UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for Elementary Schools? Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Achievement 30% All Students Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Gap 30% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile Growth 40% 4th & 5th grades only Reading 50% Math 50% Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools
UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for Middle Schools? Achievement 28% All Students Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Gap 28% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile Growth 28% Reading 50% Math 50% All Students EXPLOREReading 331/3% EXPLOREMath 331/3% EXPLOREEnglish 331/3% College/Career Readiness 16% 8th grade only Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools
UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Achievement 20% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for High Schools? Students in Eng. 2, Alg. 2, Biology & US History; Writing (10th/11th) Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Gap 20% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Growth 20% Class of 2013 Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile PLAN Reading/Math (Fall 2010) to growth on ACT Reading/Math (Spring 2012) College/Career Readiness 20% College: ACT/ COMPASS/ KYOTE Career Academic: ASVAB/ WorkKeys Career Technical: KOSSA/ Industry Certificate Class of 2012 OR Graduation Rate 20% Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate formula Class of 2011 Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools
UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for Elementary Schools? Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Achievement 30% All Students Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Gap 30% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile Growth 40% 4th & 5th grades only Reading 50% Math 50% Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools
UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for Middle Schools? Achievement 28% All Students Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Gap 28% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile Growth 28% Reading 50% Math 50% All Students College/Career Readiness 16% EXPLOREReading 331/3% EXPLOREMath 331/3% EXPLOREEnglish 331/3% 8th grade only Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools
UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% UNBRIDLED LEARNING: College/Career Ready for All Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Achievement 20% What does the new Kentucky Accountability System look like for High Schools? Students in Eng. 2, Alg. 2, Biology & US History; Writing (10th/11th) Reading 20% Math 20% Science 20% Gap 20% Special Education, Minority, LEP and Free/Reduced Lunch only Overall Score Percentile Rank Overall Category Social Studies 20% Writing 16% Lang. Mechanics 4% Growth 20% Class of 2013 Overall Categories Distinguished- Above 90th Percentile Proficient-70th to 89th Percentile Needs Improvement-Below 70th Percentile PLAN Reading/Math (Fall 2010) to growth on ACT Reading/Math (Spring 2012) College/Career Readiness 20% College: ACT/ COMPASS/ KYOTE Career Academic: ASVAB/ WorkKeys Career Technical: KOSSA/ Industry Certificate Class of 2012 OR Graduation Rate 20% Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate formula Class of 2011 Jinger Carter – Henderson Co. Schools