Safety Makerspace at Tyndall
The most common causes of accidents: Carelessness Lack of awareness In a hurry Disregard for safety procedures Distractions Bad Example
Typical Hazards Fire Dangerous Gases (none) Chemicals (none) Oxygen depletion Chemicals (none) Biological Hazards (None) Manual Handling Slips, Trips, Falls Radiation Laser Hazards Eye Hazards Safety glasses Electrical Visually Inspect by user Mechanical Power Tools Sharps Best practice Hot Surfaces Solder iron Solder fumes Pressure / Vacuum VDU Hazards Noise Power tools
Most foreseeable injuries Eye Injuries Hand Injuries Slips trips falls Manual handling Lifting putting down, moving, pushing, pulling
Protect your Eyes with safety glasses
Examples (Not at Tyndall)
Hand tools injury prevention Visually checking before use. Using them for their intended purpose. Having the correct tools before starting a task. Cleaning them before and after use. Storing them correctly Discontinue using worn out hand tools. Replace them.
Sharps at Tyndall
Blade left in instrument
Exposed sharp at Tyndall
Dangerous Sharps AT Tyndall Unnecessary sharps Bad housekeeping Dangerous Sharps AT Tyndall
Untidy Work Area Sharp that caused injury at Tyndall Examples
Improve tools Approved cutting tools NOT Approved Cutting Tool
Approved Not Approved Improve tools
Cut Resistant Gloves Suitable Suitable
Glove Selection
Disposal of Sharps Correct Sharps Disposal Bin NOT in domestic waste bin
A Brief Course in How to use Knives Always use sharp blades . A dull blade requires more force and is more likely to slip than a sharp one.
A Brief Course in How to use Knives Always keep your free hand away from the line of the cut.
A Brief Course in How to use Knives Always wear a cut resistant glove on your free hand while cutting with a razor knife. When using a straight edge to guide a cut, either clamp it down or keep your free hand well away from the cutting path of the knife
A Brief Course in How to use Knives Always pull— never push the knife. When using a knife to cut through thick materials, be patient - make several passes, cutting a little deeper into the material with each pass.
Misuse of Knife Don’t bend or apply side loads to blades by using them to open cans, loosen screws or pry loose objects Blades are brittle and can snap easily.
What to do to guard against cuts to hand/finger? Take sensible precautions, keep your hand away from the path of the blade, don’t use excessive force on the blade or tool Always sheet the blade when not in use Always dispose of any sharps into a special bin designed to hold sharps. Remove or blunt sharp edges that are not required. If practical wear protective gloves with abrasion proof qualities.
Power Tools At risk: Eyes, Hands, Hair Avoid loose clothing: ties, scarves, cuffs
If you Bring a Friend, look after them