Welcome to Meet The Teachers 2017 Mrs Lilley and Mrs Minto Primary 1L and 1M
The Early Years Team Mrs Lilley and Mrs Minto – P1 Teachers Mrs Milne – P1 SLA Mrs Sword – PEF Officer (help and support)
Communication Communication envelope Bring every day Contents of envelope Money bag Activity money record
Communication Twitter - @MrsMinto @MrsLilleyVPS @VictoriaPrimSch School Email Victoriaprimaryschool@falkirk.gov.uk School phone number – 01324 508600
What will your child’s day look like? Soft Start Literacy Activities Numeracy Activities Afternoon – play-led with outdoor opportunities Expressive Arts activities
Literacy We are following the Active Literacy Programme to teach: Phonics: 2 sounds taught per week Spelling : 3 common words taught per week Writing – letter formation leading on to writing sentences Reading : Storybooks, songs, Bug Club Each sound is introduced with a story, song and action. Letter formation is demonstrated. Children form these using a range of experiences eg sand, shaving foam, play dough, paint, white boards, jotters, smart board. Children learn to identify words that begin with that sound by; matching, sorting, smart board games, cut/stick activities, sound hunts etc.
Reading Readiness Reading checklist Sound and Common Word Books Examples – Can your child hear the first sound in a word? Can your child spot words that rhyme with one another? Can your child clap the syllables in a word? Can your child recognise the taught initial sounds? Can your child recognise the taught common words? Sound and Common Word Books Frequency is key Keep it fun!
Reading in the Classroom Storytelling – daily – a different book each day. Book of the Fortnight Sounds and Common Words
Reading at Home ‘Home Learning’ Home Learning in term 1 will be based around reading for enjoyment Weekly school storybook Bug Club Library books from local and school library Reading Challenge – First Minister’s Challenge
Numeracy Heinemann Active Maths (HAM) Whole class number lessons focussing on number recognition, formation and counting Other areas of numeracy covered daily
Parental Involvement in Children’s Education What happens when parents aren’t involved? Research evidence clearly states that children’s progress can be hindered by lack of parental involvement. In a study designed to test whether the educational performance of children was influenced by parents the research found that children were disadvantaged by lack of parents’ interest. Assessment data 2017
Parental Involvement in Children’s Education What happens when parents are involved The frequency with which the child plays with letters/numbers at home was linked with attainment in all subjects. Parents’ drawing children’s attention to sounds and letters was linked to literacy skills and early number skills
What stops parents getting involved? Research shows that 72% of all parents agreed that they wanted more involvement in school. When asked about barriers to becoming involved, parents mentioned things like work commitments, demand of other children childcare difficulties and lack of time generally Parents’ own difficulties with reading skills
One Final Statistic… Research showed 58% of parents believed they had an equal responsibility with the school for their child’s education If we all believe that learning is something which happens at home and at school, then we should be feeling very excited about the possibilities that lie ahead right now… We know how much impact all of us can have if we join forces – so let’s get on with helping our children to achieve their potential!
Your child’s bag Water bottle – refresh daily to be kept in class – water only please as per school policy. Label all clothing, bags and contents Send in a gym bag - to include shoes, shorts and t-shirt will be provided - to be left in school and taken home to wash when needed Choose clothing carefully on gym day No need for pencil case Please check your child’s envelope daily for updates.
Reading Bags Please bring the reading bag that your chid was given during the P1 induction every day. You should keep your child’s sound, common word and number booklet in this bag to be brought every day.
Snack and Breaks Please do not send a play-piece with your child: A healthy snack will be provided as outlined at the P1 induction day Snack will be varied and will link with our Health and Wellbeing curriculum Children will eat snack before playtime and will be free to play in their own dedicated area. £2 Activity Money will be collected on Monday each week – please put the money in your child’s Activity Money bag and send in the communication envelope
Clothing Outdoor learning will mean more awareness needed of weather. Wellies Waterproofs
School Lunches Lunch order forms will be put in your child’s envelopes on a Wednesday. Menus will be provided and can also be found on the council web-site. Forms should be returned by Friday at the latest. School dinners are free of charge for all children P1-3
Absences If your child is absent please send in a note to school on their return even if you have called the school to explain the absence.
Pick Up Please let us know as soon as you can if you are going to be late picking up your child at the end of the day – phone the office If you are asking someone outside of your family to pick up your child can you please let us know. We will not let your child leave with anyone if we have not had prior notification.
Please keep mobiles in bags and pockets when collecting children………. During the first weeks in school we will be highlighting the importance of a proper welcome into school. We would appreciate it if you could mirror this when welcoming your children after school.
Thank you A copy of this Power Point will be put in the school website: http://www.victoria.falkirk.sch.uk/ Feedback is a gift – please ensure you have completed the given form before you leave! If you feel you have any skills which could be useful please complete the allocated section on the feedback sheet. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for coming along!