AIS-AIMSG/12 Briefing to ANC 23 October 2015


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Presentation transcript:

AIS-AIMSG/12 Briefing to ANC 23 October 2015 23/12/2017 AIS-AIMSG/12 Briefing to ANC 23 October 2015 Enter here your Presentation Title

AIS-AIM Study Group Active since end 2008 Objectives 23/12/2017 AIS-AIM Study Group Active since end 2008 Objectives Global strategy/roadmap for the transition from AIS to AIM SARPs/Guidance for a standard AICM/AIXM to enable global digital data exchange Other material required to support AIM implementation Enter here your Presentation Title

Results to date AIS2AIM Roadmap Anx15 - Amdt 36 – Appl. date 2010 Guidance material proposals (green is published) AIS Manual (Doc 8126) – Amdt 3 + Further proposals New Quality Manual (Doc 9839) New Training Manual (Doc 9991) Aeronautical Chart manual – Amdt 3 (Doc 8697) Update of WGS84 Manual (Doc 9674) Update of Public Usage of Internet (Doc 9855) Update of eTOD/AMDB Guidance (Doc 9881)

Operational provisions/’AIM Practitioners’ instructions 23/12/2017 The road to AIM State provisions (or « what ») Amdt xx Operational provisions/’AIM Practitioners’ instructions (or « how to ») PANS-AIM Explanatory / Guidance text Enter here your Presentation Title

23/12/2017 What’s is coming ? AI Management  Split Data collection/provision & Data Catalogue Digital Data services Safety Management & English Language I-AIP  Aeronautical Information Products Many NOTAM Distribution improvements Data protection Restructured Annex 15 (core +- 40p) + New PANS-AIM (+- 160p) Enter here your Presentation Title

This week Final +- 200 comments resolved 23/12/2017 This week Final +- 200 comments resolved Anx 15 Amdt & PANS-AIM Proposals handed over to Secretariat (part of SoD) ANC WP – Appendix material initiated A small look into the future Enter here your Presentation Title

Review of AIS-AIMSG-#1 / SN2 A global strategy/roadmap for the transition from AIS to AIM An update to be done ? Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and guidance material related to the provision of a standard aeronautical information conceptual model and standard aeronautical information exchange model to enable the global exchange of data in digital format; and definition of a means to allow the further evolution of these models in a managed and supportable manner SARPs and guidance material related to an appropriate presentation of digital aeronautical information to the end user, including eAIP, electronic charts and use of geographic information systems (GIS) within the context of AIM guidance material and further development of SARPs related to the quality system to support AIM review of SARPs and guidance material related to electronic terrain and obstacle data to determine if refinement of SARPs or additional guidance material is necessary guidance & training material related to staffing and training for the transition from AIS to AIM development of a proposed work plan to consider key legal and institutional issues raised during the Worldwide Symposium on Enabling the Net-Centric Information Environment (Montreal, 2 to 4 June 2008)

Considerations of future AIM work programme items Further guidance material updates (Doc8126/..) will be required - High eTOD, AIXM, GIS, Use and purpose of Data Catalogue Role of Annex 4/charts/other products in a future of full datasets – High/Medium Review of chart usage - High IFP data set specification and chart replacement E-charts, Anx 4 review (AIM product specifications) Data Catalogue - Medium Designation of free route airspace in Data Catalogue and AIP Maintenance / Incorporation of feedback on initial version - High Data Catalogue stage 2 (all source requirements together) Link to ICAO AIRM / Interoperability with other Data Domains Digital Data sets/Management - Medium Expanded meta data requirements and specifications Further strengthening digitisation provisions Miscellaneous - Low Definition of Integrity Review of Annex 15, section 1.2, reference systems and possible relocation Airport Naming / Identifier

Conclusions It is considered that significant progress has been made ICAO AIM provisions updated to support evolving ATM needs Harmonised implementation the next challenge Last meeting of AIS-AIMSG (and now over to IMP )