Mathematics Strategies for Parents to Use at Home
If America is going to stay the best place to do business in the world, we must have the best math students. —Margaret Spellings Former U. S. Secretary of Education
Mathematics Strategies Have your child count down the time (weeks, days and hours) to a special day or holiday. Have your child measure ingredients for a recipe you are making.
Mathematics Strategies Ask your child to count the change at the grocery store, or to estimate the total cost while you are shopping. Explain what you’re doing whenever you use a measuring tape, a scale, or a ruler. Ask for your child’s help.
Mathematics Strategies Look for shapes and patterns in real life. Ask your child to explain the math skills he or she is working on in the school.
Mathematics Strategies Ask your child to explain how he/she got to the answer of specific math problem. Find appropriate number and problem-solving games to play online.
Mathematics Strategies Play card or board games with your child that involve counting or patterns. Use dice or playing cards to make a game out practicing math facts.
Mathematics Strategies Compare: Which is taller or the tallest? Which is heavier or the heaviest? Which is longer or the longest? Which is smaller or the smallest? Which is faster or the fastest? Which is the less expensive or most expensive?
Math Online Resources Math Homework Tips for Parents- U.S. Department of Education Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics- U.S. Department of Education Math Tips for Parents Strategies for Learning Math Facts Math Strategies for Parents Advice for Parents
Math Online Resources (Continued) Great Kids Milestones Math Videos (free online collection of videos aimed at helping parents and guardians understand grade-level expectations in kindergarten through grade five). Parents Supporting Mathematics Learning Video (In this video, teachers and administrators give advice to parents and guardians supporting their child's learning in math [video #7 in the list]). Mathematics-with-the-Common-Core/#7 Council of Great City Schools - Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards- Mathematics ( Early Math Matters: A Guide for Parents of Preschoolers guide-for-parents-of-preschoolers Using Fact Family Math Mats Strategies Packet for Parents and Students for Improving Reading, Writing and Mathematics