Logging in to CMS from off-campus Open a browser Go to SSL.BINGHAMTON.EDU Click on the Network Connection Close the browser Login to the network with PODS or BGM userid & pw Network connection menu auto-closes Continue procedure as if you were "on-campus“ as follows:
Logging in to CMS from on-campus Start a TN3270 client Downloadable from BU computing services Connect to BINGTZ1.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU Login as TJWnnn (your VM account) Passwords as found on the grade calculator
Logging in to Linux from on-campus Login to CMS (as previously discussed) After you login, press the “Enter” key once! You will be prompted to enter: 0 for CMS 1 for Linux Select 1 to get the menu for selecting your Linux version If you use Mocha, the F-keys are pre-set for versions 0, 1, 2 Continued…
Continuing the boot process Continually clear the screen until you see: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga) Kernel 2.6.18-92.el5 on an s390x tjwxxx login: Where the xxx above is your TJW id# Enter #CP DISC (your connection will be broken) and close the 3270 window Start an SSH session (e.g.; Putty) Connect to TJWnnn.cc binghamton.edu Continued…
Continue on-campus login Login with userid: root Enter your password to finish logging in Enter: vncserver Create a vnc password (you can use your new root password) Type: logout this breaks your connection but leaves your virtual Linux machine running Close the window by clicking on the X Use TightVNC to connect again to: TJWnnn.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU Use the vnc password you created above