Opening talk Annecy, March 16 , 2010 Guy Wormser LAL Orsay 15 Feb,2009


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Presentation transcript:

Opening talk Annecy, March 16 , 2010 Guy Wormser LAL Orsay 15 Feb,2009

One year into the TDR Phase! Approval process White paper status SuperB international partnership Other developments on the international scene Goal of the meeting Conclusion

Nothing negative so far … Approval process We have slowly but STEADILY gone up the 9-step ladder towards approval: INFN –Ministry of Research –Ministry of Economy At each step, proposal, discussion, adoption We are at Step 8! The present discussions are more related to the way of funding than to the project itself: Sharing the cost between various pockets (stimulus package, Very Large Research projects, etc..) Pluriannual plan vs one-step attribution Nothing negative so far … In conclusion, we know it is frustrating but we can be confident and we must be patient!

Approval process More recent news tomorrow : visit of Roberto Petronzio Important statements from Roberto Petronzio to the CERN Council on Thursday

International scene Situation « normalized » in Japan after a lot of concerns at the end of next year KEK authorized to use a part of its operating money to start building a damping ring Equivalent usage of « KEKB upgrade » or « SuperKEKB project » Approval of the full project still pending, expected decision before end of 2010, possibly July Limited running of KEKB in 2010

The White paper has in one year changed its nature. Not so much a governement briefing memo as originally conceived It is a now a key internal step in the TDR phase : Rebaselining machine and detector Firm ground for the more detailed engineering studies that will start now Cost Reevaluation 80% complete (see next talks)

The TDR phase is governed by Bilateral MoUs MoU signatures The TDR phase is governed by Bilateral MoUs We will sign the first MoUs in the coming weeks! France : IN2P3, CEA US Canada Russia Spain, Poland, UK

INFN-IN2P3 Hiring convention A conventing will also be signed very soon between IN2P3 and INFN to allow the SUperB project to HIRE on a fast track 6 to 10 key people that will work mostly at Frascati Priority given to the machine Profile selection Saturday at the Project Board Hopefully, these people should start May 1st

SuperB future legal framework Preliminary discussions started to define the future legal structure of the SuperB project Favoured framework : ERIC European Research Infrastructure Consortium Main advantages : Very high political visibility VAT exempt!! Potential drawbacks: No experience yet Established at the ministerial level

White paper consolidation and finalization Goal for the meeting White paper consolidation and finalization Exploring revised machine parameters and flexibility Light source aspects of SuperB Very fruitful collaboration with Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) SuperB : very small emittance comparable to the world best light sources and current x10 !!

Conclusion We are now at the last step before approval If we look back, quite a lot has been accomplished in one year! We will very soon enter the second phase of the TDR process: « Freezing » our new baseline as described in the White Paper Starting more detailed engineering studies Working on managerial aspects: MoUs, legal framework,etc..