Archetypes 101
What is an Archetype? An original model on which something is patterned or based (prototype) In literature: character, action or situation that represent universal patterns in human nature. Provides a framework to approach any piece of fiction views literature as a reflection of life
Archetypes Comes from the psychology of C.G. Jung (Young) dealt with man’s unconsciousness and subconscious thoughts, desires, and dreams man has four basic needs: food, water, shelter and love
Archetypes Traveled extensively and concluded from observations that these patterns (archetypes) were so deeply imbedded in our psyches that they go back to prehistoric times they are a part of our collective memory as human begins (everyone’s memory). They have not changed and are present in all people.
Archetypes Present in the unconscious of the individual These symbols are inborn and understood like the instincts are passed on in animals Part of the collective memory since prehistoric times Occurs through all elements of the arts- literature, dance, painting, music and sculpture Understood because they all come from nature or human nature
Jung’s Outline for Archetypes The Self: regulating center of the psyche (human soul/mind/spirit) and facilitator of individuation (personality) The Shadow: darkness w/in us. Suppressed/pushed down into unconscious by ego (self-esteem or self- importance) - “The things a person has no wish to be” - Appears in dreams/fantasies
The Shadow cont. Suppress/hide what we don’t like in ourselves, or what others (family, friends, significant other) don’t like. Not necessarily “negative” attributes. “Positive” attributes can be suppressed if viewed as a weakness (spontaneity, intuition, creativity, etc)
Active/Passive Shadow Every archetype has an active/passive shadow Examples: 1. Warrior Active shadow=sadist Passive shadow=masochist 2. Magician Active=manipulator/trickster Passive=innocent
Archetypes of Literature In literature archetypes occur as: Characters Symbols (object/action/event representing abstract idea/concept. i.e. dove=peace) Colors (pos/neg meaning) Themes (love, hate, good vs. evil) Settings/situations (time, place, atmosphere) Life Cycles (life, seasons, time, meals)
Character Archetypes There are countless archetypes, but we will be focusing on these in the next few days. Magician Warrior Wanderer Martyr Orphan Innocent
Magician Charismatic Inspirational Creative Self-aware Entertaining Transforming Famous Magician: Steve Jobs
Warrior Competitive Adaptable Minimalistic Skillful Loyal Disciplined Famous Warrior: Achilles
Wanderer Nonconformist Desires freedom Ambitious Authentic Adventurous Introverted Famous Wanderer: Amelia Earhart
Martyr Willing to sacrifice Suffering is self-induced Willing to take blame Does what is right Strong Empowering Famous Martyr: Nelson Mandela
Orphan Knows everyone matters Unpretentious Empathetic Realist Street Smart Irresponsible Famous Orphan: Harry Potter
Innocent Usually in form of child, saint, or mystic figure Pure Faithful Good Optimistic Simple Famous Innocent: Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz
The Hero’s Journey