Boyertown Area Senior High-Class of 2019 2017-2018 Program of Studies Boyertown Area Senior High-Class of 2019
Use the Website Go to the HS Link and ACADEMICS TAB All pertinent information for the course selection process is accessible on-line (e.g. course descriptions, graduation requirements, etc.)
Important Information Counseling Assistance and Resources You will be reviewing your course selections with your counselor in social studies class. Students will also be given the option to schedule an additional individual appointment. Discuss with your parents your selected courses prior to meeting with your counselor.
Selecting Courses When deciding on which courses to take, seek the advice of your current teachers and reference the program of studies on-line. You will submit your card to your social studies teacher. Counselors will come to your social studies class to review course cards and enter course selections into the computer. All changes to selections must be done by MAY 26, 2017. After MAY 26th, no changes are granted and the schedule is final. We do NOT drop or change classes after MAY 26th.
Graduation Requirements 24 total credits: grades 9-12 3 years of science 4 years of social studies, English, and math 2 years of health/wellness (grades 10 & 11) 4 years of physical education (NJROTC exempt in grades 9 & 12) Career portfolio OR BCTC senior project Satisfactory completion of Keystone Exams/ EOCAs It is recommended that 12.5 credits be earned at the end of the sophomore year AND required that you complete 12 credits in order to advance to a Junior status.
Weighted Grades for Honors, Concurrent Enrollment, and Advanced Placement Courses The final grade-point-average (GPA) of a student for each Honors or Concurrent Enrollment (CE)* course in which the student has achieved at least a grade of B- will be raised 0.1. The final grade- point-average (GPA) of a student for Advanced Placement (AP) course in which the student has achieved at least a grade of C or higher will be raised 0.2. NOTE: Weight is pro-rated on a quarterly basis. * Students who earn a C for a Concurrent Enrollment class will still receive MCCC credit
Honors and AP Courses Parents are responsible for AP exam fees These classes will NOT be dropped if the student finds the class is too hard or does not complete the summer work (most classes have extensive summer work and homework)-deadline for course changes is the May 26th. Plan appropriately!
Concurrent Enrollment (CE) CE courses are taught at BASH. The student earns BASH credit and MCCC credits. These credits are transferrable to all of the universities in the state system of higher education (state schools) and to other approved colleges/universities. These courses may have a small fee and cost associated with purchasing a textbook/materials. Parents are responsible for these fees and there is no financial aid available. Some courses require a placement test and this is given in April at BASH.
BCTC Students will select math, social studies, English, science, wellness, and fitness to be scheduled at BASH. The entire time at BCTC will be in your designated program. If you are not a current BCTC student, you may still apply by picking up an application in the counseling office.
Cyber Courses Cyber courses are currently not NCAA approved. Animation I Animation II Academic Chemistry Academic Physics Intro to Computer Graphics Intro to Weaving Academic English 10 German IV French I Academic Modern World History
Characteristics of a Successful Online Student Be self-motivated and self-disciplined Be able to communicate through writing Feel that high-quality learning can take place without going to a traditional classroom Be willing to speak up for your education…maintain frequent communication with teacher Be willing and able to commit to 8-9 hours a week per class Meet course pacing requirements Accept critical thinking and decision making as part of the learning process Have access to a computer and the Internet Be able to think ideas through before responding Be open-minded about sharing work, experiences and life as part of the learning process These courses are treated like regular courses in that, they cannot be dropped. Choose these courses carefully!!!!!!
Course Selection Sheet You must request a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 8.0 credits. This includes major subjects and electives. You must additionally request a minimum of two alternate electives and designate those choices as “ALT”. If you do not select alternates, the computer will automatically place you in whatever is open. Request your courses based on your educational plans, career interests, and personal interests.
Important Dates January 19-23: Teachers will discuss course selection options in their content area during each class period and make course recommendations to students. February 2 @ 7:00pm: Program of studies presentation for parents in the New Auditorium February 10: All teachers will meet with students to sign any unsigned course selection cards. All social studies teachers collect course selection sheets during class.
Important Dates Cont. During February and early March, counselors will come into social studies classes to enter student’s course requests into the computer and discuss their course selections. Students will be given an opportunity during this meeting to schedule an individual appointment with his/her counselor. May 26: This is the absolute last day a student may make changes to course selections. No changes will be made after this date.
SUMMER MATH OPPORTUNITY Do you want to advance a year in math? Students currently enrolled in Algebra 2 may take a Geometry course over this summer. It is a Pass/Fail class that does not count towards your GPA Intense course over 4 weeks Small fee associated if you enroll