Welcome to Curriculum Night! CTA Third Grade Patterson Elementary School 1
Daily Schedule Specials 9:15-8:45 Bellwork Math/Math Facts Spalding (Phonograms, Spelling, Grammar) Recess 12:00-12:20 Lunch 12:20-12:40 Journeys Reading/Writing TSR (Tutor/Study/Read) 1:30-2 Science, Social Studies, Cursive, Vocabulary, Projects
Specials (9:15-9:45) - Day 1 P.E. (Tennis Shoes) - Day 2 Music Day 3 Computer Lab/COW Alvar (Computer on Wheels) - Day 4 P.E. (Tennis Shoes) - Day 5 Music Day 6 Media Center Hamilton
3rd Grade Anxiety BREATHE!!!
The Spalding Method Primary Learning to Read Intermediate Reading to Learn
Curriculum Language Arts Phonograms – 1-70 tested monthly Twice a week - OPR & WPR Weekly tests – 20 for a grade Spelling/Spalding Daily Dictation - 15 words on Monday & Tuesday Best practice (Reading for Reading and Spelling) Weekly test – 30 (for a grade)/4th Quarter Two sentence dictation/Cursive Spalding book stays in the classroom Grammar Detailed instruction and applications through writing Easy Grammar Writing: Write From the Beginning By the end of the year students will be writing 5 paragraph papers (Opinion, narrative, Persuasive, and Informational) Cursive (starting NOW!)
Curriculum Reading - Journeys Vocabulary development Develops comprehension skills through Mental Actions Reading grades based on weekly comprehension - Language Grades – Vocabulary, Grammar, Phonics, Decoding Writing grades based on personal responses and complete sentences Testing Strategies Oral Recitation – 2 poems/presentations per quarter (email/web site) Quarterly Book Reports or Projects - Accelerated Reader Rock Star Readers – 3rd Grade incentives Point goals/reports www.arbookfind.com Home Connect
Curriculum Journeys
Rockstar Readers Bronze Silver Gold 9
Curriculum Math Saxon Math 4th Grade Spirals back on previously taught concepts Problems are copied from the book onto homework paper. Math book home (or emailed) One problem per box. Students must show work and labels Galileo District Benchmarks based on 4th Grade Standards Bellwork 3rd Grade AZ Merit based on 3rd Grade Standards Practice Math Facts (+ - x /) Goal 100 Facts 3.5 Minutes (year end)
Science and Social Studies Harcourt and Time for Kids Magazine (non-fiction text) Many projects, activities, field trips are based on Science and S.S. Standards Science Topics: Rocks and Minerals, the Rock Cycle, Earth Layers, Scientific Method, Energy, Plants, and Ecosystems Social Studies Topics: Government, Geography, Communities, History, American Heroes, and Economics 11
Homework Agendas need to be signed after homework is completed and reviewed by the signer. Homework will meet or exceed 40 minutes Plus 20 minutes of AR reading. Usually Spelling and Math (Work not finished during class time) Approximately 30 problems of Math Homework is due FIRST THING 3 points 1 – Agenda Completed 1 – Spelling Completed 1 – Math Attempted/Completed
Classroom Community “Character Always” Classroom Discipline Six pillars of Good Character Students take responsibility for the own actions Character Cards Sign weekly Red – Please sign and return the Behavior Log. 9 Reds – Do not participate in the end of the quarter activity 5 Greens – Treasure *Please see me with any concerns, before going to the office. Agendas I stamp the signature when I have looked at the agenda. The agendas help with organization, classroom communication, responsibility, and helps to prepare your child for the next grade. 13
Grades Math Facts/AR grades/Handwriting/Homework/Benchmarks do not factor into the students’ overall Math/Reading/Writing grades. Spalding Benchmark 12 points – 12th Grade Tutoring if score below 65% in reading/math/writing/grammar NOT Spelling/Phonograms Input 65% with actual grade in Comments Section. Notated on Graded Work (Tutoring/Done) Infinite Campus – Report Cards/Progress Reports Graded work will be stapled together and will be sent home on the last day of the week.
Volunteers- Copying/Helper, stapling, filing journals, assisting 3rd Grade Team, jobs in the classroom – Rotation Schedule Calendar Art Masterpiece Junior Achievement Room parent(s) to communicate with PTO and other parents in our class and organize special events for our class Volunteer Training with Ms. Sheldon Must complete Volunteer form from CUSD annually
Field Trips - ONLY possible through Tax Credit Kartchner Caverns, A “living” cave in southeastern Arizona to enhance our rocks and minerals unit. Science Center/Natural History Museum/Chandler Museum Aligns with Science/Social Studies’ Curriculum. ONLY possible through Tax Credit Payment through Infinite Campus
Reminders - - Birthday treats must be store bought. - Birthday treats are shared after lunch at the lunch tables. - I do attend birthday parties and games/practices, with advanced notice! - Don’t come on campus before 8:15 - Get all of your Patterson News from the Patterson Post (1st and 15th of the month) - Please sign and return all papers as soon as possible - Consider making a difference – join the PTO
Thank you! Please be sure to keep in touch! We are partners this year. I email weekly with the Spalding list for next week as well as Newsletters in the body of emails so they are easily accessible. This information is also posted on my website. Parent Teacher Conferences are held in mid August and February Email is the best way to contact me.