PROPAGANDA How writers and advertisers use your feelings and emotions to persuade you to agree with them? ELAGSE6RI8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.
Where do we see propaganda? Newspapers and books Magazines Internet Clothing Billboards Bumper stickers TV Radio Signs Products Cartoons (political)
Propaganda techniques in advertising Writers and advertisers use many techniques to convince you to agree with them or buy their product. An emotional appeal tries to make the reader connect the writer’s message with an important feeling.
Propaganda techniques Bandwagon Loaded Words Name-calling Snob Appeal Plain Folks Card-Stacking Glittering Generalities Testimonial
Bandwagon The bandwagon technique appeals to the reader’s need to belong. It tries to get you to do what everyone is doing. It makes you think you need to have this product in order to fit in.
bANDWAGON Millions of people have discovered Proactiv® Solution...from people like you to celebrities like Vanessa Williams, Jessica Simpson and Elle Macpherson... they all say Proactiv Solution helped banish their breakouts and get them on the path to clear, beautiful, star-quality skin.
Loaded WORDS The loaded language technique uses words that cause a strong feeling. Once the reader is feeling strongly, he or she may be more likely to agree with the writer. What are some examples of loaded words? This technique often uses interesting and eye-catching visuals, as well.
LOADED WORDS Whitening Expressions Refreshing Vanilla Mint Get a cool and inviting brushing experience with Crest Whitening Expressions Refreshing Vanilla Mint.
Loaded WORDS This billboard advertisement uses the word “irresistible” to appeal to our emotions. The visual is also very appealing.
Name Calling This technique uses words that are negative to describe an enemy or competitor. It compares one organization or idea to another, showing how one is superior. It is often used in politics and during wartime.
NAME CALLING Mac OS X Leopard “No other operating system — Vista included — offers the innovation and simplicity of Mac OS X. With Mac OS X Leopard, the Mac leaps even further ahead with new features that let you do more with less effort.” There are many ads in which the Apple company shows how their products are “better” than PCs.
Name Calling Candidates for the 2008 Presidential election used name calling in their ads, as in past elections. Barack Obama says that John McCain has “same old politics, same failed policies”. Obama implies that McCain is not the best choice and he doesn’t have the best solutions to America’s problems. -from “Low Road” video ad
SNOB APPEAL The suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous life style
SNOB APPEAL For example, a coffee manufacturer shows people dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos drinking their brand at an art gallery.
PLAIN FOLKS Plain Folks: The use of everyday people to sell a product or service. Speakers and ads appear to make the person to be “one of the people.” Designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the audience.
PLAIN FOLKS Example: Cigna Healthcare video Examples: America’s recent presidents have all been millionaires, but they have gone to great lengths to present themselves as ordinary citizens. Example: Cigna Healthcare video
CARD-STACKING The strategy of showing the product’s best features, telling half-truths, and omitting or lying about its potential problems. Success or failure depends on how successful the propagandist is in Selecting facts or “cards and presenting or “stacking” them.
CARD-STACKING Example: Drug manufacturers do this frequently in ads in which they skim over the possible harmful side effects of their products. Facts are selected and presented which most effectively strengthen and authenticate the point of view of the propagandist. In the Alli ad, FDA approved is in large print and the negative side effects are in small print
Testimonial This technique uses the words of someone who has actually used the product. Often, the testimonial comes from a celebrity – if they use it and look good, why shouldn’t you! The normal, average person’s opinion is also used to appeal to us.
TESTIMONIAL "...the great thing about Proactiv is that it's a fantastic skin treatment, whether you have acne or not. It's gentle, it's effective, it's a sort of exfoliant, which I really like - my skin has a better texture about it and it's easy to use." Elle MacPherson
Testimonial Larry the Cable Guy lost 50 lbs. with the Nutrisystem diet plan. Larry said, “With NutriSystem, losing weight is pretty much a no-brainer (and that comes in handy in my family).”
Discussion Questions What are advertisers true reasons for persuading you? Are they trying to truly help you or are they just wanting to sell a product and make money? Should you try something or do something just because it is popular?
Conclusion Propaganda techniques can be extremely effective in persuading the reader to act on a feeling. As readers of propaganda techniques in advertising, we must learn to recognize emotional appeals. If we focus on the facts instead of the feelings, we will make a better decision about the writer’s opinion.
In Review Propaganda is how writers and advertisers use your feelings and emotions to get you to agree with them. The 4 most common techniques are: loaded words, bandwagon, testimonial, and name calling. Advertisers use these techniques to influence us, appeal to our emotions, persuade us to buy their products, try to make us act on our emotions, get us to do what everyone else is doing, etc. We need to rely on facts and research the products before buying them and not rely ONLY on our emotions.
Examples (ads must be reviewed before using) (ads must be reviewed before using) (endorsement, testimonial) (testimonial) (bandwagon – ads must be reviewed before using – these TV ads focus on peer pressure and drugs & rising above the influence – for adolescents) (name calling) (name calling) ads for presidential elections – must be reviewed
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