Welcome to the Cardiff Health and Social Care Network, 25 September 2015
Agenda Welcome & Introductions 10.10am: Speakeasy – energy advice project 10.30am: GP cluster plans and how the third sector can get involved with GPs 11.15am: Winter planning – brief summary 11.20am: Review of the UHB Strategic Framework for working with the third sector 11.30am: ‘Our Health, Our Health Service’ consultation 12.20pm Information sharing 12.45pm: Suggestions for future meetings and networking
Suzy Youngman Fuel Debt Adviser Speakeasy Suzy Youngman Fuel Debt Adviser
GP Cluster Plans and how the Third Sector can get involved with GPs Sue Morgan Deputy Director of Primary Community & Mental Health Cardiff & Vale UHB
Winter planning The UHB have their winter plan in place. The key focus areas are: Flu vaccinations Hospital discharge Meeting on 1 October 2015, with third sector organisations working with older person and other at risk groups.
Review of the UHB Strategic Framework for working with the Third Sector Survey due to be issued next week. In-depth interviews taking place with third sector and UHB staff. Keeping in touch event in January to discuss findings and discuss contents for the next version. New Strategic Framework due by end of March 2016.
News Developments Issues Information Sharing News Developments Issues
Health and Social Care Facilitator Finally Suggestions for future meetings Feedback on todays meeting Sarah Capstick, Health and Social Care Facilitator sarah.c@c3sc.org.uk 029 2048 5722 / 07969185189 Please respond to the review when it is issued next week.