Let’s Play! Please listen carefully and think before answering. Good Luck!!
Scientific Method
Question and Hypothesis
Independent vs. Dependent Variable
Metric System
Review Sheet
Grab Bag
Scientific Method Question and Hypothesis Independent vs. Dependent Variable Metric System Review Sheet Grab Bag 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
What must follow detailed steps?
A Procedure!
What is the step where you gather information?
What is an educated guess or best guess?
A hypothesis!
What is the step where the scientist makes an observation and wants to know something?
A Question!
What is the last step in the scientific method?
A Conclusion!
What makes a good scientific question?
It must be able to be tested and have an answer
What makes a good hypothesis?
You tell what you think and why you think it.
Is this a good hypothesis? “I think dogs will prefer to eat beef over chicken because it is juicier.”
Is this a good hypothesis? “I think they will prefer red flowers.”
No! It is missing because!
Create a hypothesis from this scientific question: Do mice prefer to eat Swiss cheese or cheddar cheese?
I think mice will prefer to eat Swiss cheese over cheddar cheese, because Swiss cheese is less tangy.
This is what you change in an experiment.
The independent variable!
What are you are trying to measure in an experiment
The dependent variable!
Craig wanted to know if students who read books instead of watching TV after their homework was completed got better grades. What is the dependent variable?
The students’ grades!
Craig wanted to know if students who read books instead of watching TV after their homework was completed got better grades. What is the independent variable?
Reading books vs. watching T.V.!
Jonathon wants to know if eating carrots helps improve students’ eyesight in the dark. What are the dep. & indep. variables?
Eye sight in the dark is the dep. & eating carrots is the indep.!
What sentence can we use to remember the metric system?
King Henry Doesn’t Usually Drink Chocolate Milk.
.345 m = ___cm
34.5 cm
Daily Double!
What is a control group in an experiment?
The group that doesn’t get anything new or exciting.
3,500 mm =____ m
3.5 m
.005 km = ___ m
5 m
Why do we have a control?
(control group is not tested (control group is not tested!) We need one so we have something to compare our variables (what changes in our experiment) to!
I want to know if vitamins will make a kitten grow faster. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment?
Independent: Giving the kitten vitamins Dependent: Whether or not the kitten will grow faster
What is a good hypothesis for the following scientific question: Do big dogs or small dogs run faster?
Ex: I think that big dogs run faster than small dogs because they have longer legs!
Change “Why does the sun shine?” into a strong scientific question.
Ex: Does the sun shine for longer in the summer or winter?
What does inquiry mean?
The search for knowledge
Where do you graph independent variables?
On the X axis
Where do you graph dependent variables?
On the Y- Axis
What is the information that is recorded during an experiment?
In your conclusion, what should you ask yourself?
Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?
Daily Double!
Where on the x and y axis should you graph this experiment: Does the number of hours a student studies affect the score on the quiz?
Score on the quiz- Y axis Number of hours studied- X axis.
Final Jeopardy
The Method!
What are the lyrics to Must be the Method?
If you got a question needs an answer you see, gotta research information in the library. Oh why must it be this way? Must be the method! First hypothesize what the answer could be, then perform an experiment, 1-2-3. Oh why must it be this way? Must be the method! Then record the data in the data sheet, draw up some conclusions and then repeat. Oh why must it be this way? Must be the Method!