Oakland Unified School District, Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School in the LAUSD, and Compton High School in the Compton Unified School District. The successful implementation of AB 1012 will require documentation. There must be records sufficient to demonstrate that a pupil’s placement in a course without educational content or a previously completed course meets the legal requirements as specified in Education Code Sections 51228.1 and 51228.2 SCED – School Courses for the Exchange of Data * Check CP Code Sets document for details and update local SIS as necessary Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
2016-17 Summary of Fall 2 Changes Functionality Change Code Set New - CTE Course Codes for 2 Industry Sectors (AGR and ART) Added 2766 (IB Business Mgt) as an Academic CTE Course Retired - Code/Valid Code Combo for 6004 (Resource Class) Modified - Definitions for Codes 6017 (Resource Teacher), 3020 (support/consultation) Valid Code Combo Modified - UC/CSU Approved values for CTE Courses in Course Group Master Combo Valid Code Combo Moved - State course codes 2535 and 2538 from Content Area code 19-Physical Education to 16 - Health Education category Modified - Valid grade levels for State Course Codes 2434, 2435, 2446 & 2447 to include grades 6-8 and 6-12 File Layout Modified - CRSE/CRSC with filler for fields (9.11, 9.28) Go over all the items on the slide… CTE Industry Sectors – The CTE course codes are being restructured to facilitate the mapping of local CTE courses to state course codes. The current structure resulted in inaccurate reporting of students in CTE pathways The new structure has been implemented for two industry sectors: Arts, Media and Entertainment (ART) Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGR) An example of the change -Local Course: Internet Publishing Previously mapped to State Course Code 5712 – Internet Publishing Now mapped to State Course Code 5621 or 5622 - “Introduction to Graphic Design” or “Intermediate Graphic Design” * Check CP Code Sets document for details and update local SIS as necessary Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
2016-17 Summary of Fall 2 Changes Functionality Change Reports Modified – Snapshot Reports – New SED expanded definition is applied to all applicable Fall-2 reports Modified – Fall-2 SN Reports 2.5, C/A 2.5, and 4.3 - All NCLB/HQT components have been removed from these reports Retired – Fall-2 Aggregate SN Reports 3.4 and 3.5 - Due to NCLB/HQT not being collected any more. Go over all the items on the slide… SED = Students who met at least one of the seven criteria: (1) neither of the student's parents has received a high school diploma (2) the student is eligible for or participating in the Free Meal program or Reduced-Price Meal program (3) the student is eligible for or participating in the Title I Part C Migrant program, (4) the student was considered Homeless (5) the student was Foster Program Eligible (6) the student was Directly Certified (7) the student was enrolled in a Juvenile Course School Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
2016-17 Summary of Fall 2 Changes Functionality Change Validation New – CERT005 (Fatal) - triggers when a student course section record was submitted for an SSID that was not enrolled on Census Day New – CERT050 (Warning) - triggers when there are no administrators at the LEA New – CERT079 (Fatal) - triggers when a course section (except code 3020) does not have any associated student course section records New – CERT104 (Fatal) - triggers when the Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled New – CERT108 (Warning) - triggers when the total Staff Assignment FTE data submitted varies +- 25% from the total number of Staff and thus may be over or understated. Modified – CERT046 (Fatal) - triggers when the sum of Staff FTE for all Job Classifications for an individual staff member in the LEA is either more than 200% or less than 5%. Go over all the items on the slide… Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
2016-17 Summary of Fall 2 Changes Functionality Change Validation Activated – CERT051 (Warning) - Non-Trend – triggers when there are no pupil services staff at the LEA Activated – CERT052 (Warning) - Non-Trend – triggers when There is no staff assignment information for Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teachers Activated – CERT053 (Warning) - Non-Trend – triggers when there is no staff assignment information for Teachers at the LEA Activated – CERT081 (Warning) - Non-Trend – triggers when no course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term Disabled – CERT063 (Fatal) – triggered when No Education Service code was populated for an EL student (replaced with CERT104) Limited Certification Warnings for this year - LEAs will need to complete a local comparison of some data groups from this year to last year and resolve discrepancies (see next slide) Go over all the items on the slide… Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
All Certification Warnings Disabled LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions No data No Enrollment for Course Section (CERT079) Conflicting numbers Significant changes in school Not Enough Course Sections to = FTE (CERT070) School LEA Administrator FTE (CERT026) X English Learners (CERT035) Number of Teachers Providing EL Svcs (CERT036) Percentage Change in Number of ELs Receiving Education Services (CERT065) Pupil Services FTE (CERT080) Teachers FTE (CERT025) Invalid records Staff FTE % (CERT105) Normally it is also important to review your certification warnings. However, the certification warnings have been temporarily disabled. It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year enrollment counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. Each subgroup is mapped to the certification warning that did not get implemented this year and LEAs can reference the error list to get more information on them. Questionable proportions Enrollment Count for a Course Section Exceeds Expectations (CERT062) Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
AB 1012 – No Educational Content New requirements under Assembly Bill 1012 (Chapter 703, Statutes of 2015) which prohibit the assignment of students to courses “with no educational content” unless certain conditions are met Refer to CA Education Section 51228.1-51228.3 for specifics LEAs may submit these courses to CALPADS using the following course codes: 6021 – Student Assistant 6022 – Free period or No Educational Content {Cover content on the slide} Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Librarian Reporting SASS CRSE Staff Type Description Credential(s) Staff Job Classification Code Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code CRS-State Course Teacher Librarian* Manages library and provides instruction to students as a regular class in the library. Teaching & Library Science 12 N/A 6026 Librarian (pull out)** Manages library and students are pulled out of regular class to receive instruction in library. 27 (push in)** Manages library and provides instruction to students in another teacher’s classroom. Library Administrator Manages library. Does not instruct students. Administrative & 10 0139 Library Supervisor (classified) Manages library none Not reported to CALPADS. Reported in aggregate in CBEDS-ORA. Section 2.2.2 of the Data Guide provides more detail on the change As a result of the change related to Librarian reporting last year, the counts for certificated librarians reported dropped drastically. This reduction was interpreted as perhaps they were not reported correctly. This slide provides information about several different scenarios on how to correctly report Librarians. {Cover the scenarios on the slide} Note – you can no longer use the SASS record to report the teacher Librarian as a non-classroom based job assignment. * Student course enrollment records (SCSE) required for students taking library course ** Student course enrollment records (SCSE) optional Former method for reporting librarians in 2014-15 and before was: Staff Job Classification Code = 11 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code = 0204 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
English Learner Education Services EL Education Services Business Rules: Primary Language Instruction and ELD Instruction and/or SDAIE Instruction (code=1) ELD Instruction Only (code=2) SDAIE Instruction Only (code=3) ELD Instruction and SDAIE Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction (code=4) Other Services Reported (code=6) No Services Report (code=5) Rule 1 X Any combination (2, 3, 4, 6) 9.20 = 1 2 Any combination (2, 3) 9.20 = 4 3 4 9.20 = 6 5 Any combination (1, 2, 3, 4) 9.20 = (see rules # 1 - 3) 6 9.20 = 5 7 Any combination (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) 9.20 = (see rule # 1 – 5) Report 2.4 can be used to find students missing services. CERT 104 identifies course sections missing services. It is not enough for an EL student to have just one course identified with services. Any course an EL is in, needs to report the education services based on the following selection criteria: Count of primary enrolled students with ELAS=EL. English Language Acquisition Effective Start Date <= Report Date Most recent ELA Status Code on the report “As of” date (using Effective Start Date) that was effective during the reporting period, regardless of Reporting LEA = EL Grade Level = KN-12, UE and US Student Enrollment Status = Primary Enrollment (10) Course section with 0 enrollment: No Course section with SEID = 9999999999: Yes Note: Rules for EL Services count are detailed in the CALPADS User Manual Glossary (English Learner Education Services) Every course section with EL students needs to have the Education Services field populated to avoid CERT104 fatal error. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Review So let’s review the data certification process for Fall 2. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Requirements Review all four aggregate reports Zero certification fatal errors The certification requirements for Fall 2 are as follows: You must review all 4 certification aggregate reports for accuracy and completeness. You must ensure all fatal errors have been resolved. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall 2 Certification Reports Establish Report Review Process Data stewards should review reports Have reviewers sign off to verify they have reviewed Evaluate Certification Aggregate Reports English Learner Education Services – Student Count (2.4) Count of Teachers Providing EL Services (2.5) Course Section Enrollment by Content Area (3.6) Staff Count and FTE by Job Classification (4.1) After submitting and posting your data, you need to review your Fall 2 reports. It is important that you have a review process so that the data stewards, the people who are responsible for the content of the reports, can validate them. These individuals might include site principals and program coordinators, like a EL or a Special Ed coordinator. We also recommend that you have your data stewards sign or initial and date the report printouts to confirm that they have reviewed them and that they are correct. {Really need to emphasize this!!} Your initial focus should be the four certification aggregate reports. These reports contain the counts that are central to the Fall 2 reporting and what you will become your official fall 2 counts once certified. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Data Certification – Student English Learner Education Services-Student List (2.7) SUPPORTING REPORT Course Section Enrollment ODS Download EXTRACTS Over the next few slides we will briefly discuss the supporting reports and extracts to further help you analyze your Fall 2 data before certifying your submission. If you have questions about the data you see in the student certification reports, here is the supporting report that will allow you to drill down to identify the problem. There is also one extract that you can request for you own local analysis. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Data Certification – Staff Staff – Count and FTE by Job Classification Disaggregated (4.2) Staff – Teaching Assignments – Detail (4.3) Staff Profile – List (4.4) Staff - Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment – Detail (4.5) SUPPORTING REPORTS Staff Demographics ODS Download Staff Assignment - ODS Download EXTRACTS If you have questions about the data you see in the staff certification reports, here the 3 supporting reports that will allow you to drill down to identify the problem. There are also two extract that you can request for you own local analysis. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Data Certification – Course Class Size – by Content Area (3.1) Class Enrollment – by Content Area (3.2) Class Enrollment – Student List (3.3) Course Section Enrollment – Count and Details (3.7) Course Section Enrollment – Student List (3.8) English Learner Education Services-Student List (2.7) English Learner Instructional Plan - Count of ELs by Instructional Strategy (2.11) SUPPORTING REPORTS Course Section Enrollment ODS Download Student Course Section Enrollment ODS Download EXTRACTS If you have questions about the data you see in the course certification reports, here the 7 supporting reports that will allow you to drill down to identify the problem. There are also two extract that you can request for you own local analysis. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Snapshots: Jobs and Revisions Click on drop-down to reveal additional Snapshot Revisions 1 2 3 Please note that initially de-certification is not required in order to amend data and get a new snapshot. The system can now produce multiple snapshots and this will allow you to verify your new changes first before you de-certify and then re-certify a submission. We now have a mini-tutorial on snapshot revision: 3 2 A snapshot revision includes any jobs that meet these three criteria: File Status is Revision Complete Snapshot Create Date is the same or earlier than Revision Date/Time Available In contains a matching snapshot code Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Common Problems Let’s review some of the common problems related to CALPADS… Please note that some of the slides in this section are hidden and are there for your reference. We will go over a couple of important ones with you today during this training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Validation Errors – Staff Assignment SASS0118 – Validation Error Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage Less than 1.0 or Employee on Leave Percentage Greater Than 0 Solution Verify that Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage for a staff member who is not on leave is greater than or equal to 1.0 or employee on leave percentage is 0. Review slide in detail… Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – English Learners Triggers when the Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled in Solution Verify Education Service English Learner field is populated for every course-section where one or more EL student is enrolled in So, report 2.4 is to find students missing services and CERT 104 is to identify course sections missing services. Therefore, it is not enough for an EL student to have just one course identified with services. Any course an EL is in, needs to report the education services. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when a staff assignment is reported for a SEID for which there is no staff demographic record reported (Fatal) Solution Post staff demographic record for the teacher Verify the staff hire date is on or before information day This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors - Staff Error occurs when a course section is reported for a teacher (SEID) for which there is no staff demographic record reported (Fatal) Solution Post staff demographic record for the staff member (SEID) Verify the staff hire date is on or before information day This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall 2 Common Problems CERT047 - Fatal CERT048 - Fatal Teaching Staff Assignment Missing A course section includes a SEID for which there is no valid teaching assignment information. Teaching assignment must be reported at the site the course is being taught at CERT048 - Fatal Missing non-classroom based assignment or course section record All certificated staff must either have classes or have a non-classroom based assignment reported This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. The CERT047 is detected on a course reported for a teacher, at a specific site and teacher doesn’t have an assignment record report for that site. If the teacher is teacher at a site, there must be an assignment record. The CERT048: If you report staff for the current academic year, they need an assignment record: either non-classroom based, teaching a course, or employment end date Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when only one course section is reported with a multiple teacher code Solution Post another course section record with the other teacher’s SEID and the same Class ID This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when a student course section is reported and the course section does not exist in the CALPADS Solution Verify that the student course section is correct (i.e. Local Course ID, Course Section ID, & Academic Term) Post the course section record This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Staff Demo Error occurs when the teacher’s staff employment start date or end date does not fall within the reporting period, 7/1/16-11/4/16 or Record effective start date not between 7/1/16 and 11/4/16 (Census Day plus 30 calendar days) Solution Verify that the employment dates are correct If yes, delete the record as SEID should not be reported If no, submit the correct employment dates This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Staff Demo Error occurs when the admin or support staff’s staff employment start date or end date does not fall on census day or Record effective start date not between 7/1/16 and 10/5/16 Solution Verify that the employment dates are correct. If yes, delete the record as SEID should not be reported If no, submit the correct employment dates If staff leaves district, provide Employment End Date and not the Effective End Date. This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Course Section Error occurs when no student course section records are reported for a student whose enrollment status on Census Day is Primarily Enrollment (10)* Solution Verify the student’s enrollment status on Census Day If correct, submit the student course section records (SCSE) for the student If not correct, submit updated student enrollment records (SENR) This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. *All LEA as of the Academic Year 2016-17, are required to submit course section enrollment. There are no exemptions. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Certification Errors – Staff Assign Error occurs when no staff assignment data was submitted for staff with staff demographics data Solution Verify that the staff demographics are correct If yes, submit staff assignment record(s) If no, delete the staff demographic record This slide is marked as hidden to be used as a reference outside of the training session. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Common Problems – cont’d Staff on Leave Requires SDEM record for active employees Employment End Date is not populated SASS record required with the Non-Classroom Assignment 6018 FTE must be reported as 0.0% SASS0118 will be detected if FTE is > 0.0% Staff No Longer Employed on Census Day Employment End Date is reported not the Effective End Date Review the slide in detail… Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Lack of internal cooperation Common Problems Lack of internal cooperation Reporting EL Services for all courses with EL students Coordinate EARLY to identify EL courses and services provided State Course Code Assignment Request signoff of current assignments Report Verification Request signoff of certification and supporting reports Competing Priorities Collect data throughout the year Perform regular enrollment updates Check ODS reports periodically Review the slide in detail… Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Fall 2 Issues KNOWN ISSUES Like any other system, CALPADS has known issues. Before submitting a support ticket, please review the current known issues list by visiting the URL shown on this slide. If a problem appears on the list, it means that the CALPADS team is aware of it and the issue is being worked on. If you don’t find the issue, please submit a ticket so the support helpdesk can further look into it. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017 44
Did You Get It? Is CALPADS checking for student course enrollment at all schools? Yes, a SCSE record is required for all students with primary enrollment (CERT077 is triggered). Should Ed Services be reported for courses with EL students? Yes, the system will trigger CERT104 if a course has EL students and no Ed Services. For what date(s) are active staff and course enrollments reported Census day, ( or up to 30 days after for schools not in session on Census day) Should LEAs take any action locally due to lack of some certification warnings this year? Yes, LEAs should do local comparison of data groups from this year to last year and resolve discrepancies. How often are snapshot reports refreshed? Once relevant data is posted and there is 15 minutes of post inactivity for the LEA, a new snapshot revision will be generated. What is a replacement file? Data in CALPADS will be replaced (by school year and school) if another file is posted. {Read questions and answers} {Must be in presentation mode to see answers revealed} Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Wrap-Up Let’s wrap things up now.. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Batch Submission Order and Processes Understand the order and submission process rules to avoid issues: 1 - Student Profile Add, Update, Replace, or Delete: applies to each record 2 - Staff Demographics 3 - Staff Assignment* Replace or Delete: applies to ALL records for each school 4 - Course Section* 5 - Student Course Section* It is critical for you to understand the order and submission process rules for Fall-2 in order to avoid issues. The data files have to be submitted in the order shown on this slide. Each file must be uploaded and posted successfully before you proceed to upload the next file. adding, updating, replacing or deletion of student profile data via batch upload is applied to each record and this is true for Staff demographics data as well. For Staff Assignment, Course Section and Stu Course Section, when replacing or deleting data, the process is applied to all records for each school. Therefore it is important to note that anytime you upload any of these file types, you must extract all your records for your school or LEA and upload them. Once you post these file types, all previously posted records will be replaced with the newly posted records. * Indicates these are replacement files 47 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017 47
Resources CALPADS Calendar Self-paced Trainings System Documentation Self-paced Trainings System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SELA, SINF, SPRG, SDEM, SASS, CRSE & SCSE tabs CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions Student Enrollment, Student Info, Student English Language Acquisition, Student Programs, Staff Demo, Staff Assignment Course Section, Student Course Section and Fall 2 Certification tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Sections 3.5, 3.6, 2.2 & 2.3.2 Here are some important resources related to Fall 2. {Cover each item} 48 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Resources System Documentation Document Description Sections Document Description Sections CALPADS Code Sets Detailed list and description of code values See Code Set column in CFS (Forms) for each field reported CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Codes allowed to be used together NonClassSuppAsgn - Job Class, Course Group Master Combos, NonClassSuppAsgn – Content Area CBEDS Assignment/Course Code Mapping Mapping of old CBEDS assignments to new state course codes All {Cover each item} Mapping Guide 49 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Support Web: Phone: 916-325-9210 E-mail: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call 916-325-9210, you will go immediately into our voice mail system. Email is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017
Please Complete Our Survey Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey!AjeKRgqTRmf5cshDvexCBXdBWfY Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. Survey URL:!AjeKRgqTRmf5cshDvexCBXdBWfY Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate our trainings. 51 Fall 2 Adv. Reports & Certification v1.1, January 4, 2017 51