CONGRATULATIONS Medina Teachers Association! We continue to be ranked #1 in the GWO VOTE-COPE Region for our VOTE-COPE totals. (Genesee, Wyoming & Orleans Counties) We are up 3% from last year, with an average donation of $57.16
VOTE COPE Contribution Analysis 2016 results 2015 results 17 Members Contribute by Check cash, lump sum withdrawal
New York State Constitution (Article19, § 2). Every 20 years the people of the Empire State are asked a seemingly simple ballot question; “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?” The question will appear on the ballot on November 7, 2017 It will have a huge impact on not only NYSUT members, but every citizen of the state
Constitutional Convention vs. Constitutional amendments What’s the difference?
First process The state constitution can be amended in two ways. 1. By passage of individual bills for specific purposes, by two separately elected state Legislatures (Article 19, §1). Bills passed then appear on the November ballot and need 50% + 1 to pass. This process has been used nearly 200 times since the last major constitutional redraft in 1894. Process was undertaken in 2013 for several changes including: Casino Gaming in New York state-Passed Sale of specific lands within the constitutionally protected Adirondack Park- Passed Increasing the mandatory retirement age for state judges: Failed
This process was again used in the fall of 2014 for two more proposed changes Creation of an Independent Commission on Redistricting- Passed Changes to election districts based on the 2020 US Census; and New lines will be in place for the 2022 elections. Allows Senate and Assembly to go paperless-Passed Constitutional requirement-paper bills must sit on legislators desks for three days; Would allow bill being “in print” to count toward the three days; and Will save $325,000 a year in paper and printing costs
Question goes before the voters every 20 years Second process 2.Holding a constitutional convention (Article 19, §2) Question goes before the voters every 20 years Allows for much wider modifications of the constitution; including a full rewrite The Constitutional Convention is expected to cost no less than $340 Million
Why this matters… The constitution establishes a basic organizational structure for state government Changes could be made that give too much power to one branch, for example say the executive. This could create unbalanced power and weaken the legislature.
The constitution establishes the fundamental rights you enjoy as a citizen of New York state, as a public employee, and as a retired public employee, including: Guaranteeing the right to a free public education (Article 11, § 1); Prohibiting reductions in public pension benefits (Article 5, § 7); Rights to workers compensation (Article 1, Rights to be a member of a union and bargain collectively (Article 1, §17); and Requiring that the state provide for social welfare needs (Article 17, § 1).
Public knowledge about the Constitutional Convention (Siena Poll) June 16, 2016 February 17, 2017 A great deal 2% 4% Some 8% 7% Not very much 22% 18% Nothing at all 66% 71% Don’t know 1% 0%
Support / Oppose June ‘16 vs. Feb ‘17 February 17, 2017 Support 68% 63% Oppose 19% 24% Don’t Know 13% -5% +5%
Among Union Households June 16, 2016 February 17, 2017 Support 67% 57% Oppose 21% 32% Don’t Know 13% 11% -10% +11% About one in four NYers live in union households – so if we can continue to move union households, we shift a large % of voters
Why is this so important to me as a nysut member? What’s at stake?
Pension Protections are Paramount Maine 2001 – Suspended COLA’s for all retirees Alaska 2005 – Closes Teachers’ Retirement plan; all new members in 401(k) style retirement plan Mississippi 2010 – increased employee contribution rate for all employees from 7.2% to 9% New Hampshire 2011 – Place all new hires and non-vested employees in a new tier with lower benefit Rhode Island 2011 – Placed all new hires and all members with less than 20 years of service in new plan with greatly reduced benefit and higher employee costs.
Good News for New York New York has the TOP 3 most well funded pensions in the nation. NYS Teachers, NYS Public Workers, NYS Thruway Authority. Broader on investments, no dipping into to them to fund other state projects. Fact: There will be a Pension Crisis in this country, so we will have to fight to keep what we have.
How do I help & who else will be with us?
Messaging: Voting AGAINST a Constitutional Convention Four messages tested: Threat to worker protections/pensions Vouchers Wasteful spending, Albany Politicians Threat to labor rights & collective bargaining TALK ABOUT PENSION MESSAGE A constitutional convention could weaken worker protections like, the guarding of public employee pensions, unemployment insurance and health and safety regulations. A constitutional convention could change state laws to allow religious and parochial schools to receive state education funding OR allow parents to use taxpayer funded vouchers to pay for private and parochial schools The constitutional convention will cost at least 340 million dollars, and just like in 1967, be run by the same Albany politicians and accomplish nothing. A constitutional convention could strip New Yorkers of their rights to join a union and collectively bargain.
Post Messaging Results Show Members are Persuadable, but still lots of work to be done Pre Messaging Post Messaging Support 35.0% 20.8% Oppose 33.7% 43.4% Undecided / Don’t Know 31.2% 35.9% -14.2% +9.7% “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same.” If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on this ballot question, or are you undecided? Higher Ed still largest group supporting – 37% support / 37% undecided / 25% oppose +4.7%
Rejection was not by accident. Voters rejected the last required call for a constitutional convention in 1997. Rejection was not by accident. Many groups worked together to convince voters that holding a convention was not in the best interest of the people of the state.
These groups included: Public and private organized labor Environmentalists and conservationists: maintain “forever wild” provisions that protect environmentally sensitive areas Advocates for public education at all levels Casino & gaming interests who don’t want to see additional expansion Social welfare advocates who will seek to maintain the requirement that New York State provide for the underprivileged Fiscal conservatives who wanted to keep existing state and debt limits in place Some government watchdog groups who just didn’t want to “spend the millions of dollars to hold a party in Albany!”
We need to concentrate our efforts on this important issue and support VOTE-COPE. Get involved with your local, stay active with the political process starting today, get informed on the important issues surrounding a constitutional convention. Start writing letters to the editor against the 2017 Constitutional Convention- use broad arguments Start talking to your family and friends about the vote to begin to sway them toward voting no-use personal arguments that appeal to them.