Reboot, Revise, Refresh: New Fittings for the Live Smart Texas Coalition Diane Dowdy, PhD and Hoda Sana, MPH, PhD Live Smart Texas Coalition Co-chairs
Live Smart Texas (LST) Coalition… A Brief Background Founded in 2007 and led by co-chairs Deanna Hoelscher, PhD and Camille Miller for this first decade of start up, action, and learning. A coalition of organizations and individuals working together to address the state’s obesity epidemic, especially in children. LST members represent interdisciplinary sectors. Members of LST work collaboratively to: Connect/build relationships with others who share a common vision to reduce obesity rates in Texas; Access opportunities to engage in collaborative research and community partnerships; Share best practices with and learn from the experience of other coalition members; Create a united obesity prevention policy agenda; and Identify, acknowledge, and bring resources to address concerns that affect every region of Texas.
LST coalition successes (including, but not limited to…) Partnerships resulting in meetings and trainings: Texas Obesity Awareness Week and Health Champion Award Ceremony, Southern Obesity Summit Texas State Team meeting, Healthy Farms Healthy People Texas State meeting, and Shaping Policy For Health Workshop™. Research partnerships: Texas CORD (2011 -2016), Texas Grow! Eat! Go! (2011-2016), Transforming Texas: Healthy People in Heathy Communities (2011-2014), Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation project (2008-2013), and 2013 Texas Health Perception Survey (2012-2013). Legislative accomplishments in collaboration with the Partnership for a Healthy Texas and LST members: Senate Bill 226 (2011), House Bill 1018 (2013), and Creating a Tipping Point: Texas Obesity Policy Action in Review, 2000-2010 (Ory MG, et al., 2013)
Our decision to “Reboot, Revise, and Refresh”…Why and How? Ten years to establish coalition infrastructure, create a brand, and identify valuable lessons learned to maximize impact on state obesity-reduction efforts. Reboot: time for a smooth transition to new leadership Revise: creation of a geographic system which includes eight Regional Representatives Refresh: reinforce and initiate a more functional LST Steering Committee and Communication System
LST is Working toward… Collective impact, which creates innovation and systems change identifying and creating interventions that reach large numbers, are scalable, and can be enriched over time. “A strategy to tackle obesity needs a comprehensive portfolio of interventions targeting a broad set of variables and different levels within the obesity system. Although, alone, each component part of the strategy may not create significant impact, their complementary and reinforcing action is critical to achieving the significant shift required in population obesity trends if the strategy is not to fail. The need for short-term action and impact must be balanced against the drive for longer-term sustainable change.” (Butland et al., 2007, p. 14-15)
A Decade of Lessons Learned Understand Context and follow the “LAW of Challenges” in a state like Texas. Connections Collaboration Communication Coordination Creativity
Putting the pieces together to prevent childhood obesity… …They’re worth the challenge!
It takes a TEAM… Co-Chairs: Hoda Sana, MPH, PhD and Diane Dowdy, PhD Founding Co-Chairs: Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, LD, RD and Camille Miller LST Regional Representatives and Steering Committee members Policy Advisor: Donna Nichols, MSEd, CHES Program & Events Coordinator: Heather Atteberry, MPH And many passionate, productive, and committed members from the state of Texas!
Contact Information Diane Dowdy, PhD LST Co-chair Hoda Sana, MPH, PhD LST Co-chair @LiveSmartTexas