HR Systems User Forum
Agenda Introduction to HR Systems User Forum AppoINT Project Why AppoINT? Position Management Survey feedback Questions & Answers Upcoming Projects 2017 Networking Afternoon Tea Trisha Welcome to the HR Systems User Network Housekeeping – Toilets are through the corridor and through the passage. Emergency evacuation – Emergency Exit is through the north-east stairway. Down the stairs and over the North Terrace road, to meet at War Memorial. Attendance sheet – attendance sheets are being handed around At the end, opportunity for Q & A time and an interactive discussion University of Adelaide
HR Systems User Forum Objectives: Share HR System user experiences and business processes Communicate system changes Provide an opportunity for user feedback Update on upcoming online system/forms Prioritise system improvements from a user perspective. Trisha Share HR System user experiences and business processes Communicate system changes due to policy and procedure updates Provide an opportunity for user feedback to support continuous improvement Update regarding planned online system/forms Prioritise system improvements from a user perspective.
Why AppoINT? Around 1000 new appointment contracts are requested per year Over 50% of these are for existing staff Opportunity to make improvements to current process – reduce turnaround times, integrate with PeopleSoft Opportunity to improve candidate experience and reduce timeframes – remove necessity for direct appointments to “apply to” positions. Since introduction – 59 offers via AppoINT (Internal) vs 52 via Page Up (External) Trisha
Position Management Introduced in conjunction with AppoINT Two main components Position Description Library - single source of truth, searchable database of approved PDs across the University Position number creation/amendment – separate this process from the contract generation process to enable organisational level decisions to be made on position management Vanessa
Survey Feedback Vanessa University of Adelaide
It’s another system! The number of HR eforms will be increasing in order to increase automation and streamline processes AppoINT is an addition of this suite of forms which integrate directly with PeopleSoft Page Up has limitations in making offers particularly for existing staff where the process was clunky Logic built into AppoINT reduces errors and will improve turnaround times Vanessa
You can’t save the eForm AppoINT checklist enables you to collect all the information you need to complete the eForm so you can complete it in one go Times out after 60 minutes for security reasons – training reiterates the importance of being prepared You can open PeopleSoft in another browser if you need to access data from there to help with completion (eg Chrome, Firefox or internet explorer) Vanessa
I find it frustrating adding the full account code string Page Up only required the two part account code (dept & project code) as it was not able to cope with the full string AppoINT integrates with PeopleSoft so the full string is required as in CRAFT and other HR eForms. Vanessa
I’m annoyed by the emails I receive as part of my Hiring Co-ordinator user group AppoINT is based on the same design as CRAFT, utilising user lists and sending to all in the area in case someone is away a task can still be actioned Question for User Forum – is the preference for emails to be sent to initiator only? Vanessa
How do I close off my Page Up job card without making an offer or cancelling the position? We will start feeding data back from AppoINT to Page Up to complete the “picture” for reporting purposes Job status of filled via AppoINT to close job has been created Candidate status of offered via AppoINT to identify this in Page Up Job cards created in PageUp prior to the changes may not have this option – contact Recruitment and Appointments team Vanessa
Can the Position Description and Position Number creation process be combined? Two distinct and different processes You won’t always need to do both (eg academic roles) Position Management is at an early stage and is likely to evolve further Vanessa
Why aren’t all position descriptions in the Library? The library currently holds: all position descriptions created or amended as part of PSR all position descriptions for roles advertised or appointed to since 1 Jan 2017 In total there are 2,200 professional positions – 700 in the library so far, number will grow as PDs are added via recruitment processes, reclassifications, changes etc From now on – all changes to PDs will be tracked through the Library and archived appropriately Vanessa
My HR Advisor has approved my PD via email, why do I need to get it approved again? Only PDs in the Library are “approved”, any discussion outside of the PD Library is not trackable A PD is not approved until it is in the Library and approved via PD Evaluation Vanessa
Why have we moved to generic PDs? We haven’t! PSR standardised PDs across functions (eg HR Co-ordinators across Professions, Health & Medical Sciences & ECMS) The PD Library will help to improve visibility and access to other similar PDs to minimise the effort when creating new ones minimising additional work. Vanessa
Why does the Head of School have to approve PDs? Currently the delegation for approving a PD for recruitment sits with the Branch Head As a result of feedback given to date this has been removed and we will look to revise the delegation accordingly. Branch Head will now see PD only via approval process for offers (AppoINT & Page Up) Vanessa
Why does the PD disappear after I submit it for approval? Page Up permission – currently only approved PDs can be seen by Hiring Co-ordinators Will shortly release visibility of PDs in declined and pending approval statuses to resolve this issue Vanessa
Can Hiring Managers access the PD Library? Some initial issues with the permissions required This has now been resolved Will be rolling out to Hiring Managers in the coming months providing them “View only” access to approved PDs – with no ability to submit new PDs for approval Vanessa
Other Updates Vanessa University of Adelaide
Upcoming Changes - Position creation and amendment Form Current enhancements underway for this form Added questions to assist in prioritisation and processing of the requests Does this relate to recruitment/appointment – Yes/No Is it a new Position – Yes/No Further prompts & questions added; E.g., If amending a position with an incumbent: extra question regarding desired changes. instructional text regarding what to do concerning classification, which cannot be changed using this form Trisha Aiming to be done by the end of this month – will send out notification of change when its done.
Don’t forget about the available resources Recruit and Renew training Position Management online training coming soon Page Up online training coming soon Trisha
Questions & Answers Vanessa and Trisha University of Adelaide
Upcoming Projects –2017 Fluid CAPS – the replacement for CASPA Trisha
New look for SSO - Employee Trisha
New look SSO - Manager Trisha Once you select the appropriate tab, the screen will look exactly the same
New Look in HCM Core Trisha Once you select the appropriate tab, the screen will look exactly the same
Navigation Menu – now on the right Trisha Different way to navigate, no breadcrumbs to show you the path you have followed to get to the screen
Question for the Focus Group Will the following communications be enough to notify staff and managers: Staff News HR Website HR Blog page SSO Website page Updated QRG’s and videos done highlighting the difference HR Support User Forum at the end of May detailing the changes Trisha
Next Steps Presentation notes/followup Feedback Future forums Contact details: JSF University of Adelaide