Slavery in the Southern United States Myth vs. Reality Please have your devices or borrow a Chromebook from the cart. Go to my webpage on the school district site – click on the “Slavery in America” tab on the left and wait for instructions…
Slavery in America – PowerPoint Notes Work of a Slave – 1. Domestics – 2. Skilled workers – 3. Field Hands – 4. Normal Work Hours? 5. During Harvest? 6. Number of days per week? 7. Jobs children performed – 8. Jobs the elderly performed – 9. Food – Examples of food eaten – Calories per day (if lucky) - 10. Clothes – Materials made of - 11. Punishment – Most common type of restraint – Most feared type of punishment -
Slavery in the Southern U.S. Myth Reality Most Southerners owned Slaves. Only about 15% - 25% owned slaves. 2. Most Slave owners owned a lot of slaves. Most owners had about 3 – 5 slaves. 3. It was common for slave owners to kill slaves or work them to death. Slaves were expensive. 4. Slavery was not all that bad! What do you think?
Slavery in the Southern U.S. Myth Reality Most Southerners _________________. ___________________owned slaves. 2. Most Slave owners __________________. Most owners _________________. 3. It was common for slave owners _________ ____________________. Slaves were _____________. 4. Slavery was __________________ What do you think?