Fashion & Textile Technology Unit - Fashion & Textile Choices
Success Criteria To be successful in Today’s lesson: You will develop an UNDERSTANDING of the unit content and what is expected from you in order to complete this unit.
Starter Activity Fashion and Textile Choices There are many factors which influence our and others choice of fashion and textile items. In small groups discuss what these factors may be and record the thoughts of your group.
Outcome 1 - National 5 Prepare to make or adapt detailed fashion/textile items that take into account factors that affect the fashion and textile choice of others by: 1.1 - Carrying out a detailed investigation into factors affecting fashion/textile choice for a chosen group of consumers 1.2 - Developing a solution for a detailed fashion/textile item that will meet the fashion/textile choices of this group
1.1 - Carry out a detailed investigation into factors affecting fashion/textile choice for a chosen group of consumers. Toddlers - Toddlers are children who are actively moving or walking. They are between the ages of one to two years old. Children - This group consists of children with an age range from six to twelve. Their clothing should meet their physical needs, such as comfortable, practicability, safety. Teenagers - Many changes take place when a person leaves the role of being a child and enter into teenagers. Adults - They buy for themselves, for their families and for others. As this group ages, their body shapes and preferences change with the growth of age. Elderly - Elderly people usually have big changes on their body proportion. Their faces gradually become thin, their abdomens and hips get larger, their legs get thinner and their waistlines thicken.
BUDGET: When buying clothing everyone has a different budget in which they can work with. Some people allow themselves a set amount of money per month to spend of clothing. Others do not have this pleasure and will only be able to buy themselves clothing when they have the extra cash to do so. Budgets will be different for each of the mentioned groups in the previous slide, why is this?
ADVERTISING: Some people will be influenced by what they see advertised in magazines, on T.V, catwalks and/or displayed in shops. Companies use advertising to set trends and sell fashion or textiles items to each particular group that they are aiming at. How would companies advertising differ from a teenager to someone who is elderly?
CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT: People can be hugely influenced by celebrity endorsements. This means: Endorsements are a form of advertising that uses famous personalities or celebrities who command a high degree of recognition, trust, respect or awareness amongst the people. Such people advertise for a product lending their names or images to promote a product or service.
CULTURE: People can be influenced in their clothing choice due to cultural beliefs or expectations.
PEER PRESSURE: How do you think this would influence your fashion or textile choices?
1.2 Developing a solution for a detailed fashion/textile item that will meet the fashion/textile choices of this group
Step 1 - Selecting a brief: Develop a fashion/textile item for a teenager on a budget to wear to the summer event. Develop a fashion/textile item for teenager who is environmentally friendly using recycled materials. Develop a fashion/textile item for a toddler on a budget (Family) for everyday wear/use. Develop a fashion /textile item for a Young Child to wear to a school event (non- uniform).
Select your investigation technique Select your investigation technique. Aim – find out what issues affect your chosen groups choice of clothing and textiles. Factors could be – budget, advertising, climate, care, etc see list in pink booklet Literary or internet search for information affecting choices of clothing. A survey of your chosen group. Interview a member of the group. Visit to shops selling items appropriate to your group. Magazine/online shop search for common items for your group.
Carrying out the investigation. A survey, questionnaire or interview is a good way to collect some information. Construct a set of 10 questions to ask your group or the person you will interview. Conduct your survey or interview at home over the summer holidays. Record your results on your iPad in pages or excel. Remember to note who you asked, name and position. E.g Mrs Smith play leader at playgroup OR Mrs Jones – grandmother. OR Joe Blogs – teenage cousin.
Presenting your information Present your findings. Graphs use excel if you are able Charts A short written report Notes from an interview Photographs A key note or power point
Outcome 2 - Make a detailed fashion/textile items that take into account factors that affect fashion/textile choice of others. Choose from one of the following items:
2.5 - Carrying out a detailed investigation to evaluate the finished item with reference to the solution Did the item meet the fashion/textile choice of your chosen group of consumers? Was the item of a suitable standard of quality? Did you choose the most appropriate textiles? Did you choose the most appropriate components? Having considered your findings, would you now change anything about the way you developed or made the item? Or any other relevant question
Outcome 1: Higher Investigate issues influencing the fashion/textile industry and consumers by: 1.1 Selecting an issue influencing the fashion/textile industry or consumers 1.2 Using investigative techniques to obtain information about the issue 1.3 Explaining the influence of the issue on the fashion/textile industry or consumers 1.4 Evaluating how fashion/textile items address the issue 1.5 Communicating findings in an appropriate way