Period 7: Part 1 1890 - 1945 APUSH Review
Concept Overview Why these years? Progressivism Spanish-American War US Global Role WWI Roaring 20s Concept Overview
Progressive Movement Progressive Goals Muckraking Social Justice and Welfare Movements Progressive Voting Reforms Progressive Movement
Presidents and Progressivism Theodore Roosevelt (1901 – 1909) Square Deal – 3 “C” William Taft (1909 – 1913) Woodrow Wilson (1913 – 1921) “New Freedom” Presidents and Progressivism
Progressive Constitutional Amendments 16th 17th 18th 19th Progressive Constitutional Amendments
Imperialism Step toward Empire Acquisition of Alaska Annexation of Hawaii Acquisition of some Samoan Islands Open Door Policy Imperialism
Spanish-American War Causes Humanitarian effort Yellow Journalism Protect American Business De Lome Letter USS Maine Spanish-American War
Spanish-American War Results Roosevelt Corollary Dollar Diplomacy Land Acquisition Guam Philippines Puerto Rico Cuban Protector Platt Amendment Roosevelt Corollary Dollar Diplomacy Spanish-American War
World War I Causes for U.S. Mobilization Civil Liberties and Dissent Cultural Ties American Interests Lusitania Zimmermann Telegram U-Boats Mobilization Civil Liberties and Dissent Espionage Act & Sedition Act Schenck v. U.S. World War I
Wilson and the Fourteen Points Fourteen Points Speech Treaty of Versailles U.S. Foreign Policy 1920s Washington Naval Conference Kellogg-Briand Pact Wilson and the Fourteen Points
Creating a Consumer Economy Economic Nationalism New Production Techniques Mass Production Economic Prosperity Mass Communication Creating a Consumer Economy
The Fight for Suffrage Work Social Change The New Woman
African American Life The Niagara Movement and NAACP The Harlem Renaissance Marcus Garvey and Negro Nationalism Red Summer Resurgence of Ku Klux Klan African American Life
Immigration and The Red Scare Nativism National Origins Act Immigration and The Red Scare