QM/BUPT Joint Programme Final Year Projects Jonathan Loo j.loo@qmul.ac.uk
My Research Coverage Map (not limited to) Video compression and transmission Perceptual video coding Video transmission with error resilience scheme Multimedia Communication Video compression Video transmission Cross-layer protocol New development Software Defined Networking (SDN) Information Centric Networking (ICN) Network Communication Mobile ad hoc network Wireless sensor network Vehicular area Network Network QoS analysis Network topology Intrusion detection system based on network QoS Mobile Network (LTE, 5G) Throughput, e2e delay, packet loss, fairness Resource allocation Admission control Packet scheduling Cross-layer protocol Medium Access Wireless sensor network Vehicular area Network LTE Wireless sensor network Throughput, e2e delay, packet loss Energy saving Physical Layer Wireless signal processing Software Defined Radio Vehicular area network Throughput, e2e delay, packet loss, access time, reliability Interference
My Expertise (1/2) Broad knowledge and research expertise in wide-spectrum of topics from both Computer Science and Engineering perspectives, which covers multi-disciplinary topics (to name a few): Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Virtualisation, Cloud computing, Computer Application, Information Centric Networking, Software-Defined Networking, Network QoS and Security; Wireless Networks, Protocols and Security: Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) / 6LoWPAN/RPL, Vehicular Area Network (VANET), Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), Opportunistic Network, Wireless proximity data mining, QoS Security; My publication list: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan_Loo https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=HZ10QK4AAAAJ&hl=en http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/l/Loo:Jonathan
My Expertise (2/2) Mobile Networks: Packet scheduling, Resource Allocation Management LTE/Femtocell; Wireless communication systems: Channel coding, Modulation, Cognitive Radio; Computer Applications: Video coding and transmission, Semantic multimedia data annotation, search and retrieval, Voice-over-IP, User behaviour analysis (with wireless proximity data); Embedded Systems: Embedded Linux, System-on-Chip architecture (ARM, OMAP), DSP (Texas Instrument, Analog Devices), FPGA (Xilinx); Applied Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence: Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Strategy, Bayesian Inference, Particle Swam Optimisation, deep learning framework/architecture
Last Year Project Example - 2015-2016 (1/2) Network Design and evaluate the impact of internal attack on RPL/6LoWPAN based Wireless Sensor Network Detection of internal attack on RPL/6LoWPAN based Wireless Sensor Network using Bayesian Network Design and Evaluate Software-Defined VANET Architecture using OMNET++ Design and evaluate dynamic network load balancing based on SDN/Openflow Wireless Design and evaluate an energy-aware downlink packet scheduling mechanism in LTE network
Last Year Project Example - 2015-2016 (2/2) Hardware Implement and evaluate software-defined network testbed using Raspberry Pi as OpenFlow Switches Intelligent Remote Door Answering System using Raspberry Pi Software (suitable for e-commerce students) Emergence alert geo-location mapping using social network data (Weibo/Tweeters) Online Food Takeaway Ordering Service Phone App for Part-time job brokerage service
Last Year Project Example Emergence alert geo-location mapping using social network data (Weibo) Implement and evaluate software-defined network testbed using Raspberry Pi as OpenFlow Switches Design and evaluate an energy-aware downlink packet scheduling mechanism in LTE network Intelligent Remote Door Answering System using Raspberry Pi