Business Administration Major Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the Business Administration major. This Module will help familiarize you with the “ins and outs” of the Business Administration Major.
WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values: The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the Wayland Baptist University Mission and the University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the University.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to complete a degree plan for the Business Administration Major. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to identify the purpose of the Business Administration major, the courses within the major, specialization and professional development. The goal is for the advisor to have a good grasp on the purpose behind the major and have the knowledge to market the major to the appropriate student population. The advisor should also be able to provide details to the student about the transferability of credit, commonly used course substitutions, and possible specializations.
Purpose of the Business Administration (BUAD) Major The Business Administration Major exposes students to a broad array of business fields such as management, marketing, accounting and economics courses to prepare for a variety of business careers. This degree should be sought after by students who wish to someday work within a business; whether their goal is to be a small business owner or to work for a corporation. Students seeking this degree may also want to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree. Students need to be aware of the major requirements, specifically, the economics and accounting courses, as many students will try to avoid these type of classes.
Purpose of the Business Administration (BUAD) Major The 36 hour major includes a 18-semester hour core and a 18-semester hour specialization. The core courses are a set list of 6 specific areas. The 18 hour specialization must be completed from courses in either the field of study or as indicated within the specific core listings. Of the 36 hours required for the major, 18 must be from upper-level courses. No cognates may be used in this major. It important to know that even though students have the ability to transfer in outside courses, military or testing credit, they still must meet certain rules concerning the major. Students MUST have at least 18 hours of upper level credit in the major. Student who have numerous transferrable credit hours need to be aware of the rules/restrictions. On occasion, some transferrable credit may not be used because of these restrictions.
Business Administration (BUAD) Major Requirements: MAJOR CORE COURSES: BUAD 4334 – Business Ethics DANTES- Ethics in America will substitute but does not full fill upper-level requirement, list as PHIL 2300 on the degree plan RSWR 3345 – Research Writing Methods Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take it as soon as feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. This requirement moves from RSWR 3345 to an imaginative literature course, like ENGL3303, if the second half of English they have does not have a literature component. ACCOUNTING – From one set – 6 Semester Hours: ACCT 2305 – Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2306 – Principles of Accounting II OR ACCT 3307 – Financial Accounting ACCT 3308 – Managerial Accounting Per the catalog, credit will not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2305 and ACCT 3307. Credit will not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2306 and ACCT 3308. ECONOMICS – From one set – 6 Semester Hours: ECON 2307 – Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2308 – Principles of Microeconomics ECON 4346 – Survey of Economics Per the catalog, credit will not be awarded for ECON 2307 or 2308 and ECON 4346. Plus 3 semester hours from approved business electives This is the list of the required courses within the major. This is not an exhausted list of the possible transferrable CLEP/DANTES test or military credit that can be applied to the major.
Business Administration (BUAD) Major Requirements: Here we have an example of the major as it appears on the degree plan.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization A specialization in Business Administration must have 18 hours of credit in the subject area of the specialization block. Example: Specialization in Management Information Systems must have 18 hours of Management Information System courses in the specialization block for a 36- hour major Possible Specializations: (*These specializations have specific core requirements.) Accounting Studies Management Information Systems * General Business *Health Care Administration *Human Resource Management Wayland accepts courses from a wide variety of sources including Community College of the Air Force, technical and vocational schools, computer schools, and business colleges, which are regionally accredited. Nationally accredited schools must meet Wayland’s criteria to be considered. Students do not have to transfer in the 18 hours of a specialization if your campus teaches the 18 hours for the field. A good example of this would be if someone came to us wanting Management Information Systems as a specialization, but did not already have the management information systems hours, and your campus teaches 18 hours of science to full fill those credits. Typically, students will choose from one of the three specializations that have specific core requirements. However, military members who have obtained a CCAF from a business related field may want to utilize their military credit to do so.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Additional Specialization Options: This list is an example of some of the additional specializations students can pursue. Many of these listed are CCAF degree titles that a student may have. If this is the case, their military credit may then be used to satisfy the specialization.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization General Business Specialization: Must complete 18 semester hours from the following: BUAD 3318 – Business Law FINA 3309 – Financial Management MGMT 3304 – Principles of Management MKTG 3312 – Principles of Marketing MISM 3303 – Information Systems Theory and Practice Business Elective – 3 Semester Hours This slide lists the required courses for the General Business Specialization.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization General Business Specialization: Here we have an example of the general business specialization as it appears on the degree plan.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Health Care Specialization: Minimum of 18 hours of credit in the specialization from the following list of required courses. Students who request the Health Care Administration specialization must complete 18 semester hours from the following: HLAD 3335 – Administration & Organization of Health Facilities HLAD 4334 – Health Care Delivery Systems HLAD 4337 – Health Care Law MISM 3303 – Information Systems Theory and Practice Plus six (6) hours from the following: HLAD 3324 – Health Professions Human Resource Management HLAD 3329 – Health Care Financial Management HLAD 3339 – Theory & Practice of Supervision HLAD 4336 – Health Care Marketing HLAD 4339 – Regulatory Aspects of Long-Term Health Care HLAD 4340 – Long-Term Health Care Administration This is a list of courses to be used for the Health Care Specialization in the Business Administration major.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Health Care Specialization: For Certification: a student must have 18 hours of courses with HLAD Prefix. Only 3 hours of HLAD Practicum can count toward specialization requirements. These HLAD courses may be used as health or business credit, and should be applied in the major/specialization. Professional Development requirements for BUAD/HLAD majors: The professional development block must include 12 semester hours in a combination of a medical/health- related field or business courses. Other hours must be approved courses which support the major, or meet personal goals. Texas Nursing Home Administrator’s License: Students working toward a Texas Nursing Home Administrator’s License must have a Bachelor’s Degree in any field, as well as the following courses: MGMT 3304 – Principles of Management HLAD 3324 – Health Professions Human Resource Management HLAD 4337 – Health Care Law HLAD 4339 – Regulatory Aspects of Long-Term Health Care HLAD 4340 – Long Term Health Care Administration Duplicate Health Administration Courses: Health Administration courses transferred will be evaluated on an individual basis for core. If there are questions of transferability, the BAS/BCM Records office will refer to the Dean of the School of Business for approval. HLAD 3324 – Health Professions Human Resource Management and MGMT 3324 – Human Resource Management are considered duplicates. Both courses may not be used on the same degree plan. There are strict requirements for students seeking the Health Care specialization. Students wishing to pursue certification or the Texas Nursing Home License must ensure that they are meeting the requirements as described in the University’s catalog.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Health Care Specialization: Here we have an example of the health care specialization as it appears on the degree plan.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Human Resource Management Specialization: First offered 2005-2006 catalog Minimum of 18 hours of credit in the specialization from the following list of required courses. BUAD 3318 – Business Law MGMT 3304 – Principles of Management MGMT 3324 – Human Resource Management MGMT 4313 – Structure and Process of Organization MGMT 4320 – Organizational Behavior MISM 3303 – Information Systems Theory and Practice These are the courses needed for the Human Resource Management Specialization.
18-Hour BUAD Specialization Human Resource Management Specialization: Here we have an example of the human resource management specialization as it appears on the degree plan.
Business Administration Major Professional Development: The professional development block must include 12 semester hours of approved business courses. For the Health Care Administration Major, these 12 semester hours must include approved business or medical courses. The Professional Development in the Business Administration Major is not pure electives – it requires 12 hours of Business, and possibly Medical electives.
Business Administration Major Transferability of Courses No cognates may be used in this major. Courses which may be used in a Business Administration major and are not considered cognates are as follows: Calculus INT 7000 Advanced (CCAF) INT 9000 Superintendent Level (CCAF) MATH 1306 – Elementary Statistics Technical Writing Here’s To Your Health (Health Care Administration Only) This is only a list of the commonly transferred courses. There are an endless amount of courses, military credit, and test credit that can be transferred into the major and specialization of this degree. For a list of accepted CLEP & DANTES tests please review the score sheets provided to you by the BAS/BCM office. As for military credit, if there is any question about where to place a course or if it is acceptable, always ask your evaluator for their opinion.
Common Mistakes: Transferring in Lower Level credit hours and not adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take courses without the proper prerequisite or in an incorrect order. Not advising students of the proper sequence in their class rotation. (i.e. Taking RSWR 3345 at the beginning of their degree) Allowing students to take an incorrect Upper Level Related Elective. (i.e. For the BUAD major Related indicates a course with the prefix of BUAD, MISM, or MGMT ) This is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.
Summary Review: This training module focused on the Business Administration Major. At its conclusion, the user should know the core, the specializations available, and the professional development requirements. Advisors should be able to explain the major and its components to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. In summary the advisor and evaluator should know the core, specializations and professional development requirements available for the Business Administration Major. Advisors should be able to advise interested students and counsel them concerning Wayland’s guidelines.
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