1 Which of these is not one of the 4 p`s? 1)Place 2)Price 3)Presentation 4)Promotion
2 Where was WH Smith founded ? 1) London 2) Liverpool 3) Manchester 4) Cardiff
3 Who is the target audience at Alton Towers ? 1) Young children 2) Adults 3) All the family 4) Old people
4 Which one of these is a popular food business? 1 ) KFC 2) HMV 3) BBC Ford
5 Which of these is the best way of advertising a local event? 1) A poster on a bus 2) A free gift with each purchase 3) A competition for a free holiday to Thailand 4) A 5 minute commercial during a move in the cinema
6 Which logo is representing a well known supermarket? 1) 2) 3) 4)
7 Which company has this logo? 1)Ford 2) Burger King 3) BMW 4) Kit Kat
8 Which company has this logo? 1) Tesco 2) Halifax 3) Britannia 4) Lloyds TSB