Consumer Issues Workshop 29 September St David’s Lounge Principality Stadium Cardiff, Wales
Aim of the Workshop To understand stakeholders’ thoughts and perspectives on key topical issues; To use views to develop relevant sections of CCWater’s Forward Work Programme.
Breakout Sessions Business Customers - devolution and the differences on competition policy between England and Wales. Affordability – assistance schemes, debt management and helping vulnerable customers. Surface water management and flooding – solutions to surface water management in reducing flood risk and improving environmental quality.
Outline of the Workshop Presentations from Customer Challenge Group Chairs Allocation of participants to breakout sessions Breakout sessions and discussion groups Feedback session
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 Objective Explore how we can ensure businesses and other non-household customers in Wales: Are very satisfied with their services Receive the best possible service Understand eligibility correctly and get support they need
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 The context : April 2017 – the market opens in England Eligibility to switch suppliers in Wales remains to 50ML or above (Dee Valley Water/Dŵr Cymru) But business customers of Severn Trent Water in Wales eligible to switch from April
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 CCWater Non-Household Customer Tracker 2016 Trust Sat water service Sat sew service NPS* DCWW 8.01 94% 65% 30 DVW 8.34 78% 31 SVT 7.41 95% 81% -8 England 7.6 92% 74% 2 Wales 8.2 71% 33 * NPS Net Promoter Score GREEN Statistically significant higher finding RED Statistically significant lower finding
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 Driving great services standards and good performance in Wales: What do you see as great service standards? What innovations would you like to see? Are there other ways to improve performance?
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 Devolution and the differences on competition policy between England and Wales What should business customers in Wales be told about competition in England? How should we help those who may have sites in England, and want only one bill?
Business Customers in Wales 29/09/2016 Helping business customers whose sites are on the borders. What help and advice would be helpful for CCWater to provide to these customers? Is there a difference between the information we give now and after April 2017? If a customer remains unhappy about their ineligibility to switch – where should they go next for action?
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales Objective Explore how we can help find solutions to: Tackling affordability and providing assistance to low income customers Supporting vulnerable customers Tackling water debt
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales The context: Three different social tariffs from the companies in Wales Overall low awareness of assistance schemes Water Strategy for Wales emphasis on tackling poverty and debt High levels of water debt in parts of Wales impact average water bill CCWater and companies taking steps to raise awareness amongst advisory agencies Current assistance scheme capture some vulnerable customers but most focus on vulnerability needed.
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales CCWater’s Definition of Vulnerability “Vulnerability occurs when a consumer may not have reasonable opportunity to access and receive an inclusive, safe service from a company, resulting in a permanent or temporary detrimental impact on their well-being, finances or health”.
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales Acknowledging the problem 75% of customers surveyed self identified as being in vulnerable circumstances. Of those, 83% said at least one of their creditors didn’t take into account their vulnerability. In it’s vulnerability focus report Ofwat identified financial health as a main driver of potential vulnerability. CCWater encourages companies to demonstrate good debt conduct which takes vulnerability into account.
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales Effective collaboration and partnership working between organisations to identify, reach and help customers can provide the support to prevent customers experiencing detriment as a result of their potential vulnerability. Specifically thinking of the debt management process, how can companies get better at collaboration and how can CCWater help? Working together Financial Health Debt Affordability identify reach help collaborate
Affordability, vulnerability and debt in Wales Tackling affordability and providing assistance to low income customers: - What would customers expect their companies to be doing to achieve inclusivity in the design and delivery of their Services; Information; and Policies? Supporting vulnerable customers: - What does success look like in addressing vulnerability? What more can CCW do in this area? The debt management process: How can companies get better at collaboration and how can CCWater help?
Surface Water Management and sewerage service Objective Explore whether and how surface water management solutions can play a bigger part in: Improving customer services Reducing environmental water quality Reducing flood risk
Surface Water Management and sewerage service The context : Climate Change = more frequent, heavy rainfall events and potentially greater impact on people properties, the environment Sewer flooding increase in Wales in 2015/16 Environmental water quality affected by a high number of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) in Wales Existing environmental water quality issues with potential impacts on bills Sustainable Drainage Pilot solution in Wales with proven positive impact on services, the environment
Surface Water Management and sewerage service Improving customer sewerage services: What do you see as great service standards? What are the key risks and issues we need to address? What ways are there to improve service standards for customers? What innovation you think is needed?
Surface Water Management and sewerage service Reducing environmental water quality risk: What are the risks for the environment and for sewerage customers? What are the solution to those risk? Are there any proven innovative pilots/examples where risk has been reduced? Is this an innovation approach one that can be mainstream to address on-going regulated performance issues?
Surface Water Management and sewerage service Reducing flood risk What are the risks for the environment and for sewerage customers? What are the solution to those risk? Are there any proven innovative pilots/examples where risk has been reduced? Is this an innovation approach one that can be mainstream to address on-going regulated performance issues?