Al-Katar dates trading Company
About us: Al-Katar Dates Co. has commenced its business with individual effort of its owners; Engineer Mohammed Al-Salamat. Al-Katar Dates Co. is an excellent a distinguished company specializing in dates production and marketing, as it had been incorporated in 2010 in Jordan Valley Region/ Al-Karamah, and operates in providing, attending to and producing high quality dated as per the cutting edge techniques pursuant to local and international standard specifications
The company has a plant in Jordan valley which is responsible for packing, packaging and collecting dates from farms and bringing them into the plant, after which the process of separation and cleaning starts, followed by packaging and finally by stacking in chilled warehouses so to be ready for distribution and sale. In addition, it owns several agricultural land plots and projects. Vision: To have this "unknown" food product locally and nationally promoted. Aspirations: To expand the date planting which is considered as cost- effect and proceed generating investment.
Our farm
Our products Medjool Dates: Al-Katar Co. is specialized in producing premium quality dates, particularly the Medjool sort which is the top-quality and finest dates sort in the world. It has an international reputation. It is of triangular shape, semi- moist fruit of brown color with a distinguished taste and flavor. Furthermore, it is on demand at an international level, and contains high percentage of fibers in addition to the high moisture content, as it is considered of the commercial sorts with high nutrition value, let alone its big size.
Super Jumbo Jumbo
Large size medium size
AL-katar Co. Unripe Dates/ Barhi: These are characterized by being edible during the ripening period in Jordan as fresh unripe dates. The fruit is of yellow color. Barhi trees produce high amount during the tree maturation period which reaches up to 250 kilograms per tree.
Our services : Technical and Consultancy Studies: Based on the principle of developing the palm sector and promoting the work efficiency in this sector in Jordan Valley Region, Al-Katar Co. works on the provision of advise and consultancy in dates planting, and on finding solutions to the problems facing the farmers with a view to harvest a high quality product. Feasibility studies: Contribute to the feasibility studies in this area. Because it has a great role in bringing investments to this sector and working according to the technical expertise to achieve the results of these studies to the reality.
Our services : Farm Reclamation : Al-Katar provides the service of farms suitable for planting this food product and works on creating real and strategic partnership between technical experts, such as engineers, and the owners of existing farms in this area for the benefit of both parties. Packing and Packaging : Al-Katar Co. adopts the approach of ongoing development policy for its products which includes various scientific and technical methods in dates processing and canning, so it has contributed to raising the awareness of dates farmers on the use of best scientific techniques in production, storage, packing and packaging operations.
Packing and Packaging
Box details Outside view Inside view
Contact us : Telefax: +962 6 5733603 Mob: +962 77 630 2020 E-mail: Address: Marj Al-Hamam District/ Opposite Total Fuel Station, Mohammed Nour Shabsough Buildin Website : Facebook :