Gravity Control™: Is the simplest system for complex data search and management Introduces a new generation graphic user interface Handles large amounts of data from different sources Makes interaction with the computer natural and intuitive Is the best option for tactile devices of all sizes Download the full concept description in pdf.
Gravity Control™: Patent pending The prototype can be customized into various applications within a 4 to 16 months timeframe depending on client’s specific data processing and interface requirements if any We are ready to: enter a partnership for application development engage in the creation of an interface layer on existing an existing database engage in the formation of a new company dedicated to the development of a product range Download the full concept description in pdf.
Each body in the Universe attracts all others with a force directly proportional to its mass and inversely proportional to the distance between them. Why Gravity Control™? Download the full concept description in pdf.
In Gravity Control™ every data object attracts others with a force directly proportional to their coinciding attributes or the extent of similarity between them. Why Gravity Control™? Download the full concept description in pdf.
Gravity Control™ provides the most natural way to handle information In this environment the user can handle objects naturally – just as if they were as palpable as the buttons children were asked to sort in this experiment.
Loading objects onto the work space First you load objects onto a work space. They can come from anywhere – a folder on your hard drive, and online database, and RSS feed, search engine, application output or literally any source available to your computer device.
Choosing and object of interest and extracting criteria Then you look through them, pick one or several that you are interested in. Now you can find other objects that are like this one in a certain way. Decide what it is about the object that interest you and you can create a grouping point from that quality, or attribute.
Grouping similar object together When the software knows what grouping criteria you have chosen it will find all objects that meet them and send them travelling to the respective grouping point.
Simultaneous sorting by multiple criteria You can choose to have more than one criteria and more than one grouping point. At the same time on the same screen. And if there are objects that meet more than one of your criteria Gravity Control™ will sort them into new groups and show you how they are related to any other group on the work space.
Performing further actions Sew on 4 holes And when you have your groups, you can do much more then just review them. You can operate with them. With all the group at the same time. The availability of actions will vary according to object type, level of access or presence of certain attributes, but if your computer can do it, so can Gravity Control™. Some of the working operations are: Open Translate via Google Translate
Reports on grouping results When you are done with the sorting, at least for the moment, you can get a full report on how many objects you have in each group, which ones they are, why they are there, where they came from and what other attributes they have that you have not taken into account. We currently have working export to .csv, .pdf and native SQL.
Simultaneous work with different data types Gravity Control™ can work with any structured data from any source. If your computer has access to it, it can be imported into Gravity Control™ and handled together with data in other formats and from other sources. Simultaneously. On the same screen. According to the same criteria. We already have working interfaces for popular sources: .csv .xls RSS Facebook LinkedIn Gmail Google Docs Google Drive Youtube Bing Google News
The best interface for touch screens In our opinion (and experience) the new graphic organization of the workspace that Gravity Control™ offers is and excellent choice for touch devices – portable or not so much.
Such as the new equipment in the Fox News Deck. This picture clearly shows that large scale touchscreen equipment may already exist, but the software needs to catch up with the capabilities of the hardware.
3D work space ready And why stop there? Gravity Control™ can be even better in the 3D environments that are emerging and that will inevitably take over the digital universe.
Better and more natural graphic organization of the work space We base this belief on the fact that new multidimensional graphic organization that allows us to move objects around and examine them like if they were palpable is in may ways more effective than traditional list views.
Visual representation of the extent of relevance through speed of movement This means we can show things that stay invisible in a list. We can make the objects that are more like the initial object move to their group faster than the ones that are less like it.
Simultaneous sorting by several criteria with graphic representation of relations And if you set more than one criterion, we can show you the objects relevant to each one AND to any combination among them. You will get as many groups as there are combinations of criteria and see how they are related. And when you decide to add either object or criteria, you will keep the results you already have.
Convenient visualization of 28 times more objects compared to list views You will be in fact working with multiple search results that would usually appear on separate pages. But with no need to switch between windows or pages and with little to no need to scroll around.
Gravity Control™ Implementation Scope Download the full business concept description (pdf).
If gravity is good enough to run the Universe maybe Gravity Control is good enough to run your digital universe To see Gravity Control™ in action visit our video page.
To see Gravity Control™ in action visit our video page. Our demonstrational videos were made at different stages of development and will give you an idea of the capabilities of our interface.