The National Maternity Stream of Sanctuary 2015-2016 Emily
Inspiration from Leeds volunteers Peer support meetings Up coming events Practice presentation skills, interview technique Conferences and awareness raising sessions Consultation group. e.g. COST European Survey What’s App “New family” volunteer locally and nationally
Maternity Stream Template Conference Waiting list to attend Promotion of films and award Held in Bradford, Leeds & Hull so far Others following....
International Midwifery Conference Grange Over Seas Paper 1 -Meeting the health and social care needs of pregnant Asylum Seeking & Refugee (AS&R) women through befriending Paper 2 The impact of befriending on the volunteers Paper 3 The development of the Maternity Stream of the City of Sanctuary Highlight stories from volunteers Huddersfield and Uclan Universities interested in Maternity Stream of Sanctuary conferences
Midwifery Education Conference Bournemouth Engaging migrant women in midwifery education 25 volunteers User Engagement Bradford RCM –e learning module E-learning module DOTW? Midwives from York, Salford and Bournemouth interested in Maternity Stream Conference
Awareness raising training Midwifery and medical students in Leeds and Bradford Staff LIME –Sanctuary for Health Award Leeds Student Union Family Action Bradford
Migrant Health Conferences in Leeds Becketts & WYP, Volunteers shared experiences of health and maternity Sanctuary Awards for Health for York St Practice and LIME GP Registration and welcome volunteers Consultation on Immigration Bill
Swansea Maternity Stream Launched Visit to Cardiff and Swansea Cardiff keen but no funding Swansea launched March 2016
Detention-Sanctuary in Parliament, research and Performances Shared stories with MP’s, -Baby attracted attention! Strawberry Blonde Curls-Tanya’s Story starring Emily-Edinburgh Festival Shared stories of detention with researcher Leeds Beckett’s Blue Moment film – York and London
Hidden Talents Partnership work with Growing Points and LTHT 11 volunteers supported to be Clinical Support Workers Pilot project to be repeated, shared with other parts LTHT, other Trusts and organisations
Midwifery Conferences in Manchester & Salford Manchester-‘Getting it right’ Maternal mental health and asylum seeking and refugee (AS&R) women Hawa first time public speaking Salford - ‘Beyond Consent: Supporting Asylum Seeking and Refugee Women’s choices’ Feedback “I was blown away” Sign up for launch of a Maternity Stream in Manchester
Maternity Stream Launch in Manchester 28 attendees –range of backgrounds Maternity Stream Conference planned October 2016 Royal Exchange Theatre-Birth festival and presentation skills training
Partnership work with The White Ribbon Campaign Women’s stories recorded in word, film and photgraphs Sanctuary Tent at Glastonbury 4 members of Maternity Stream represent the City of Sanctuary
Migrant Health Conference University of East Anglia (UEA) 2 night stay at The Grange Good preparation –Excellent presentations “Experts by Experience stole the show Great links with health professionals -, Norwich, Birmingham and National
Fun with People from the Dales!
One of the best weekends ever!
Fun at the West Yorkshire Playhouse Wonderful Women of the World Asmarina Voices International Women’s Day Event Training in presentation skills Sanctuary Award for People and the Dales
Sharing precious times Somaya’s Wedding!
More Precious times Happy Birthdays! Dispersals Cancelled! Val’s Yorkshire Woman of the Year Nomination
What a year! Yorkshire and Humber Maternity Stream lead the way. Courage, Commitment & Community Others are following Volunteers may fly soon but have left their mark. Thank You! Kindness saves lives. It’s catching so lets spread it!