The First Appraisal as a Principal
Initial Discussion Board Chair discussed Appraiser and process Board Chair contacted Appraiser Appraiser organized to meet with Chairman and then me to discuss process to be used Dates set
Who was involved in my Appraisal? Board used an independent person who had been a Principal and now worked as an advisor She had also been on the selection panel for my appointment process
What did the Appraisal look like? Based on My First 90 Days recruitment presentation KPI’s set over the first year Aligned to my job description 360 degree in style
The Process Data collected through Interviews with: teaching and non-teaching staff students parents Trust Board House staff Trust Board members (20 in total)
Interviews Focused on : Professional leadership – style, strengths Management of staff Relationship management Contribution to overall culture and values of Schools and College
Data Gathering Analysis of achievement data, reporting documents to parents, strategic plans, annual plans, newsletters, magazines, reports to Trust Board, ERO review Self review Appraisal was reported against my job description
Report Draft to me for review and feedback Met with Appraiser to go through the report and discuss Final report submitted to me and the Board Chair Affirming and valuable in terms of my professional development and goals
Reflection and Documentation Be honest The ‘why not’ as important as the success stories Demonstrate that you are realistic, adaptable Achieving everything at all cost does not mean you are a top Principal
What to expect If you become Principal of an Independent School the greatest driver is roll growth or maintaining your roll You may be measured on this and it could influence your salary or bonus
Advice Discuss expectations early on At your interview ask about the review process and professional feedback Make sure you are involved in setting KPI’s Ask for a mentor
Presentation for Recruitment Mean what you say Be prepared to carry out what you promise You may also be reviewed and evaluated on it
Your Attitude is vital Part of your ongoing professional development as a new Principal Welcome the feedback Set future goals so you continue to be the best you can be Be transparent in communication with your Board - essential to ensure you have clear direction