Hi Parents, Did you know that you could access digital reading and math resources from home?
Accessing the Wonders Materials A Component of the BCPS English/Language Arts Curriculum First, I’ll show you how to access a component of our reading curriculum which is called Wonders. During reading instruction, our students in grades K-5 learn reading skills by using many of the texts contained in the Wonders program. So why would you want to access Wonders from home? You are able to read and discuss text selections with your child that were read in school. You are able to provide additional practice for your child to reinforce both comprehension and phonics skills that were taught in school. Why access Wonders from home? To read and discuss text selections with your child. To provide additional practice to reinforce skills with your child.
Go onto www.bcps.org Under “Students”, click on “BCPS One”. So, how do you access the Wonders resources. Before I begin, I just want to let you know that I have created direction sheets and they are included in the parent folder that you received today. First, go to the Baltimore Co Public School website, which is “www.bcps.org”. There is a dropdown menu under students. In that dropdown menu, click on “BCPS One”.
Click on “Log In”. Then click on the button to “Log In”.
Enter your child’s username and password. Enter your child’s username and password. This can be found in your child’s Take-Home folder (in grades K and 1) or in your child’s planner (if they are in grades 2 through 5). Please do not enter your parent username and password, since the parent accounts do not have access to any digital resources. Your child’s username and password can be found on a label in their folder (Grades K and 1) or in their planner (Grades 2 through 5).
Click on “Learning Management System”. After the username and password have been entered, click on Learning Management System button.
Click on your child’s “Language Arts” class. Your child’s classes will appear. Since we are going to access reading materials, click on your child’s “Language Arts” class.
Click on “Reading Wonders”. On the left side of the screen, you will see the words “Reading Wonders”. Click on these words.
Click on the book that corresponds to your child’s grade level. The next screen shows the grade level materials that your child is able to access. So, click on the book that corresponds to your child’s current grade level.
Click on “Resources”. Here I am going to show you how to access your child’s reading text books. These books contain many of the stories that your child reads during reading instruction. To access these books, click on the word “Resources”.
Your child’s texts will be in one of two resource books: Reading/Writing Workshop Book Literature Anthology Click on either book. The first two resources listed usually contain your child’s two reading books. Your child’s reading texts could be contained in either a book called the “Reading/Writing Workshop” or in a book called the “Literature Anthology”. Both books will have a Table of Contents listing all the stories contained in them.
Click on the blue speaker symbol to listen to the text. Click on the arrows to advance pages OR enter the desired page number. When the book opens, click on the arrows at the bottom of the page to advance or decrease the page number. You can also enter the desired page number in the white box that you obtained from the Table of Contents. One of the great options of this digital Wonders book, is that your child can either read the text to him or herself, OR they can listen to the story by simply clicking the blue speaker symbol that is located on each page of the text.
videos activities That’s how you access the Wonders reading texts… However, this website also contains reading videos and activities. That’s how you access your child’s reading texts. But this website has even more…It contains reading videos and activities for both phonics and comprehension skills. This slide shows a video and an activity to teach children the sounds and patterns of long and short a words. Let me show you how to access these materials. videos activities
In the Search Box, enter a specific reading skill to reinforce. Remember the directions are in the Parent Folder that you received today. After going into BCPSOne and reaching this screen, you can click on the button that looks like a game controller. This is give you all the games on the website. OR Suppose you are just looking for one specific skill to reinforce with your child. Enter the skill, for example “long O” in the search box and hit “enter”. Click on the Video Game Controller for all activities.
Long “o” video Long “o” activity Activities for the skill that you entered will then appear on the screen. All you need to do is click on the video or activity that you wish to reinforce with your child. Besides phonics skills, remember that you can also enter comprehension skills in the search box, such as sequencing events or finding the main idea. The Wonders website is a great resource for you as parents.
Now, what about digital Math resources for parents? Accessing “Investigations” Resources For Students in Grades K through 2 http://investigations.terc.edu/families/doing_math/games_index/ Click on your child’s grade level to access math games and activities. Now, what about digital math resources for parents. It is important to note that our primary students are using a different math program than our intermediate students. So during the next few slides, I will need to explain two different websites (One website for K-2 and a different website for 3-5) Our students in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade are using the Investigations Program as a component of their math curriculum. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no link to this website through our BCPSOne System. So, parents will need to access this link by entering the http address listed above to access the website. It will then link you to this website page, where you can them choose games and activities that correspond to your child’s grade level.
Example of Some Kindergarten and First Grade Math Games & Activities Here are examples of some of the math game and activity links for students in kindergarten and first grade. To access the activities, you just simply click on any “orange-colored” link.
“Whack a Mole” reinforces skip counting by 2s, 5s, or 10s. For example, after clicking on “Whack a Mole”, your child will be able to practice the math skill of skip-counting by 2s, 5s, or 10s.
Accessing the Pearson EnVision Resources For Students in Grades 3 through 5 What about our students in grades 3 through 5. BCPS has just purchased a new math resource for the intermediate grades. It is called EnVision 2.0 by Pearson Education. Because EnVision is new, it contains many digiial resources to assist you as parents in reinforcing math concepts at home. These materials can be accessed through BCPSOne. Once again, the instructions to all math materials are contained in your Parent Folder.
Go onto www.bcps.org Under “Students”, click on “BCPS One”. You will once again begin by logging into “www.bcps.org”. There is a dropdown menu under students. In that dropdown menu, click on “BCPS One”.
Click on “Log In”. Then click on the button to “Log In”.
Enter your child’s username and password. Enter your child’s username and password. This can be found in your child’s planner. Again, the EnVision resources are only available for students in grades 3 through 5. Your child’s username and password can be found on a label in their planner (Grades 3 through 5 only).
Click on “Digital Content”. This time, you will click on the Digital Content button.
Click on the Pearson Math icon. Then click on the “Green P” icon which stands for Pearson Education, who is the publisher of the math program.
Click on the link the EnVision Math Program. Followed by clicking on the EnVision Math 2.0 Common Core link for your child’s grade level.
Click on the EnVision Math Program. You will once again click on your child’s EnVision Math Program, which you will see contained in the green box.
Click on Topic of Your Choice The following screen will contain a Table of Contents that will show you all the math topics included in the EnVision math program for your child’s grade level. For example, Topic 5 contains the math skill of fluently multiplying and dividing numbers within 100. When clicking on Topic 5…
Click on Lesson of Your Choice …it shows all the lessons included under that topic. This is where you will find many, many digital resources to use at home. After clicking on any lesson link, you will find…
Click on Resource of Your Choice ….a listing of math digital resources specifically for that topic that include videos, games and activities.
For example, a video that explains how to use a multiplication table to help solve a multiplication problem.
…or a game that reinforces multiplying and dividing 1-digit numbers.
…and even math activities to give your child extra practice with solving multiplication problems.
This website is fantastic and I hope you will take the time to discover the numerous resources that it contains. The Pearson EnVision website contains so many wonderful resources for parents and students!
Any Questions: Email Mrs. Kukucka ckukucka@bcps.org Investigations Math Resources Grades K through 2 Wonders Reading Resources EnVision Math Resources Grades 3 through 5 Any Questions: Email Mrs. Kukucka ckukucka@bcps.org In closing, thank you for attending our Reading & Math Parent Night. I hope that my presentation has given you an insight into some of the reading and math resources available for you, as a parent, to use at home with your child. Use the directions in your folder to explore these resources and make learning fun for both you and your child. If you ever have any questions about these resources, please feel free to email me at ckukucka@bcps.org