Year 1 Transition meeting
Aims of meeting For parents/carers of the new year one children to understand what happens in school as your child enters KS1. To reassure if you have any worries or concerns as your child moves out of foundation stage. To give you opportunities to ask questions.
Autumn term The children are now in Year 1. They become part of Key Stage 1. KS1 is years 1 and 2 and KS2 is years 3-6.
This year we have mixed aged classes. Class 1 (Mrs Mudge) has Reception and Year 1. Class 2 (Mrs Ramsdale) has Year 1 and Year 2. This is the normal grouping for our school due to the number of children. We will talk about how we teach mixed aged classes later on.
Children in KS1 and KS2 follow the National Curriculum rather than the EYFS curriculum.
Transition This transition is an important time for your child and we aim to make it as easy as possible. We recognise KS1 is different but we don’t make it too different too quickly.
How we support transition into KS1 The end of foundation stage assessments show us where your child is on their learning journey. Planning for your child will start from this point in September as they enter KS1. Staff talk, share records, meet regularly so we get to know your child before they come into the classroom.
Supporting transition in September. We have similar timetables We still allow time for child initiated activities. Both classrooms are set up with provision areas. We value inside and outside learning.
Classroom environment
Sometimes children work in areas of provision, Areas support children’s learning through the resources we put in there. They work both inside and outside the classroom.
A typical day for year 1 in class1 and class2 Morning jobs-maths, reading, handwriting 9:00:Register Collective worship 9:30-10:30:Read, Write, Inc (all children are mixed up and placed into appropriate groups) 10:30 – 10:45 Playtime
10:45-11:45 numeracy (Maths-No Problem!) Singapore Maths
12:00-1:00: lunch and playtime 1:00-back in the classrooms for the afternoon activities. These are usually topic linked except PE or RE 2:30-2:45: playtime. 3:30: home Parents/carers to wait in the outdoor area. Children come to you. Let us know if they are going home with anyone different.
The curriculum It is a new national curriculum (2013) but it is flexible and we adapt as necessary. We follow a long term plan to ensure we cover all of the curriculum requirements over two years. Some of the areas are repeated but taught at a different level. In both classes we cover the same topics but the reception and year 1/2 children cover different parts/deeper understanding etc. We differentiate according to need.
The requirements of the curriculum has increased and elements particularly in English and Maths are demanding. It is broken down into year 1 and year 2 requirements The children are assessed at the end of the year against end of year expectations
This is a gradual process. We always teach using praise and encouragement and we do realise that all children are different! Early emphasis is placed on developing their love of reading.
The new national curriculum Spelling expectations have greatly increased and the children have weekly spelling homework. Mental maths knowledge has increased. We use SMIRFs in school as a systematic approach to learning key facts. It’s not about rushing through them, it’s about deep understanding. To develop a deeper understanding in maths we have decided to follow a new maths programme based on Singapore maths teaching. A meeting will be arranged at the beginning of the autumn term.
Principles we believe in at Cawood school. Children having time to explore ideas and interest in depth. Children learn in different ways at different rates. Children making links in their learning Children initiating activities that promote learning, and enabling them to learn from each other. Making choices and taking some responsibility for their learning Creative and imaginative play activities that promote the development and use of language Children learning through movement and all their senses. Children feeling secure, which helps them to become confident learners.
How you can help now. Talk to your child about school. Let us know about any worries. Make it a positive experience.
Your support during Year 1 Read, Write Inc-continue with supporting your child to read at home. Colour banding on shelves for take home books and additional RWI books. Read 5 times a week. Sharing books Writing in reading record- we don’t usually write in these books but it is good for us to see children who are reading regularly. We let you know if there are any issues. Phonic screen check (June) Interests/Talk to us Information for parents. Writing for enjoyment. Spelling homework .
SMIRFs- information at the back of the reading record book SMIRFs- information at the back of the reading record book. We practise in school and test the children when suitable. It’s not about racing through them. Ask questions in different ways. Do it at speed. Children have to really know it so that it stays with them.
Other info Behaviour policy Stickers Showing work
Year 2 A teacher assessment must be reported at the end of the Key Stage. This includes some tests that must be completed in May and sit alongside teacher assessements.
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