CSFWG – Spectrum of Oversight (f) and Time Requirements (g) subgroup: Roadmaps Documents Presented By: Zita Kline, Senior Analyst June 15, 2016
DRP/IDER Proceeding to Date DRP (distribution grid deferral) (R.14-08-013) ICA Demo A Rule 21 Fast Track LNBA Demo B, C, D, E IDER (DER sourcing) (R. 14-10-003) Cost Effectiveness Calculator IOU Solicitation Framework IOU Incentives Proposal IOU Incentives Pilot ? The Voice of Consumers, Making a Difference!
The Voice of Consumers, Making a Difference! DRP Proceeding Scope DRP (distribution grid deferral) ICA Demo A Rule 21 Fast Track PEV, ES, DR Microgrid integration LNBA Demo B DER Growth Scenarios Demo C, D, E DPRG CEC IEPR coordination CAISO TPP Coordination CPUC IRP/ Solicitation CPUC GRC Data Sharing The Voice of Consumers, Making a Difference!
Spectrum of Oversight - DPRG DPRG Activities Oversight ICA/LNBA Group (Identify DPAs) Distribution Planning Group (Identify deferral projects/features) Operations and Maintenance Group (Identify O&M deferrals) Circuit Reliability Improvement Group (includes Volt/VAR) Technical Expert Independent Evaluator Nonmarket Participants DPRG Market Participants? (J.Clinton) Commission Approval Application? Tier 3 Advice letter? (Florio Incentive Proposal) ACR ICA/LNBA DRP Guidance* ** * DRP Guidance, Attach. p. 12, (“The output of [phase 2a] will be “Distributed Energy Resource Development Zones” (could be Distribution Planning Areas) that can be associated with locational values. In these zones, additional DER portfolios would be defined using the process of value optimizations.) ** Projects Identified according to: deferral start date a) 1.5-3 year near-term forecast, b) 3-5 year intermediate-term forecast, c) 5-10 year long-term forecast and d) >10 year ultra-long term forecast . ACR ICA/LNBA (May 2, 2016), p. 28. Current distribution planning schedule (IOU Joint proposal) The Voice of Consumers, Making a Difference!
Theoretical Structures for DER Procurement Framework Bundled Procurement Plan (BPP) (Biennial) Contract length > 5 years LNBA value largely T&D T&D Deferral RFO Application LNBA value largely NOT T&D Incorporate into existing RFOs Approval coincident with RFO outcome (Application) Contract length < 5 years Tier 3 Advice Letter Preapproved Use Cases TBD (Standard Pro Forma) Tier 1,2 Advice Letter Incorporate into existing RFOs? Approval coincident with RFO outcome (AL/ App.) DER Procurement Plan (Annual) - OR - Remaining process analogous to BPP but distribution deferral-specific. Decision points for the working group Annual v. biennial filing sufficient? Incorporate into BPP or separate filing. Is the distribution deferral significantly different than BPP? Incorporate a portion of distribution deferral into existing procurement process? What is the method for incorporating distribution deferral? The Voice of Consumers, Making a Difference!