Starbeck C.P. School Parents/Carers Meeting June 2017
Every school good or outstanding Agenda for the meeting Welcome from Vice-Chair of Governors and introductions Key findings of the inspection report Statutory guidance for schools in special measures Local Authority plan to support Starbeck Questions from Parents and Carers Summary Kevin Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding The platform Tim Redshaw – Vice-Chair of Governors Garry de Castro Morland – Consultant Headteacher Andy Lancashire, Principal Adviser, Early Years & Primary Matt Blyton, Lead Improvement Adviser Kevin to introduce Every school good or outstanding
Strengths of the school Children in the early years are provided with a good foundation which establishes effective attitudes and skills for future learning. Pupils conduct themselves well around the school. Relationships are good. Teaching has very recently improved in some classes in key stage 2. This has had a positive effect on pupils’ learning, especially in reading. Pupils’ skills in phonics are improving. This supports them to read with accuracy. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key Findings of the inspection report Pupils do not make adequate progress across key stages 1 and 2 in writing and mathematics. In 2016, very few pupils in Year 6 left the school having reached the standards expected for their age. Teaching over time has been, and remains, inadequate. Teachers’ expectations of what pupils can do are too low. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report Teachers do not take into account pupils’ developmental needs or starting points fully when planning learning. Pupils, including the most able, are not always given work at a level that matches their ability. Time in lessons is not used effectively to promote learning. Teachers do not move pupils on quickly enough when they are ready to progress. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report The attendance of disadvantaged pupils is too low and is not improving quickly enough. Leaders have not ensured that assessment systems keep track of the progress made by the most able pupils. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report School leaders, including middle leaders, lack clarity about the strengths and weaknesses of the school and fail to identify emerging issues quickly enough. They have not improved pupils’ outcomes, including disadvantaged pupils’ achievement, at a fast enough rate. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report Information provided by the leadership team to governors does not enable them to hold leaders to account fully for the performance of the school. Some underachieving pupils have been inaccurately identified as having special educational needs. Andy Every school good or outstanding
What does the school need to do to improve? Improve the quality of teaching to ensure that all pupils, including the most able and disadvantaged pupils, make strong progress from their various starting points. Improve leadership and management. Improve the attendance of disadvantaged pupils so that it is in line with other pupils nationally. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Statutory Guidance School is eligible for intervention. Conversion to an academy with a strong sponsor (DfE); the school will receive a directive academy order from the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC). RSC has the option to direct closure if the school is not able to make sufficient improvements or is not viable; they must consult Governors and Local Authority. Local Authority Statement of Action. Andy Every school good or outstanding
LA powers of intervention Power to suspend the delegated authority for the governing body to manage a school’s budget. Power to appoint additional governors. Power to appoint an Interim Executive Board with RSC agreement (IEB). Proposals to closure (where there is no prospect of sufficient improvement). Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding LA Actions Sustained and enhanced LA Advisory support arrangements. Strengthen leadership and teaching. Exploring all options around support. Conversations with DfE to identify an academy sponsor that provides a local solution. Andy / Jill Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Effectiveness of Leadership and Management What are the short and long term plans for leadership? Are Governors/LA/Staff committed and able to turn the school around? Is information provided to governors more accurate? Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Effectiveness of Leadership and Management How is the attendance of disadvantaged pupils being addressed? What is being done to address the misidentification of SEND pupils? Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Quality of teaching, learning and assessment What is being done to improve the quality of teaching? What is being done to improve pupil progress in writing and maths? What systems are in place for monitoring? How are more able pupils being supported? Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Personal development, behaviour and welfare Will the Behaviour policy be reviewed? Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Outcomes for pupils What will be in place for Y6 pupils in 17/18 to ensure that they make good progress and are ready for secondary school? Every school good or outstanding
Any more questions not covered by key themes How will information about the report be shared and explained to pupils and how are their concerns being addressed? How will parents be updated about the progress the school is making? All Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Summary Next steps Strengthening of leadership, teaching and learning Statement of action in place Then RSC proposals on academy sponsorship A regular forum for parents – to seek feedback on improvement plans and progress Andy Every school good or outstanding