Southside Elementary Museums Magnet School Student Services Southside Elementary Museums Magnet School
Introduction to the SST Process combines existing resources with: Academic problems Behavioral problems Social-emotional problems Outcome will always be: SST Intervention Plan Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Which 3rd grader should be referred to the SST due to reading difficulties?
Which 3rd grader should be referred to the SST due to reading difficulties? Student A Student B
Academic Issues
Academic Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 1: Regular Education Students 2 hours Language Arts/Reading a day 20 minutes guided reading 1 to 3 days wk 1 hour Mathematics a day Ongoing monitoring (assessments)
Academic Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 2: At Risk Students 2 hours Language Arts/Reading a day 20 minutes guided reading 4 to 5 days wk Reading/Math Coach skill based lessons 1 hour Mathematics a day Ongoing monitoring (assessments) Monitoring every 2 wks using form 6493 PMP prior to beginning Level 3
Academic Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 3: At Risk Students (FCAT level 1 and SAT 25%ile) 2 hours Language Arts/Reading a day 20 minutes guided reading 4 to 5 days wk Reading/Math Coach skill based lessons 1 hour Mathematics a day Ongoing monitoring (assessments) Monitoring every 2 wks using form 6943 Use form 6290 to document interventions LEP meeting for LEP student Monitor for one month before Request for Assistance (form 6278)
Academic Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 4: SPED Students 2 hours Language Arts/Reading a day 20 minutes guided reading 1 to 3 days wk 1 hour Mathematics a day Ongoing monitoring (assessments)
Behavior Issues
Behavior Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 1: Regular Education Students Conduct grades monitored weekly Student on the Schoolwide Disipline Plan
Behavior Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 2: At Risk Students Teacher contacts parent Conduct grades monitored daily Counselor intervenes FAB conducted Ongoing monitoring Classroom Behavioral Interventions LEP Meeting for LEP 1 or 2 After FAB, request for assistance
Behavior Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 3: At Risk Students Student is placed on a BIP and monitored for 9 weeks Level 4: SPED Student Student is staffed
Gifted Issues
Gifted Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 1: Regular Education Students 2 hours Language Arts/Reading daily 20 minutes guided reading 1 to 3 days wk 1 hour Mathematics daily Ongoing Monitoring
Gifted Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 2: Higher Level Students 2 hours Language Arts/Reading a day 20 minutes guided reading 1 to 2 days wk 1 hour Mathematics a day Ongoing monitoring (assessments) Differentiated instruction using Challenge Handbook LEP Meeting prior to Request for Assistance Refer for Gifted Evaluation (form 6278)
Gifted Issues – Breaking Down the Levels Level 3: Gifted Students Student is staffed
Request for Assistance (6278) Go to Click on Employees Click on Records and Forms Click on Forms Search
Request for Assistance (Academic) Red Folder from main office Request for Assistance (form 6278) Reading/Math Coach Plan SST Intervention Plan (form 6290) Monitoring System (form 6493) Work Samples Assessments (DIBELS, Edusoft data, etc) Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP) LEP Intervention Plan (if LEP student) Home Language Screening from LA teacher if LEP 1 or 2
Request for Assistance (Behavior) Yellow Folder from main office Request for Assistance (form 6278) Counselor Meeting Notes Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB) (form 6277) LEP Intervention Plan (if LEP student
Request for Assistance (Gifted) Blue Folder from main office Request for Assistance (form 6278) Work Samples Assessments (DIBELS, Edusoft data, etc)
Request for Assistance (approximately 1-2 months) Mrs. Locke will review folder and pull ISIS information (Mrs. Espinosa will pull ISIS information if Gifted) Mrs. Espinosa will obtain permissions for screening Regional Center will conduct a background screening
Request for Assistance Mrs. Locke will meet with Ms. Semet to determine all steps appropriately taken Meeting is set and notifications are sent Initial SST Meeting Decision to continue monitoring or conduct evaluations
Obtaining Forms Online – click on Employees
Click on Records and Forms
Click on Forms Search
Type form number of form name
Click on Blue Link
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