Streamlining Processes through Google Forms & FormMule Quickly give auto generated e-mail approval and notification for a variety of administrative processes.
Ideas: Google Form as an Approval Process Send an auto generated e-mail to solicit any response, allowing the recipient to click a link to send a response! Approval of Teacher Video Request (Teacher completes form; Appraiser is notified via e-mail and approves; e-mail goes back to teacher; Could set it so e- mail goes back to multiple people) Approval for FLEX day hours (Teacher fills out form; appraiser approves; e-mail sent to teacher that professional dev. choices are approved.) Approval of Community Service Hours (Student completes form, e-mail goes to supervisor of community service to verify the hours were done; e-mail goes to Student Council teacher to approve hours meet green cord requirements; e-mail then goes to student and parent) Approval to Bring a Guest to a School Dance (Student completes form request, Assistant Principal approves or denies guest; e-mail sent to student as proof to purchase a second ticket; parent e-mailed) Approval for Schedule Request Change & Application to Take Course (Student completes form; e-mail notification goes to counselor and parent; counselor approves class would work in student’s schedule; teacher approves; e-mail notifies counselor to complete schedule change and notifies parent and student)
Let’s see how it works : Sample form for video usage : Sample form green cord hours
STEPS: Create a form with a submission type: Form must contain e-mail addresses for people you want to be notified with any type of communication. (Can also add in set e-mails that are included on all communications) Add on Form Mule and create templates to be e-mailed out.
Don’t forget to “Log the Edit UR:” & turn Trigger on
This is where you decide who you want e-mails to go to and when!
E-mail to the person who needs to approve & e-mail back to the person who made the request
Template Back to Requester Template Samples Template to Approver Template Back to Requester (At the bottom of this e-mail, there will be a link for you to make an approval decision) A movie request has been submitted by: <<First Name>> <<Last Name of Staff Member>> <<Teacher's NISD e-mail address for approval notification:>> Details can be found below: Click the following link to respond to this request: Form Edit URL: <<Form Edit URL>> Directions to approve: Click above link Click answer to submission type: "Make movie request approval" Click continue at the bottom of page Enter your approval decision and click submit. Password to submit decision is the same 4 digit numeric code to Student Union projector. This is an auto generated e-mail notifying you that an approval/denial decision for your movie request has been entered. Title of Video: <<Title of Video>> Approval Decision: Your movie request has been: <<Your movie request has been>> Notes: <<Notes:>> Please see your PDAS appraiser if you have any questions.
Independent Study! (This tutorial will walk you through the process)