Performance Goals Samples (Please note, these goals are not proficient- they are for training purposes) What do you think?


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Goals Samples (Please note, these goals are not proficient- they are for training purposes) What do you think?

SMART Goals S - specific, significant, stretching M - measurable, meaningful, motivational A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action- oriented R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable SMART Goals

Title I Performance Goals Student Achievement Professional Development Parent Involvement Title I Performance Goals

Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 1 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  The DIBELS Spring assessment will reflect progress to the Moderate Risk or Low Risk categories for at least 50% of the students who were identified as High Risk in the Fall 2016 assessment. Data Source: DIBELS Data (Baseline Data): DIBELS Fall 2016 assessment Data (Target Date Goal):DIBELS Fall 2016 assessment Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 1

Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  90% of Title I students will have shown progress and/or achieved benchmark status on Aimsweb. Data Source: Aims web. Data (Baseline Data): To be collected in the fall, 2016. Data (Target Date Goal):End of 2016-2017 school year. Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 2

Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 3 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  All the students will be grade level based on reading mastery assessment .Data Source: Reading Mastery Diagnostic Assessments Data (Baseline Data): Reading Mastery Diagnostic Assessments Data (Target Date Goal):All the students will be grade level based on reading mastery assessment. Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 3

Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 4 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  In the areas of Math and ELA, school will have a 100% performance measure of closing the achievement gap for all students and historically underachieving students. .Data Source: PA School Performance Profile (Math/ELA PSSA results) Data (Baseline Data): Data for 2016 Data (Target Date Goal): Release of SPP will be prior to September 30, 2017. Title 1 Student Achievement Sample 4

Title 1 Parent Involvement Sample 1 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  20% of parents whose child in enrolled at a Title building, will attend the parental involvement activities Data Source: Attendance at activity Data (Baseline Data): Student enrollment at Title buildings Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 Title 1 Parent Involvement Sample 1

Title 1 Parent Involvement Sample 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal:  Shared Decision Making Techniques Data Source: School wide parent surveys Data (Baseline Data): Parent Surveys Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 Title 1 Parent Involvement Sample 2

Title I Parent Involvement Example 3 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: At least 70% of all parents will indicate some level of involvement in school-level parent involvement activities Data Source: The Annual Parent Survey from 2016 and 2017 Data (Baseline Data): On the 2016 Parent Survey, 68.83% of parents indicated some level of participation Data (Target Date Goal): On the 2017 Parent Survey, at least 70% of parents will indicated some level of involvement in parent involvement activities. Title I Parent Involvement Example 3

Title I Parent Involvement Example 4 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: The district will provide at least three parent engagement opportunities in each building. Data Source: School calendar, student/parent handbooks Data (Baseline Data): Beginning of 16-17 school year calendar of events Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 - agendas, sign-in sheets, announcements/postings Title I Parent Involvement Example 4

Title I Parent Involvement Example 5 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Increase (10%) the amount of parents participating in the Parent Involvement Needs Assessment survey. Data Source: Parent Involvement Needs Assessment Survey Data Report Data (Baseline Data): 2015-16 Title I Needs Assessment Parent Survey Data Report (100 parent surveys) Data (Target Date Goal): 2016-17 Title I Needs Assessment Parent Survey Data Report (110 parent surveys) Title I Parent Involvement Example 5

Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 1 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Communication will increase with the Nonpublic schools within the district that participate in the Title I Program. Data Source: Emails, Phones Calls, US Mail, Meetings, Other Data (Baseline Data): Communication done in second half of year (2015-16) Data (Target Date Goal): Increase communication in first half of the school year using all means of communication. Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 1

Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: For each student to achieve a score of benchmark on all sections of the CORE Reading Assessment to exit out of them reading program. Data Source: CORE Phoneme Test .Data (Baseline Data): Sept 2016 Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 2

Title II Performance Goals Professional Development Class-size Reduction Title II Performance Goals

Title II Professional Development Example 1 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Teachers, principals, administrators, and other support staff will attend up to 8 conferences, online or face-to face professional development activities Data Source: Agendas, sign-in sheets from professional development activities Data (Baseline Data): July 2016- September 2017 Data (Target Date Goal): September 30, 2017 Title II Professional Development Example 1

Title II Professional Development Example 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: The SD will provide at least 50 hours of professional development to the staff; including topics to increase literacy instruction, working with parents, and using data to inform instruction. Data Source: School calendar, teacher handbook Data (Baseline Data): Beginning of 16-17 - Professional Development calendar Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 - agendas, sign-in sheets, announcements/postings Title II Professional Development Example 2

Title II Professional Development Example 3 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: To see a 10% minimum increase in the total number of teachers participating in professional development  Data Source: SolutionWhere reporting system Data (Baseline Data): Total number of participants during the 2015-2016 school year  Data (Target Date Goal): Total number of participants during the 2016-2017 school year  Title II Professional Development Example 3

Title II Professional Development Example 4 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: 10% of the school staff will be provided professional development utilizing Title IIA funds Data Source: Sign In sheets Data (Baseline Data): Staffing data Data (Target Date Goal): June 30, 2017 Title II Professional Development Example 4

Title II Professional Development Example 5 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Yield a 50% participation rate of teachers indicating “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the end-of-the-year staff satisfaction survey with regards to the question, “How satisfied were you with the overall professional development opportunities offered Data Source: Online Survey Data (Baseline Data): None; no staff survey has been completed in the last year Data (Target Date Goal): 50% participation rate of teachers indicating "satisfied" or "very satisfied" on the end-of-the-year staff satisfaction survey. Title II Professional Development Example 5

Title II Professional Development Example 6 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Improve PSSA scores Data Source: PSSA Data (Baseline Data): 2016 scores Data (Target Date Goal): 2017 scores Title II Professional Development Example 6

Title II Class-size Reduction Example 1 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Our measureable goal is to reduce class size by five to ten percent. Data Source: Grade level enrollment numbers and a log of the students seen by the Title II teacher. Data (Baseline Data): Grade level enrollment Data (Target Date Goal): We plan to start this by the end of September and continue throughout the school year. Title II Class-size Reduction Example 1

Title II Class-size Reduction Example 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Students in grade 1, where the class size reduction teacher is assigned, will show a 5% increase in students scoring advanced or proficient on their Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) pre and post scores. Data Source: Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Data (Baseline Data): Students will be scored on their benchmark DRA at the beginning of the school year. Data (Target Date Goal): Students in grade 1 will show an increase of 5% in the number of students scoring advanced or proficient from their benchmark to their end of year assessment. Title II Class-size Reduction Example 2

Title II Class-size Reduction Example 3 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: The number of classrooms before class size reduction will be greater than the number of classrooms after class size reduction. Data Source: Staffing Summary Chart with Class Size Reduction teachers indicated Data (Baseline Data): The number of elementary classrooms before class size reduction teachers are included will provide a baseline at the start of the school year. Data (Target Date Goal): The number of elementary classrooms with class size reduction teachers included will serve as the indicator of goal attainment at the end of the year. Title II Class-size Reduction Example 3

Questions and Discussion 2017-18 Performance Goals

Well defined Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project Specific

Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is Find out when you have achieved your goal Measurable

Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be Agreed Upon

Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time Realistic

Time-Based Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect project performance Time-Based

Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 2 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Nonpublic students receiving Title I services will demonstrate at least a 5% improvement in reading or math achievement. Data Source: A benchmark assessment for reading or math will be administered in each nonpublic school .Data (Baseline Data): Fall benchmark assessment data in reading or math will provide the baseline data for each nonpublic school. Data (Target Date Goal): Spring benchmark assessment data in reading or math will be used to determine the level of success of Title I services toward the attainment of the target goal. Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 2

Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 3 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Each student will increase or maintain their performance level from BOY to EOY. Data Source: CORE or GRADE .Data (Baseline Data): CORE or GRADE Fall assessment performance level Data (Target Date Goal): June 2017 - EOY CORE or GRADE assessment performance level Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 3

Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 4 Target Date: End of 2016-17 School Year Measureable Goal: Non public students receiving reading and math support will demonstrate improvement in their skills/conceptual subsets within MAP as evidenced by their growth projections on the RIT scores and/or demonstrating growth on their DIBELS assessments Data Source: NWEA MAP Assessments in Reading and Math DIBELS Assessments Data (Baseline Data): Fall 2015: Goal performance (RIT scores) in Foundational Skills, Reading, & Writing & Language and growth area projections for the year Data (Target Date Goal): Spring 2016: Performance Goal improvement (RIT scores) in Foundational Skills, Reading, & Writing & Language; projections met or near projection Title I (Nonpublic Student Achievement) Example 4